I wonder of the art of being an expert.
Sarah Palin is an expert, but ridiculed as she does not "sound" like an expert........yet I could listen to her for hours due to the fact that she actually knows of the subjects she speaks.
It is disconcerting to listen to an expert like Newt Gingrich react like a school boy to Mark Levin knowing more than Newt does. Newt is not toast, because Charles Krauthammer judges him so, but because when one knows nothing of the subject one is speaking on it does no one any good to follow that.
The problem is put Mark Levin into Ronald Reagan America and he would not have a clue what on earth those Americans would be talking about in cutting calves if it was castrating or sorting them from their mothers for weaning.
Put experts like George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Ed Schultz or Barack Obama into Sarah Palin's world and they would die in equal proportion of their own hands or own egos.
Did you know that the male testicle is covered in three layers of quite unique skin? Yes indeed, the outer scrotum is quite leathery. Inside of this the testicle is encased in a transparent membrane of almost translucent quality. Remove this in autopsy and another membrane equal to the first encases the testicle which has the scent of rendered animal fat.......akin to a fur shed scent filled with pelts.
Certainly one could ask Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity what this scent is, as of course they would know as would Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow.
I find it repulsive and fascinating that people eat chislets, which are testicles fried. They are quite rich in being akin to pure fat, but being Biblical I abstain from eating things which defile.
A dinner conversation of the above would have the Bi Con and the liberal rolling their eyes, unless of course it was Barney Frank as one surmises he would be most enticed in knowing more about male testicles as he has invested his entire existence in being defined by them.
Some might inquire as to how one comes across such knowledge. I would imagine that if one said, "I'm on Obama SEAL Team Sex, Don't Scratch Don't Yell", and producing a photo of you with Osama bin Laden's testicles which you presented for B. Hussein Obama's library wall, would of course entice the tap tap crowd..........the tap tap crowd is for the glowing eyes of those who got off on bin Laden shot twice in his head, a sort of Jake Tapper unction without the tap in your name.
Did you know Rasputin the Russian monk had his testicles and penis removed? I have seen them in a jar, with the three layers of testicle skin covering still in place.
Odd what folks cut off when they have just murdered someone the hard way.
I'm convinced in part that morticians have a fetish for the dead they indulge in and medical examiners are lured by the scent of decomposing flesh.
Odd how garlic, onion and cumin mimic rotten flesh and cheese mimics feces. Ah the enticing flavours of French cuisine.
Sperm always knows to swim up and not out.........eggs always know to drift down and not up.
Eating eggs is considered the complete nutritional meal. Sperm is proven to be a healthful elixir for the female womb.
Yeast and bacteria make bread. Yeast and bacteria also make people.
I wonder if God had created for babies a gun to protect themselves and a mother after pill in which if a physician tried to aborticide them they could fight back and shoot them, and if the womb provider tried to murder them, they could stick 10 cc's of sarin into the mother, just how many abortions would take place with the child making the choice and the child aborting the doctor.
Probably a woman and a womb are to protect babies and not attack them as no fire axes are built into a womb for a baby to break the glass of so they could cut their way out.
Did I mention that testicles are covered in three tough covers of skin.................