Long ago I solved the legend of goat boy Pan and that man bull Centaur, or whatever those hybrid animal human crosses were, as they dealt with the natural ability of overriding God's "kind after kind" which all species have in a protein coating on eggs will only accept like protein sperm of the species and sometimes within genus.
The reason these animal human hybrids occurred in the Rome region of legend is due to volcanic activity. There is a chemical produced, solluable in water found in volcanic activity which if one is conducting pagan animal sex rites as those religions did and as primitives did indeed violate laws of nature in sexually assaulting their herds, that one could produced these odd rarities of legend.
I really should have been awarded a Nobel Prize for that genetic forensic work.
In any event, I'm concerned about feeding people, and I reckon that the olde chicken has passed it's time in food production. What should be a United States Government project I will term MULE, as mules are ass and horse hybrids, is that the Cornish Rock Broiler should be artificially mated with the Broad Breasted White Turkey.
The problem with genus cross is nature abhores them, and they are sterile. This was overcome in the Beefalo in the 1970's though in the cross between bison and beef cattle in they did in time start to reproduce.
I have as a project as I love turkeys some broad breasted turkey poults who talk to me and follow me around like children. I purchased one white chic hoping it would be easier to kill, but she was following me about doing chores this morning talking to me, so I'm not feeling really cold blooded assassin about all of this right now or later.
Turkeys are not too bright in not coming in out of the rain, and our breeding strain we had when I was a child sat in trees during blizzards and froze to death. It was all sad, especially when those damned horned owls would kill them and only eat the brains out, as that was the delicacy and leave a 35 pound bird wasted.
America, you really need to kill those damned predators who are killing everything about you. I can not go anywhere now without seeing those carion eating bald eagles, buzzards or those acipear hawks cleaning out the upland game fields. I digress, but your international treaties protecting those horrid cormorants who should be wiped out as the destroy fisheries are just an example of America being destroyed by thee absolute destruction of these predator species.
Meanwhile back at the farm, I was considering my poults in how they are around 10 pounds now as I lift them up and put them into the pens. That is approximately the maximum weight of a broiler, so would it not be a good thing for world hunger if a chicken turkey cross was initiated and bring chickens quicker to the 20 pound bracket by crossing them with turkeys?
Of course, there are genetics which must be dealt with, but protocols like "flavor" as in keeping these hybrids tasting like nothing as Americans do not like flavored meat, must be taken into account.
I had some barred rock chickens several years ago which I butchered and they were thee most greasy and foul fowl tasting things I have ever frowned upon. Not all chickens taste alike, and the cornish rock is the bird which Americans can not taste, so in a breeding program one would run the genetics in breeding to achieve this 20 to 40 pound chicken.
Feathering would be already something accomplished as the cornish and broad breasted both are design to pluck easily.........and their temprament is already bred in for a docile nature.
The one thing I do see a need for though is getting rid of the bones in the turkey legs........or the hybrid. Those are just nasty get in the way bones of the grouse and pheasant class of fowl. Once gain it should be possible in ultrasound to find the hybrids or the CHICKEY which have naturally removed the bones and breed that out through successive inseminations.
This program would require perhaps 50 million dollars, which includes feed, testing etc... for a one million bird flock starting out, in which the bet attributes were found and then bred again into the next generation as the flock genetics would be diversified and the best qualities enhanced for market.
For those who think this is a great deal of birds, Luther Burbank and other breeders would plant thousands of tomatoes and cucumbers just to find the one which would end up on your table. I have been working on a breed of chicken for my specific needs of hardiness, flavor, broodiness, egg laying and pretty..........and my flock this year is a range of pales to dark banded birds. Natural genetics are a strange variation God wove into the DNA as even people produce things which seem impossible, in that white baby with blue eyes produced last year by a black couple in England.
My pleasure in my birds they are a variety of pretty now, and I will see who things work out in the next phase, as the roosters are really..........well too Obama mongrel for my eye appeal taste.
That about covers it on this, as imagine if the CHICKEY would be the production of the billions of birds from China to America in a stabilized natural new species. Instead of 2 pounds of breast meat, there would be 10 pounds, that is a 5 fold increase in same numbers of flocks and the same time to produce that amount of food on the same amount of feed.
There are no clones in this. No Monsanto poisons and nothing which is going to go haywire. The mule has served mankind for centuries, but was never bred to reproduce. Your chickens you eat are the product of a vast English breeding program staring out with Asian and Indian jungle fowl in specifically choosing characteristics pleasing to the people.
Odd how Angles like pink skin and Americans like yellow skin on their birds. It is though the way naturally a species can be manipulated to appeal to the market.
This could be accomplished globally in major production sites in India, Africa, China, England, Australiasia, Chile and America for the maintanance and production for quality control and making it a cheap food product for the masses.
The same situation could be accomplished with salmon, putting them into the tuna 500 pound phase raised on farms, with none of this genetic frankenfood situation where the farm salmon are bred to eat Monsanto poison grains.
The other common meats in beef and pork, have already reached a fine quality.........unless of course someone would like to make pork taste like sirloin which I have no problem with as I find modern pork quite sour in the chops...but size is already where it should be, as anything larger would not be manageable, nor does one want for Arabs a 1000 pound goat, as mine at 100 pounds are...........well as elk need electrocution wire to keep them in pens 12 feet high, goats would be the same problem in one could not keep them in nor control them if they outweighed a human.
So let us feed the world in the Chickey and the Suma.........nice tasteless meat that people like, at a five to thirty percent increase on the same amount of feed and time labor invested.
That is about it............and while I would detest being Sec. of Agriculture, I would do the job for a few years on these specific projects and assorted other fixes.
nuff said.