Monday, June 20, 2011

The Flossies

I received this unasked for email from a Rufus know the Obama felons who have been impersonating this blog.....and my first thought was, "What kind of freak is named RUFUS?"

So I started doing some checking and a photo popped up, and I immediately said, "Ok this is a sodomite", and that started me thinking as why is it that you can actually look at queernation and their not being a race, you can see in a moment if someone is homosexual..........just like someone is mentally retarded, suffering from some disease like MS or...........well there just is strangely no way to tell if someone is a serial murderer, a pedophile or a necrophite in their sexual choices, but why is it being gay jumps right out there and you immediately can see that is what they do?

Why is it that other sexual perversions are not noticable, but being gay is not a race issue, but it seems to show up in literal afflictions which seem to deal with the brain and central nervous systems?

What struck me most was this Rufus for Obama was the story I found in which Rufus was in a limo with Obama like Lawrence Sinclair, firing off gay talking points, and word for word Obama was reciting them on national television.
In addition, Rufus is part of a flossie team, in which he is the boy and his girl is a girl named Jeremy Bernard.

Now what I desire here is for you to look really close at the above photo of the Obama meat sandwich.........and no I did not photoshop the baboon on the top, as that is part of a queernation site of people who never serve in the military who want gays in there to die..........but look really close at Rufus, Barry and Jeremy and ask yourself which one looks more gay?

You betcha baby sister, in a gay sandwhich, lesbian Barack Obama is the gayest looking one in the mix.
Obama literally glows, is radiant, is a blushing bride around sodomite men. You are seeing the Barack just flower in the way Lawrence Sinclair and Donald Young beheld Barry Obama, the Chicago hostess.

You can just look at this picture and see Obama is ga ga gay, the gayest of the mirror mirror fairiest in the land.

These though are the traitors. The rich voting block who do not give a damn about American finance, security nor issues of our survival. Obama can gayly put America into the abyss, but as long as gays get their military suicide boyz and girlz club and get marriage benefits destroying the fabric of society, America can go to hell economicially and in endless Obama wars, as this clique donates millions to keep thee Obama disaster in power.

Well first it was the fat girl Juliana Smoote or someting with her pearl necklase auctioning off dates with Obama, and now apparently for the male donors, you will get Jer, Roof and Bam with their dirty dicks donating to you.

I wonder if Rush the leaner Limbaugh and Karl puffy lips Rove will be popping out of the Obama first date closet too?

Oh and Rufus, I'm sure when you and Obama have destroyed America and those Mexican thugs, Chicom thugs and Russian thugs invade, that they are going to make it their top priority in gay marriages and your serving in the military.......................Rufus figure on your being married to full metal jacket bullet from a Russian after a Chicom shoves his bayonette up your ass in your military service of filling a mass grave, as these comrades...........well, you figure it out.


Friend --

Since we launched our "Dinner with Barack" contest on Wednesday, we've been getting asked a lot: "Is this for real?"

Yes, it is.

President Obama is really going to sit down with four supporters for dinner. And if you donate to support this campaign before 11:59 p.m. on June 30th, you'll be automatically entered for the chance to be one of those guests.

Make a $5 donation today:

We're able to put on a contest like this because this campaign isn't like other campaigns.

The organization we're building across the country is for supporters like you to help shape. And unlike ones that count on special-interest PACs and Washington lobbyists to foot their bills, we rely on support from grassroots donors like you. So I'm asking you to own a piece of the campaign -- and when you do, you'll get a shot at a once-in-lifetime opportunity to have dinner with the President:



Rufus Gifford
National Finance Director
Obama for America

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on 6/30/11. You may enter by contributing to Sponsor. Alternatively, click here to enter without contributing. Four winners will each receive the following prize package: one round-trip ticket within the continental U.S. to a destination to be determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion; hotel accommodations for one; and dinner with President Obama on a date to be determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion (approximate combined retail value of all prizes $1,075). Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of 50 United States and District of Columbia and 18 or older (or of majority under applicable law). Promotion subject to Official Rules and additional restrictions on eligibility. Click here for full details, restrictions, and Official Rules. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.
Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.