I'm posting this from a hit piece by Terrence Scanlon on Jenny McCarthy over her fight against vaccines making children sick.......while Mr. Scanlon makes this Mother an enemy of the state.
The reason for posting this information is the Daily Caller is "moderating" my comments and they seem to never get posted when moderated..........as apparently think tank operator Mr. Scanlon is only interested in his rubber stamp political rape of an American Mother with a different idea than his bought and paid for diatribes.
In any moderation.........think people about what you are being fed by the always experts.
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For those trashing Jenny McCarthy on the information of Terrence Scanlon as “science”, consider that Bill Gates of Microsoft in a speech was recorded as stating that public vaccines were going to be utilized to crop a billion people from this planet, according to the globalist agenda.
That is a fact and while dead is not a brain disorder, it is a link that vaccines are indeed dangerous and have been a roulette known since they began.
It is a matter of acceptable public murder as in the Swine Flu vaccines in small numbers of Americans died from that vaccine or suffered complications, but the “good” was thought to outweigh the dead………as long as it was not your family member who was dead.
For Mr. Scanlon to be trashing Ms. McCarthy when even his experts have no idea what the cause of autism is, is shameful. The real issue is how does America make ALL vaccines safe with nothing stuck into them by the government or drug companies for future medical conditions, to either crop Bill Gates people or profit off of in more necessary vaccines or pills in Obamacare?
If you think that this does not happen, you are naive. One of Obama’s chief backers is Monsanto who he just did a fast track on their poison Round Up group of frankenfoods to take over the nations sugar supply.
That group of genetically modified crops is causing havoc to Americans in the increase of inflammatory diseases. For the record in this, farmers also noted that “new weeds” were showing up in their fields as these special grains were having weeds included so farmers would have to buy the Monsanto herbicides.
Why do you think that you see nothing but drugs sponsoring your television programs now? It used to be cigarettes, then it was beer, and after they were hounded off the air, now we have new pharmaceutical chemicals to take place of the other cheaper chemicals.
This is an industry which has doctors earning income from pushing toxins, cutting or frying the body in radiation. It pays to make people sick and keep people sick.
As for the spread of disease, let us examine that these germ carriers are not Jenny McCarthy nor Americans as a whole, but the disease carriers are these Obama illegals flooding America from across the world. That is the source and it is infecting Americans from bed bugs to TB, but as there is big money in those slave immigrants, the regime just ignores the reality and Mr. Scanlon posts a hit piece not providing the entire picture, as it is so much easier to herd the masses to their roulette of death and harm.
A mother protecting her child is now the enemy of the state. Not everyone can be like Mr. Scanlon being funded at a think tank by the very folks who are making criminals of desperate parents.
Janet Napolitano was ordering Americans after terrifying them all through 2009 of that Obama Flu to wipe snot on their sleeves as a way to stop the spread of a flu bug.
For the reality, in real medical information I uncovered and published, the medical community KNEW there was no danger from that flu out of Mexico and no vaccines were necessary. What was necessary was giving fluids to the sick AND MAKING SURE THEY MOVED WHILE LAYING DOWN SO PNEUMONIA WOULD NOT SET IN.
Now none of that information reached the public and numerous people died, including Mr. Scanlon’s sympathy story of “for the children”. It was criminal and no one yet has done a thing about it, but what was done, was that vaccine was pushed and the smart Americans did not have that for profit poison stuck into them with serious side effects.
Oh and for whooping cough, you can do a search in which people get vaccinated for pertussis and they contract it later. One can also find that live steam is what was the cure for children and still is.
One can use dead babies as battering ram points to make mothers enemies of the state accusing them of causing the deaths of babies, but one can also note that if that dead baby was dead from a vaccine, that mother would be raising hell with Jenny McCarthy.
Vaccines kill hosts of people. This is America of sorts yet and parents and children have the right to get sick and die……..just like mothers have the right to keep their infants isolated and home in not exposing them to sick germ carriers at daycare.
….and no I’m not a fan of Ms. McCarthy. I’m a proponent of a secure America where the dead from vaccines in our past did not die in vain, because America is a test tube rat for the world now to profit off of.
Coughs - Health911.com - Coughing, Chronic Cough, Allergy Cough ...
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Your Natural Baby and More: Whooping Cough -Natural Remedy Thursday
Aug 19, 2009 ... Whooping Cough -Natural Remedy Thursday. As a teenager, I was vaccinated for Pertussis (Whooping Cough). I contracted it 4 years later. ...yournaturalbabyandmore.blogspot.com/.../whooping-cough-natural-remedy-