Normalcy would convey shame if one's sperm donor was a bigamist Kenyan manwhore who raped your womb provider according to statutory law brought about by self loathing in being named as a male and watching a movie which instilled a fetish for niggardly shaded penis.
Yet Barack Hussein Obama dreamed of such a father.
Normalcy would convey shame if one's womb donor was such a woman who abandoned her own child for lusts and that offspring then abandoned that female stricken with cancer as she perished.
Yet Barack Hussein Obama used this mother for sympathy at his Denver Democratic Convention.
Normalcy would convey shame if one's African benefactor vouched for you dark continent status and Muslim brotherhood, and you as his African son turned around and stole his nation, his oil, and murdered this benefactors sons and grandchildren.
Yet this is what Barack Hussein Obama has done, and continues to do in trying to murder Moammar Khadaffi.
This blog alone diagnosed B. Hussein Obama as a sociopath, obssessive, homicidal, suicidal and delusional pathological liar. Not even though Charles Krauthammer with his appendages of volumes of printed sources quoted no one has ever read nor Rush Limbaugh in half brain has been capable of identifying Mr. Obama beyond narcissist or destroyer.
What Barack Hussein Obama is, is simple, in this small man is a feist.
Some might term him as a fice which is of the same origin grammatically and defintion, but the reality, Barck Hussein Obama defined hisself early, and that he is indeed feist.
What is a feist?
A cur, a mongrel, a mutt, a feist in the National Socialist German of Karl Marx origins, a nervous belligerent little mongrel dog, for this is what a feist is.
A mongrel as a derogitory term for that which is not genuine, irregular, inferior, and of dubious origin.
A cur as a derogitory term for that which is cowardly and despicable.
A mutt as derogitory term for that which is of bastard origins of mingled lines.
Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, Soebarkah, is a feist, a phony, a fraud, a forged documented illegal alien of third world origin, a usurper, a cull of the world.
We know this, because Mr. Obama in catharsis, confessional and admission on The View blurted out his mongrel status and fittingly called attention to his dubious origins, for they are origins in this bastard changeling, who has numerous birth abstracts, numerous nationalities and numerous stories of extraction, for he was indeed extracted like an aborted tissue scraped from the womb America and became the rotting stench polluting the body politic of America.
A product of rape, adultery, fornication and criminal illegal invasion of American birthright. All of which occurred while Boy Obama was still in that a venter, the legal status for conceived and not yet born, such a product that would, should, could be something of shame.
Yet this is the liberal pride, the progressive defense to the abyss, the Ann Coulter certification, the Karl Rove gamete of the revenge of Stanley Ann Dunham in the jest of the European cartel as they vent hatred upon Sarah Palin, not for a thing she has done, but as this ilk voted for Obama in trying to pretend they were not racists, vent upon Sarah Palin for being the jealous, envious, covetous demoniacs..........
as nothing else mattered.
The feist, you should be ashamed as those who embraced Judas Iscariot and crucified the innoncent Jesus the Christ.
And the days go by like a strand in the wind
In the web that is my own
I begin again
Said to my friend baby
Nothin' else mattered
He was no more than a baby then
Well, he seemed broken hearted, something within him
But the moment that I first laid eyes on him all alone
On the edge of seventeen