I have made no secret that I did not agree with Martin King's tactics which got children chewed up by dogs in Selma, knowingly staging that for press effect, while he always sat unharmed, and in known cases was not the most moral of men according to reports.
I will thought stand for Martin King in being besmirched, blasphemed and betrayed by this Obama mob who have spit, pissed and sh*t upon the very doctrines of the Bible he preached.
In this Age of Obama perversion, we see Jerome Corsi as a focal point of hatred from the Obama mob, now threatening him, and led by two tan operatives being exposed in thee worst possible ways of thuggery in a Mr. Bryan and Mr. Coleman.
Their venom is spread across the internet in illusions to dog sex, calling people bitches and celebrating stalking, stopping free speech and hiding behind racism all to keep thee worst usurper in history in power with lies, more lies and lies piled upon lies.
In the Bible, Martin King would fine the father of lies is satan, as stated by Jesus the Christ, thee Real God, and Real Messiah, compared to this narcissist Barack Hussein Obama.
Martin King had a dream, of an America of all colors living together that Dream, but BarackHussein Obama and his minions have turned this into a nightmare.
Constantly now we read of Democrats and Republicans terrified to investigate Obama crimes and his subordinate criminals, due to the threat of blacks burning down America in thee worst kind of stereotypical hatred.
If one bothers to explore exactly the worst race riots in America, from Rodney King, WATTS to the day Martin King was murdered, one finds all this was, was the enslaved black mob, being allowed by liberal white Democrat leaders to burn down their own neighborhoods.....a sort of letting the black man do his own whipping for him.
Martin King did instigate controlled marches, but he did not incite violence by blacks. Martin King instead incited violence from segregationist southern whites on blacks for political means.
That is the difference in Martin King and Barack Obama and his followers. Martin King was passive and taught his followers to take the beating as it would earn equal standing. Barack Obama instead with his thugs tells them to get into people's faces, intimidate them, beat them, stalk them, break the law, bring a gun to a fight, not to maintain equal standing with all races, but to become the massah dictating Marxist control in this Obama abyss.
There is no humanity in these Obama followers. They are as different from the people Martin King inspired as Ronald Reagan was from National Socialist Adolf Hitler. Obama is a mob of Brown Shirts not seeking even mob rule democracy, but instead implementing the thugocracy of a dictatorship.
One notes that the Mark Halperins, Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz's are all quite content like Mr. Obama in turning the black culture completely over to the stereotype of the scary black, as this is their enforcer arm to beat Americans to death politically.
This is why this blog noted Mr. Obama baiting Louis Farrakahn's followers to come out and intimidate reporters when Obama had the Secret Service park their van outside Mr. Farrakahn's mansion, while Obama attended a behind the fence barbecue. It is all about this wilding being instigated in America, in a group of low self esteem blacks being encouraged to criminal enterprise.
It is the exact Cousin Odinga in Kenya burning down Christians in their own Churches. Mr. Obama will press this to the ends as he did against Hillary Clinton supporters in 2008 in intimidating them.
Obama is now using Eric Holder as first hammer to destroy John Edwards so Mr. Edwards does not challenge this weak Oval Office occupant.
It is all an Obama matter of him not being the anti Christ, not being the anti American, but being the literal anti King..........not sovereign monarch, but the man of Martin Luther King in this junior Obama is no Martin Luther King jr.
Instead of human shame, we instead find Mr. Bryan and Mr. Coleman, along with this Obama class of thugs striking out, using the legal system to try to intimidate Mr. Corsi in thee exact same manner as CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood use the financial sword of the courts to try to silence Americans. There is no remorse, no hesitation, no morality in any of these Obama maniacs. They are search and destroy as they can not destroy enough to offset the hurt in their hearts for seeking revenge for being born in this world.
Barack Hussein Obama is now the American nightmare which conjures the thugocracy of the mob burning Paris, the gang prowling Moscow, the brown shirt shattering glass in Berlin. The dream of Martin King is missing from all of these folks as Martin King dreamed of a heavenly Father while Obama and his hordes fixate on dreams of their earthly fathers who abandoned them for which they can not retaliate on the peaceful American enough.
In reality, Martin Luther King was murdered years ago, but Martin Luther King was assassinated in January 2009 by Barack Hussein Obama and his mob of assassins implementing this nightmare of iniquity upon the American fold.
This blog states again, Barack Hussein Obama is not the anti Christ, Barack Hussein Obama is thee anti King, in the antithesis of Martin Luther King jr's, I have a dream.