I have an assessment of this world in I have no "friends" like Mark Levin, Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh who are liberals........nor do I pay money to sodomites who bash Jesus as El Rushbo did to Elton John.
This assessment is proven in the facts that I refer to Conservatives as they are Americans, and the reality is liberals are all traitors.
In that, I have been observing the subject Ed Schultz, not because Mr. Schultz the closet Bi Con is of any interest to me, but because of what was taking place with one Scott Hennen of Fargo, North Dakota.
I'm going to reveal something here which none of you know, and most of the nation has any idea of, but one of the main reasons the Tea Party had success by God's Grace in 2010 is because of Scott Hennen, a radio personality in the middle of nowhere.
I posted a thanks to Mr. Hennen and his lovely wife on this blog early in 2010, because he was a driving force in bringing together North Dakota energy production and the Tea Party, and extending it to two Conservative Ladies you might have heard of in Michele Bachmann and Kristi Noem.
Scott Hennen was the first nationally connected personality who brought exposure to Kristi Noem in her thank God success in ousting that criminal Democrat Stpehanie Herseth Sandlin.
In that, Michele Bachmann when targetted by Nancy Pelosi, it was Scott Hennen who put the presure wave back and made certain Ms. Bachmann is exactly where she is meant to be in line for the Speakership of the House in 2013.
Scott Hennen is a champion of Conservative Ladies. He does not speak in Freudian afterthoughts of "What guy will win", and then catches himself like Limbaugh and adds.........uh ah, Palin and Bachmann too, but Mr. Hennen has always put American women first on the agenda in equal standing with the men.
The reason I bring this out, is so you know what a debt all of us owe Mr. Hennen. From what I was informed, he was battling cancer successfully this past winter, and into this is the stage which we come to the Bi Con Misogynists.
Scott Hennen is talented, but he is a morning person. The powers at the Fargo THE FLAG radio station took him out of his element and put him into the Sean Hannity time slot which was not a good thing all around, as Hannity and Hennen were friends, and as I stated, Hennen does best in the 9 to 11 time slot, as he just has that personality which is bright and sets well as you start your day, and he does not fit in afternoon time slots.
So while Mr. Hennen was battling cancer, the powers at The Flat, who seem to be led by a very early morning personality named Bruce Kelly, decided after Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a 'talking slut', that they would get rid of Hennen and put Bi Con Ed Schultz between Limbaugh and Mark Levin.
Yeah that is like having the porn channel in between the 700 Club and This is the Life.
For that reason, I was monitoring in spot checking, to use an old trapping term, on The Flag to see what was taking place there, when I came across this Bruce Kelly on his time slot and was astounded to find a misogynist in Kelly going off on the Bi Con Karl Rove puffy lips political rape of an American woman.
When Scott Hennen a Conservative Christian was let go (Now was this from the Karl Rove group who knew Hennen was too successful in toppling these liberals in North, South Dakota and Minnesota?), his sister came onto Facebook on The Flag page, and posted how stupid it was to let Mr. Hennen go, and karma would get Bruce Kelly.
This is what I stumbled onto was Bruce Kelly in the early AM talking to the resident "christian" who replaced Hennen in the morning, going off on Nancy Hennen. It was mean, it was mocking, it was whatever, move on and get a life, to quote some of what this misogynist was mouthing off about.
The reason I used the low caps "christian" on Chris Berg is he paints Jesus and God all over his broadcast, but all I heard was Berg laughing with Kelly about this assault on a woman.
Now I do not know if Berg is a little bo peep who was not Christian or man enough to say, "Look you a**hole, I'm not going to take any part in this beating up on a woman as Scott just got over his cancer and it sucks you put Ed Bi Con Schultz onto Conservative radio", or if this Chris Berg likes beating up on women to and enjoys kicking people who had cancer around.
We do live in the Hillary and Barack age where torturing John Edwards and his then living wife who had cancer as sport, so I don't know if Berg likes this Rovian Obama rapine or if he is just a coward willing to accept the Jews being marched off to work to death camps as long as he can keep his Burgermeister job.
I found all of this repulsive as it this scum which permeates through Conservatism. You have rapist Karl Rove, you have Birther basher Ann Coulter, you have On the road to Sodom Rush Limbaugh, and then there is this Bruce Kelly laughing about verbally beating the hell out of the sister of a guy who is recovering from cancer WHO IS ON THE MAJOR REASONS THE TEA PARTY WON IN 2010.

It is all company I do not want to keep, and in one blurb, I heard an old North Dakotan phone in when Ed Schultz was being rammed down the listeners hearing who said, "I turn off your The Flag now. That Bruce Kelly is nothing to listen to and in the afternoon which Schultz it just goes off."

See children why I keep making an issue of all of these frauds in Conservatism.