Something must be put into print to define the levels of intelligence on the right, and those associate with it, so that the patrician frauds on the right can be ranked along with the native children.
The scale should be 1 to 10, with 10 of course being that unattainable number of a jove status and 1 of course being.............well something akin to eating mud pies and dirt soup.
There must be caveats also as someone like Lindsey Graham would definitely be a 1, but the problem "in the gay ear" is a shill for the globalists like the FOXHOLE commentators, so one can hardly rank LG with the gay ear as being on the right.
For qualifications on this scale on the left comparisons, someone like Franklin Roosevelt, that manipulative communist genius would have to be ranked 9 for how he ran circles around someone like Joe Kennedy, who was a very bright person, and would rank a 7.
Bill Clinton for pure devious intelligence in seeing the entire field in how to exploit it would be an 8.
With that stated, we start the list off in matters of intelligence with Ronald Wilson Reagan who beat the liberals by God's Grace at their own game, their own cheating field and their own treachery. Mr. Reagan is the epitome of right wing intelligence in a 9.
Close to this would be Richard Nixon, who if he had not been caught in the Watergate coup which had the worst of minds plotting united against him, would have received an 9, but instead comes in at 8...............and 8 is not that bad, a no one on this modern field is an 8 of Nixon stature.
Next we have the 7's in Rush Limbaugh and Bill Buckley. Given enough time to plot things out, they have achieved 7 status in scripting things out. A true 7 though is someone like Marco Rubio who levels liberals with a liberal maul and I dare say if he remains true, this Cuban American Natural Born Son by special circumstances has it in him to reach the 8 level.
Into this mix are some very interesting people in Joseph Farah who can be a bit too rude in not suffering people he thinks are fools and Jerome Corsi. These two fascinate me personally for all they have going on about them and all they initiate and instigate. They are true Nixon (and I mean that as a compliment of the highest order) as Nixon could survey a field like Bill Clinton and immediately know how to set it up, exploit it and make the field play to your best advantage.
There are not many of this level 7, because it takes a great deal of rough housing with the enemy and most appear to be staggering at times due to the tremendous shots they are taking from the left.
Robert J. Morton.....and the list becomes very thin in media after this.
They are though Michele Bachmann, Rudy Guiliani and Jim Demint as examples. They really are the hard sells and it is a pleasure to observe their intelligence running the field with all odds staged against them.
Things become more muddled now as the 6 level composes these "big word types" like Charles Krauthammer and Bill Kristol, who read books people with intelligence have brushed aside and use words that people quit using in 1800.
That is not really intelligence, as once again they are like the Professor on Gilligan's Island in, the Hunter who was hunting the castaways told the Professor, "Professor I would have you in the bag while you were plotting your first move".
It is one thing to be Dwight Eisenhower making battle plans in London, and it is another thing to be George Patton making that plan work at 3 AM with Germans pouring it to you.
At this point, we reach the Mark Levin level of intelligence, and one can see we are starting to scrape mediocre as Mark Levin while likable, just is only Dinesh D'Souza book learning smart. He has to work too hard for his intelligence and has to rely on snide comments to keep people off guard.
Yes this is level 5, and they sound impressive until a higher level of intelligence starts exposing their weaknesses. They are a grand and pretty McClellan Army of the Potomac who march out to Bull Run and come back shot to hell and everyone is standing around wondering, "I thought we had superior forces"..............and the reality is, it is not holding intellectual position, but the reality of knowing how to move that intelligence to a position to defeat the enemy.
George W. Bush is a level 5 intelligence. He was very aware of situations, but just could not close out the deal in being outflanked by the Rothschild 9's.
We now arrive to the Barack Obama level of brain morbidity in level 4. Please though do not think this is something which is moronic or unaware of what they are doing, as this is the Sean Hannity level of brain muscle pushing others about on the force of will.
Level 4's occupy the "heart" in they place things in emotional touchy feely things that carry arguments in compassion, but have absolutely no Inspiration as a Reagan to think out of the box to get you into the box.
What follows is really..........well like the dog and cat scat on your shoes. It gets there, you wince at it not going away as you know it is unwanted and you have to put up with it.
Namely this is Peggy Noonan who brains around at a level 3 if given enough time for the drunken Obamaness to wear off her thinking menstrual generating parts and an Ann Coulter level 2 who wants men thinking with their ejaculatory parts so she can torture them into submission with some odd brain activity she recites as knowledge.
Tucker Carlson, Mitt Romney drones...........all level 2, like Noel Sheppard and Matthew Sheffield. They are the dog poo that just hangs around long enough to be stuck to someone with money and some of the cash rubs off for a famous career in feeding off the right.
None of this really matters as one gets to the gay ear Graham level in, why does one pay attention to pet poop only to not get it on your shoes, the reality is some creatures like Snowe and Collins of Maine are the fossilized pet poop of the cave era.........one only pays attention to it's message as it is so hard that the warning is one might twist an ankle on the danger of that lump of knowledge mistakenly thinking it is intelligence.
Well that about..............
Oh wait, you are wondering where Sarah Palin ranks in this aren't you.
Hmmm, I have weighed this very astutely and it is why this was actually being composed as I have observed the Inspired Sarah Palin and I observe things in her which make me take notice. I will not reveal what I notice, except in previous clues here, but the judgment is with Ronald Reagan being a 9, and no mortal could ever be a 10, Sarah Palin even after she recovered from her sojourn down to Sodom is a 14 on the 1 to 10 scale.
Liberals will scoff, but they have no idea what they are looking at in common sense and God generated Wisdom. I recognize in her things which can only come from Heaven, as her destiny at this point is being worked out above this plain.
Some might state it is cheating in a way, because a jove amongst the ants is hardly fair, but I always enjoy this type of cheating in God working things out for me, and give God all credit. Without God, Sarah Palin would be a level 7, but the conditions operating in and around her, make her that 14.
I think of her as my Sapper. The person who goes into the wire with machine gun fire, mortars and mines and walks out smiling and you think, "How in heaven's name did they survive that?"
This is the kind of David, his Grandmother Ruth, Queen Esther and St. Paul blessed life. In times past I used to jump into things and God always pulled me out alive, and I did abuse such a thing as when one is on a mission one can act "stupid" as this blog is an example of doing things if one had normal fears would never touch. So I recognize in Sarah Palin in these past years and this moment something, here am I, familiar with. In knowing what I know from Who, and Sarah Palin can still surprise me, even if God is whispering the explanation to me, Sarah Palin is a hands down 14 beyond mortals.
She is a Joan D'Arc and that is a centuries rare event, and it is going to take that type of Spirit to lead America through this once in a humankind event.
I will state again, if Sarah Palin stays with God, you are going to see things that you have only read of. If this is God's will for her to be in the White House to lead the tribes out of the Obama abyss, this Lady is going to be the counter Light of Christ to the male form of the anti christ darkening the world.
Do not cash that check yet or bank on it as this must play out within Gov. Palin, as I do not believe she even conceives of what this is that I have been shown by Grace in what will play out, .......my belief though is mistaken as in inquiring of this, Sarah Palin does know in part.
God will be safe deposit.
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