I prefer that each of you slow down and read this fast paced blog and invest the effort in definitions as this is extremely important, as the patricians create words for you to use as buzz words, and when repeated often enough, the public recoils, shuts down and stops listening.......as they have a prejudice and bias formed on that word.
I dislike the term "neocon". It is racist or anti Semite against Jews, and was created by communist Jews to slur Jews who voted for Ronald Reagan, and for the most part are now in Bill Krystol and Mark Levin keeping Barack Obama in office.
I desire you to consider the facts, Mark Levin fans, as while I enjoy Mr. Levin, he is a paid Mockingbird agent and some very nefarious protocols appear on his program.
For example, I caught in his second hour 3 absolute deceptions meant to dull listeners minds as to what Obama really is. The worst was the 4th in which a Sol from Florida, someone Levin started out mocking, until he found out the Gentleman was in his 80's, but Sol was pleading on how to save America............AND IT WAS THE BIRTHER ISSUE which Sol was speaking of, but no by name.
Sol was making the valid point that Obama would be removed from office on fraud immediately, that all of his laws, executive orders and appointments would be nullified...........as Sol correctly diagnosed that America has no more time and America is in the abyss.
Levin's response was textbook in, "Not going to happen". Levin beat the old man down twice with that water on the fire.
Levin has been exposed here in his slamming the Birthers and impeachment as there was not enough time...........yet when it is his 14th Amendment nonsense, then Levin has plenty of time for Obama impeachment..........or so he tells his audience.
Some would term Mark Levin a neocon, because he is Ashkenaz Jewish of Russian extraction, but I would ask those Patriots to examine something in how they use that communist slur, "Does not a neocon have to be a Conservative in the first place to be a "new conservative"?"
From what Mark Levin's dad has been spoken of, he might be a neocon from the 1960's in being for Barry Goldwater. Mark Levin though is not of this order. Mark Levin is more of the child of the Ashkenaz socially rising family, who attended the correct schools, made the right friends, was appointed to the right positions all in 1935, so that when the National Socialists seized power under Hitler, and moved into Mark Levin's frog France, that Levin was the "trusted voice" telling the masses on radio, "This nazi thing is not so bad, but never forget we are French to the end".
In that, Mark Levin is a Vichy Con from Vichy Nazi National Socialist occupied France. He is a collaborator exactly as Bill Krystol in sabotaging the right, deflecting the resistance and keeping Hitler in power.
If one prefers the Kremlin, analogy, Mark Levin is the Jewish element who readily turned over all allegiance to Lenin and Stalin, and assisted in their cementing of power to a totalitarian state.
Only this blog made a point of it several months ago, how Mark Levin, Sean Hannity when he appeared in segment and Tom Marr, went on a gay binge, to which I correctly termed these Limbaugh Leaners, the Bi Cons, as out of the blue they were making pro gay statement right out of the Karl puffy lips Rove talking points.
These were talking points children and it was a psyops operation.
What do I mean by that?
The Tavistock Institute creates psychological programs for individuals and the mass populace. It is necessary in the cartel's protocols to at times gauge what the populace will accept. As Joseph Farah started battling like Anita Bryant in the late 1970's before the cartel destroyed the Florida Sunshine Gal, there was a massive Karl Rove gay push to install sodomy into the GOP Conservative movement.
I have noted that Rush Limbaugh blurted out that the worst part of Iran was not nuclear bombs, but how they put sodomite on trial.
Limbaugh is the chief gauge in this, and there has been a vast testing ground on the EIB this past several years, from Limbaugh claiming to be Tea Party.........and then when outed, now stating he was separated from the Tea Party as in "them" when he spoke on his program.
One of these gauges is the sodomite issue. The institutionalization of sodomy in the GOP Conservatives was being tested when Levin and Marr were about there Mockingbird tests.
Do not think this is going away, as Tavistock gauged it as a data test alone, and they will be back with this, as the gay issue has nothing to do with gays, it has to do with disrupting the American fabric and conditioning the populace for what is really on the agenda and that is legal child rape as Hillary Clinton was pushing back in the 90's as has been exposed here.
It was not lost that 30% of Limbaugh's and Levin's audiences fled, because in being outed here as Vichy Cons, Obama collaborators...........that Tavistock saw that 70% of the audience stayed in people who define themselves Conservatives.
Examine it closely people. Sean Hannity sabotages Jerome Corsi's book tour. Mark Levin refuses to remove Obama from office. Rush Limbaugh invites Jesus basher Elton John to his wedding and pays him a million dollars............all are pro gay, all are enabling Obama and all are part of a movement of raping the poor and middle class in America in their "Limbaugh gridlock" of low interest which only benefits the billionaires, money in the stock market or gold to deflate it, and attacks on things like ethanol which keep money in poor rural states empowering America, instead of money horded into the oil baron cartel.
This entire bench mob heading the right is nothing but installed shills just like Obama was installed. They are the feudal system of plantation massahs like Levin and Rove on the right and slave traders like Ed Schultz and Obama on the union illegal left.
........and when Sol correctly as this blog pointed out, stated that in succession that John Boehner would be President by law with Obama removed.......Levin's cut down was, "Well Boehner and McCain are weak and wouldn't do much".
Well let's see Mark Levin, we got a economic terrorist in Barack Obama raping your children's future, compared to Boehner who would stop raping the children immediately.
I guess for Levin once his daughter is raped, she is damaged goods, so it doesn't matter if Obama puts the wood to her for another year........so keep him around and wait for the patrol to come pick him up in November......no sense in stopping the repeated rapes and putting John Boehner in charge of the block even if all he does is sleep all the time.
That is a collaborator and that is exactly what Mark Levin is. His Ashkenaz were drinking champagne with the Nazi as they sold ghetto Jews to the German slave labor camps and his Ashkenaz in Russia were singing praises to Stalin in plays as the KGB hauled Jews off to the torture gulags.
There is absolutely no difference in Paul Robeson covering up for communists and Mark Levin covering up for Marxist Obama.
The list is long in this from Ann Coulter, Peggy Noonan, David Brooks............hell bells people, if they are on television, on radio, publishing books with the big money jobs, they are Obama Vichy Cons to this National Socialist rapine to birth the communist manifesto into America.
..........and do not get lost in this children in Mark Levin in his Liberty and Tyranny called it a MANIFESTO...........that is communist speak, and in that at least the Viking Jesuit Andrew Brevick or whatever his name is in English called his work a DECLARATION, as that is what people on the right do is declare things........but then Limbaugh was busy calling him a Nazi in distorting what was taking place there too.
If you want to know the real danger, and the real pleasure point in the cartels? It is not Obama in the least, it is 70% of the Levin, Limbaugh and Hannity audience remained. It is the majority of FOX news fans remained in watching that Obama station and not turning off FOX radio news which sounds more like something out of Hanoi in praise of Comrade Ho.
Mark Levin's hired mission, just like Limbaugh's in conditioning the right wing to be a sodomite, "god bless you" with no Jesus being mentioned and Obama enabling mob, while preaching the Constitution............and forever saying, "That ain't going to happen" to quell the mob.
You do not realize how far you have been led to the fiery stake children if you continue to put your faith in these FOXHOLES and their friendly comrades like Levin and Limbaugh. They whisper in your ear how much they support you and in the next breath are telling you to wait, wait, wait, wait, wait for the rape, pillaging and murder to continue as your Constitutional fixes will not happen............wait children, wait........keep Obama in office for a longer period of time and discount that he stole the 2008 elections.
Wait for your gulags and work camps.............