It is now time my children to begin to play this game in outing in detail who the first players are on the Democratic side in this Obama Coup.
Some might as they hide in the Deep Tutu shadows have concerns that tipping off to Obama who is behind this onslaught which Ulsterman has promised, that this will once again give him the advantage in bribing and blackmailing his way out of this........but you forget one thing children, Obama never shut down the Clintons in the first coup attempt.......it was the central European Rothschilds in exchange for Obama stealing a trillion more for their banks and mideast revolutions with the cherry of Libyan oil in new Roman Empire.......they got the rode miles out of Obama now, and children Obama has nothing more to offer them, so they are allowing this to go forward.
Yes this is Bill and Hillary Clinton at the center of this in revenge over their 44th Presidency. It is the Rockefeller order, and as you can see the balance of power has switched from New York to Washington as that old globalist coup plotter the Washington Post is as of today firing off the opening shots in this coupvalution.........hey I like that and will use that as the title of this post....but this Coupvalution.........pronounced COO VAH LU SHUN, has two stories in Obama is a crook in cooking the books and dear old Rockefeller globalist greener obamacare Mormon Romney is topping Obama in the polls..........no doubt among staged polling data among Mormons and discounting all Conservative voters.
So you know what the translation is in liberal terms........Mark Levin terms as he likes besmerching Nixon......yes the Watergate plotting Washington Post is announcing Nixon is back in the White House and Obama jr. is a crook and going down.
Little Dana Milbank was the first round in this a year ago and now he is joined by other long knives..........the Post is taking down Obama in the way they took down Nixon. Difference is Obama is a crook and Nixon was not.
Glen Kessler is at the Post and looks like Sean Hannity after one too many fruity drinks at Rush Limbaugh's Elton John gushy entertainment............then there is Dan Balz and Jon Cohen in on this.............Balz looks like Sean Hannity's testicle and is a Gerald Ford coup plotter and Cohen in that name must be the Jewish right testicle of Sean Hannity......no pictures but he has to be smiling guy like Mark Levin to get this presitgious job in bringing down Obama.
I see James Carville stuck his head out to float a story that Obama is a gimpy horse for 2012 and sparkplug might not reach the finish line.
Then there is our Gov. Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii who restarted this fire for the Clintons.....and our most admired proper bastard in Deep Tutu Rahm Emanuel, the gatekeeper of all things Obama Chicago crimes...........a Rahm who fled a mayoral debate as it seemed someone was trying to whack him from the Obama side............maybe with the same gun that murdered Donald Young eh?
Then there is the coohie coos, our favorite Chicago thugs in Dick and Bill Daley, who finally did come home and have brought their long Cassius knives with them...........as Obama has crossed the Rubicon, but the loyal Democrats have other plans in restoring the democracy mob rule they cherish.
Do not mix this up kiddos in there is Obama Chicago hamburger helper politics and then there is the real meat deal of steak in the Daley Democrat policital machine.
William Daley replaced coup plotter Rahm, because Obama was ordered to take him..........Bill Daley does not have the lean and hungry Shakespearean look about him, and appears more the fat jolly man, but he is doing the deed and Reggie Love as I have warned Mr. Love, better pack up his love handles Obama has been stroking and find some French giggilo brothel to crawl into, as when you lay hands on a Daley, you will pay.
Where were we?
Oh yes, Donald Trump is involved in this. He is the Democrat dabbling the Republican party and Donald is a bit like that Merchant of Venice Jew.............he got his pound of flesh off Obama already, but he is still pissed off Obama disssed him on that construction project...........and Donald wants another pound as the judges in this court are allowing him leeway in hacking off pieces of Obama.
I will add another Democrat in the Republican party is joining with Donald in this coup and it is Mormon Romney. That is why the Post is doing the picking of Romney as Karl puffy lips Rove can't get any of his closet candidates to get any traction in the GOP primaries........the Post just figures they will declare Romeny the GOP winner as it is easier that way if they make up the Republican's minds for them.............
Am thinking if there is someone I have not outed yet? Oh well no......Nancy Pelosi is a nobody made that way by Obama, but she is with the DNC leadership now providing cover in Congress with the Boehnerites to bring down Obama............the Anthony Wiener thing is the tip of the one eyed monster in this.........Pelosi is trashing the Obama minions and look to this bunch in Congress to follow the Clintons to appease them, as Hillary and Bill are still furious in now they shoved them under the Obama bus.
That should be enough confidential outing for now..........I know kiddos you want all the names, but sweethearts while you could deal with all the names, that brown recluse in the White House is going to have the Ann Coulter demon of a time putting this on a teleprompter, having Obama recite it.............and then have him remember who are the enemies doing the plotting.
I will reveal now the reason now for doing this, and why this blog has been doing this. It is not to put the coup plotters in danger, but it is to keep them honest...........and no surer way to keep them honest for Americans and running a new Democrat or as the deal is to put into place a Republican in 2012, is than to let that black mob for Obama know along with tan man Obama, that these are the long knife carriers in this coupvalution.........there will be no quarter for them in the covens, cesspools, caves and under rocks for them to scurry back to now. Their quarter is now with the right wing who will guard their flanks as long as they follow through and do not turn this into a Mexican standoff again.
So enjoy the theater my babies, all the world is a stage and you have front row seats now for all the work you have been accomplishing in God's Grace in this most horrid time in American History.
It has just begun and it is not over by a long shot, but this unmoveable object is moving by an irresistable force now.