The Northern Plains are now in the effects of a tidal flood of epic proportions due to heavy snows last winter, a slow melt wished for by idiots which assisted in the massive tornadoes in the south, and again one of those 1000 year rainfalls of an entire seasons rain in a week in the Yellowstone Basin in Montana.
I don't really care one wit about the flooding as idiots who trust the Army Corp of Engineers are fools and they are larger fools for living in a slough bottom, as that is what a river bottom is. Those banks on a river and the breaks beyond mean that water gets that high, so only a fool builds their home there.
What I do care about is fools when I warned them, as here am I moved to remind them that I warned them, and the entire nation, because not exposing the lie of Tim Johnson being incompetent to serve in the US Senate is now costing Americans billions of dollars.
See there is a reason one does not put mentally retarded people into operating rooms in giving them a doctor's degree, there is a reason you do not put Charles Krauthammer a quadriplegic who does enough damage to the world with his mouth, into a cockpit because airplanes need more than a mouth in an emergency, and Americans need more than a turnip brain who sold his seat to Barack Obama for that illegal Obamacare in exchange for his son Brendan being installed illegally as US Attorney in South Dakota as heir apparent.
The reason is South Dakotans are finding out, in that Johnson can barely travel and was phoning in his reports before the flooding on issues which didn't matter, but now that South Dakota is being deluged, Johnson is nowhere to be found.
Who is doing the on the ground work? Well it is Republicans in Sen. John Thune in Pierre and CongressLady Kristi Noem in Yankton.
See when you have an emergency one NEEDS leaders who are all there and not absent, because they can not do the job. It is one thing for Democrats and Karl Rove along with the front benchers to give Tim Johnson a sympathy pass in just being a lever puller for Marxist mandates destroying America........as it is the "kind" thing to do, but when the sh*t hits the fan, this gimp in Tim Johnson is a dead weight upon America, and is costing America billions as he can not be on the scene, can not raise hell with the Army Corp, can not investigate a thing, can not have saw this coming and built some dikes so this would not be the problem it is for locals from Montana, North Dakota to South Dakota.........and this is all coming in a massive flood wave to those areas of the Mississippi River already deluged.
This is frustrating in being the only one in this world who warned Americans of this, and all of these cowards sat on their asses instead of doing something in exposing the absolute lies about Tim Johnson.
I make the same point in Gabrielle Giffords as this woman is incapable of anything in Congress and yet Democrats leave the people in that Arizona District exposed to calamity all so her Elroy Jetson husband will in another year get that seat on another damn sympathy vote.
Republicans are damned cowards for not making an issue of this in pointing out that the entire Congress is degraded when these vegetable brains are not there doing their job.
What the hell is the threshold in this? 1 gimp in the Senate? 10 gimps? 30 on life support? Is it a matter when 49 is acceptable in being absent and incapable, so that half of America is not represented?
Look what a teleprompter reader accomplishes with someone else doing the thinking for him in a disaster for America. All of this is thee issue and Tim Johnson long ago if he was an American would have resigned that seat, and worse yet those dumb political asses of South Dakota had no business sending this vegetable brain back to Congress, as now when they need that third leader in Congress, Johnson is incapable of the job.
This costs America, it endangers America and it is a burden to all Americans.
Where is the Gabrielle Giffords investigation into the murder by the Dupnik Deputy Dogs of an American Veteran shooting him so many times his body looked like hamburger?
Where is the Tim Johnson hearing on the Army Corp of engineers when instead of 6 voices in the Senate calling for hearings, Conrad is out and doesn't care, the Montana Democrats could care less, so it is left two Republicans in John Hoven and John Thune to try and hold the Obama regime to task of this catastrophe of REPUBLICAN STATES IN DESTROYING THEM exactly as Obama did the GOP Gulf States in 2010 in this oil sabotage.
It is difficult at times being the only adult in a mob of cowards like Rush Limbaugh who won't bring this to issue or squat assassins like Charles Krauthammer more intent on political rape than on exposing Obama crimes.
There is never enough said on this as insurance in rich folks in million dollar homes get put onto poor people across America in higher premiums. This costs America billions of dollars and it is all laid to blame at the foundation of Obama crimes and the gimp vote seller of South Dakota and those stupid Tom Dachle asses who sent Tim Johnson back to Congress........but there sits Arizona on her ass allowing Gabrielle Giffords to be a political whore to the Obama regime.
America is broke and Americans are bankrupted on good intentions on voting away their racism with Obama they still possess and keeping around the invalid invalids when Americans need LEADERSHIP in every seat, because Congress is full to too many wieners attached to Weiners destroying America with Obama.
Break the silence
Damn the dark
Damn the lies
If you don't love me now
You will never love me
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain