As of course and exclusive only here, I noticed something which has me puzzled as I have not seen any news stories on this, and that means what I'm calling for in Congressional hearings on this issue of the public safety, and it has to deal with the reality that apparently the Obama regime, the FAA and the air carriers in America have changed flight manifests..........in simple terms, jets are flying on routes and at altitudes which have not been flown previously and apparently it is a big secret as no one has exposed this change.
I suspect what is behind it is Obama's massively high fuel prices in carriers are flying over country now and not taking the long routes which were previously the destination routes, as in one would fly from Atlanta, to Chicago, to Spokane, to Anchorage to Tokyo in the normal "ping" routes, but things have changed now and Congress must look into this as from what I have observed we now have additional ceilings in operation.
So this is not all Greek to you, I will explain a few things.
Airliners, as if you recall in KAL Flight 700 which the Soviets shot down, followed "pings" as in there are directional beacons set up that a pilot hears a ping in both of his earphones when a plane was on course, and when a plane was off course, you only heard the ping in one ear, so you knew to turn.
Things are of course different with Global Positioning, but in IMF or instrument ratings, one starts at the beginning of this as this set up the east west flying corridors which all airliners flew in.
Jets so they would not crash into each other, have not only time departure, destinations and flight manifests, but also they fly at different altitudes when flying east and west. It is an added safety precaution.
That is the commercial flight ceiling for jet planes.
There is a lower ceiling on the same routes, and scheduled for safety different times for prop planes. Prop planes of course fly at a lower ceiling which keeps them out of the way of jets.
What I have noticed though as of late which started to puzzle me is there are now jets flying in north south corridors, these for the most part were military ceilings, which are a different altitude as crossing a diagonal plane route will still cause a crash. This started a few years ago and were based upon the Reagan overflights of the B 52 ballet he put on for the Soviets just to show them what American bomber pilots could do.....a sort of Crazy Reagan to scare the Russians, but is was magnificent to behold the American pilots flying those massive bombers in squadron of four weaving about like fighter jets.
I digress.
In speaking of President Reagan, I will note that Air Force One also has it's own ceiling where it flies anywhere it pleases. I will not go into that, but I place this before the public so they can start tallying up numerous flight ceilings which were already over busy American skies.
So in tallying this up, there are apparently now 11 flight ceilings operational over America as most require a departure and landing route of different altitude without going into details about Air Force One.
This all seems a bit too complicated and a public safety concern, as God forbid everyone knows what hell it was on 9 11 when that terror attack took place in trying to pull all those jets out of the skies....and I remind you, that in that 2001 Bush43 era, the airliners were not flying diagonal across America to whatever American city or Asian destinations.
As there have been no notices I have observed, the Obama regime and the FAA along with the flight carriers must have implemented this without telling Congress. That concerns me greatly as Mrs. Tom Daschle got a plane load of people killed when she was with FAA and no one did a thing about that.
So this blog calls for Congressional hearings to sort this out, as America now has a woven pattern above her which works fine when things are working fine, but systems do fail, and the people on the ground do not need Lockerbie litter coming down on them if someone is not behaving in a jet.
This is a matter of public safety as a jet I observed on a northwest tangent this morning did indeed in it's contrail track under the normal east west flights. That ceiling is very close to what is the commercial propeller flights.
It just seems a bit to jammed up and a bit too close and therefore it would be rational for Congress to investigate just what is taking place, as all of those Congressmen and women are on those flights more than the regular folks stuck on the ground.
Once again an exclusive.........and who knows maybe this blog just saved subsidized multi millionaire jet flier Rush Limbaugh's life in his private jet by exposing the pending glitches in air travel............you know the plagiarist who owes this blog 11 million bucks and .........something about 55 grande in his wife paying that bill.