I was listening to Coast to Coast AM with George Nouri awhile back and he had on Stan Deyo who I don't really know if he has gotten anything right since Art Bell first put him on air in that Australian UFO back engineering project........
Odd that Bell left America when Deyo returned in going commando and Deyo hangs with the very strange Steve Quayle of giant mythology.
Before this gets into things I'm unprepared to address as I did not inquire for clearance, my thought focused on something Deyo uttered in he was so concerned about guns in America in all that is happening in people firing them. (The happening is Obama in the cartel staging this from sea to shining sea.)
My thought was "what would Jefferson think" about all of this gun fire which Deyo is phobic of?
Jefferson was all for a little blood letting and a little revolution to refresh the blood of liberty in his salad days. He did though grow up after watching France butcher 11 million of it's people in that Revolution without end, in stating that perhaps he was wrong.
There is an adage that an armed society is a polite society. In armed societies, rape, robbery, beatings and murder among the Citizenry does not occur. The reality is even in Muslim Pakistan which likes preying on it's own selves in Islam, is this type of culture even in the midst of terrorism.
Sheik bin Laden was not murdered by an Asian now was he. He as perfectly save in that immensely armed nation.
The problem in America is the civilized soul is enslaved by the laws of the land which have been turned upon them by the uncivilized beast. License is what is legal in America, and it destroying the work or labor of the people who invest in that activity to die in comfort, instead of being euthanized.
Examine this in Jefferson terms.
Would it be a bad thing if Los Angeles went into Obama anarchy? We have seen LA in riots and except for the rioters destroying their own domiciles nothing was actually done, except a few innocent people dragged out of trucks and beaten..........and when rioters entered neighborhoods, the neighbors had up roadblocks, jacked their firearms and the bad people ran away.
We saw in Wisconsin these black Obama brats beating on white children on command. Wisconsin is an armed state, but apparently it is open season on white people.
Would one firearm discharged ended a beating? Most certainly as a dead thug does not beat another day.
The question is though what kind of violence could Obama ever initiate as in reality, all violence is local. Yes one could send out Obots to riot as in the Chicago riots gathering in 1968, but the reality is Mayor Daley and the police broke skulls and those anarchists ran out of steam in a few hours.
Rioters respond to looting, and that is what their instigators promise. Riot and break into stores and rob them for your personal gain..........once again though as police run home to their families to protect them, neighborhoods arm themselves, there really is nothing as Obama voters get tired after carrying home a big screen television and have to take a nap.
Criminal gangs have a history of being risen up against and lynched, but that is a long time after non involvement by law enforcement. In many ways the police protect the modern gangs, because without police, some raped child would get a gun and kill their gang initiators.
I really do not see Obama being able to start a problem where Americans would rise up and clean out the entire criminal problem in any body counts.
In that, the elite are always terrified in their rapine of the pitchfork mob, but literally how does a city take back their wealth plundered by George Soros? It is not like Soros has piles of money or gold in his lair. It is all electronic and one can not storm a bank computer with a pitchfork.
Could these economic rapists be lynched? Most certainly they could. The French Revolution though is something which was unique in history as was the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in their 3 million dead..........one being a state mob out of control and one a state in control killing the mob.
It honestly requires a great deal of effort and energy to riot and kill rioters. For the Citizen shooting criminals is something which does get old after one defends your block. Then there is the corpse mess which has to be cleaned up, because you can not just leave it there as it rots and stinks, giving you a double problem of memory of act and memory of stench and the entire neighborhood remembering your act.
Digging graves is not fun. It is hard work, and digging a grave for a criminal really is distasteful as the crook is making you work to cover up their stench.
Yes Obama does have these internet pixies who go around getting aroused stalking people like Jerome Corsi and others, but they are online, because they are cowards in real life. In a meltdown situation, they would be the ones peering from their basement steps. This is not a mob for Obama which would work hard at pillage nor murder.
So would it be of service for Obama to cause a civil war as he intends to intimidate one in 2012? Service meaning woult is serve America's interests to accomplish such an event? Most definitely it would in cleaning out the nation of the refuse of progressive license, but Obama is dealing with a host of lazy, phobic, self hating cowards who are not brave enough to stick a pill in their mouth to end their misery............so they try to make others miserable in their pathetic company.
Of course Obama could sacrifice some black youth, but sooner than later at the state fair someone is going to kill a gang banger, and then that news will spread, perhaps the gang will arm and shoot up the place, but more people will then be ready and start blasting things that appear a problem, to which the gangs go home and the Citizen stays home and the situation would wind down very quickly.
That is the reality in this, in America is armed to the teeth and purchasing more weapons each day, and there is no mass slaughter, and would be no mass slaughter even in Obama riots, because Obots are sloven and Americans are pragmatic in not wanting to clean messes up they make with gunpowder.
Obama's gangs target events and liberal enclaves where they are certain to not meet Conservatives armed for the purpose. That is a very narrow field of intimidation for Obama.
The real event which is the one is Americans are saboteurs at heart. One sees this manifest on the right and the left. They enjoy making messes which other people have to clean up, like the Boston Tea Party. That is the problem though of the regime in power if the frogs get too hot and jump out of the frying pan and over the fire.
Americans are not rioters in sustained mode. Even gangs have defined territories and order in their ranks. That discipline works against Obama's liberation and works for Americans.
Yes Americans are thee most savage and dirty warriors this planet ever produced, and they thrive on it, in inflicting against enemies, but no place in this are Americans Obama's third world thuggery in mass. As stated, American gangs being employed by Obama even are American acting in they will police themselves.
So Stan Deyo concerned about guns being discharged, has not examined the psyche of this in the least, as gangs are too self preservative, Obama unions are too weasel to endanger themselves and even if Americans are shot, the American side will shut it down within hours, and in that, Obama's rioters after they get tired, the food spoils and drinking sewage makes them sick, they will by natural selection end their own cycle.
This then is not the facet of this to be engaged in examining. The much worse scenario is the cartel exploding nuclear terrorism in which large populations will become refugee and predate on others who will fight to keep what they have to survive.
That includes Mexicans who would flee home in mass and start a most interesting struggle there.
Population shift, that is the stuff which quakes continents as history reveals.
nuff said.