"Well son I'll bet you with that fancy new gun you got there that an old six gun will blow a big hole in you before you get it drawn".
~Big Jake 1971
You really do miss a great deal don't you.
What do I mean?
Well children, you are nice people...........the Little House in the Prairie crowd, you watched Disney before it went queer, you trust too much, work too hard and you just think everyone is more Pope like than your worst moment.
You don't think like assassins, murderers, terrorists and pedophiles, because even in your most vengeful black moments you are just shadows of the real blackness you think is bad in farces like 24 or Oliver Stone.
Even your evil is saintly compared to what is out there.
Take for example that Popular Mechanics article back in June bragging about that Nazi weapon which the Obama SEALS were toting about the bin Laden home in that HK416 mass murdering Islamic terrorists like the SS in ghetto resistors in Warsaw.
Sure this blog can point out that the German Heckler & Koch is dumping weapons into Obama's colonial Africa, sure this blog can point out that HK got a weapons plant in Sudan in Obama oil peace treaty war pumping them into Kenya for Marxist Islamist cousin Raila Odinga's coming victory in 2012...but you being nice people you just don't know what you are looking at.

Sure it is a gun, but what do you really see ..........come on, you see it............snuggle up to that gun and wrap yourself around it...........and then shoot bin Laden with it.........shoot Muslims with it........then you hear something and dive to the floor...........think about it now...........you're laying on the floor trying to hide.........
Where is your head?
Sure it is on the stock..........but are you getting down there with that big magazine jutting out there.........or is your head over a foot and a half off the floor and making a prime target for some mean old terrorist to zap you brain with a kill shot?
Sites up in the air like that........your head up in the air.............damn gun looks like it was built to get you killed now doesn't it by exposing your head like a pumpkin in the patch.
Yes mam, the redesigned, full input, Obama SEALS weapon to replace the jamming M4 with this real killer..........problem is what good is a weapon if it makes you a bigger target........not like it is something designed to just go in and blast unarmed Sheik's now is it?
Something to think about is it not...........Big magazine clip snagging things, getting in the way knocking things and keeping your head in the bullet flight zone..........not exactly a combat weapon now is it..........looks more like a weapon chosen especially to murder unarmed people in their beds.
You missed all of that in the Mark Levin cheering now didn't you..........because you get McDonalds like Levin to do your killing for you.
Shooting the Mrs. in the leg, tackling the twin wives, and a real MK416 aficionado with all those fancy gizmos to pop a cherry in the dark, puts a 5.56 round into the Sheik and taps one more into his head.............don't notice in this that a 223 round doesn't destroy massive amounts of arterial or lung tissue, so like Ronald Reagan getting popped by Hinkley's richochet, that chest shot keeps the Muslim alive, so it needs some Giffords brain scrambling due to FMJ infusion to end it all.
Need to ask you something because you still have missed it, but the Murder Inc. folks did not and have not said a word...............why not a Kabar?
Why not if you are a rootin' tootin' son of a bitch cold blooded Obama assassin, don't you pull out you Rex Applegate Fairbairn Sykes combat knife and kill Sheik bin Laden?'
Why don't you pull out Smatchet and kill Sheik bin Laden?
Hell you are tough ass SEALS aren't you............sort of like Marines with fancy toys, and those Marines can break a neck to keep things quiet and clean..............why didn't those Obama boys who seemed to like wrestling with the women folk in full body contact..........not just walk up to Sheik bin Laden, throat chop the old geezer, pivot him with a shoulder twist and administer the protocol taught method of pinching off the spine causing instantaneous death?
Wouldn't that have made a better Sony movie for Obama in 2012? Obama with those blowfly eyes in just watching bin Laden get capped would still probably have an erection if he got to watch his alter ego SEAL snap this turban head's neck.............so why not when you are so Team Six tough not administer the coup de grace with a little hand to hand in Fairbairn recreational dispensation of death?
Hell Caligula had the balls to jump on Tiberius in bed and suffocate him with a pillow..........what the hell maxwell weren't there any pillows in bin Laden's bedroom.........or were the SEALS phobic of chicken feathers too?
Why isn't Mark Levin worried about the pets bin Laden had, those innocent chickens being adopted to a good home........why is that?
Just thought I would ask a no one noticed that either what happened to those poor bin Laden pets.
That is the question the experts are pondering with a sneer in Asia...not not the wimpy dogs are children psychosis that Mark Levin mantras, but why is it the Americans can't murder an old man with their bare hands?

Spetnaz with their entrenching shovel would have caved the Sheiks skull in on the downstroke and on the upstroke they would have taken his head clean off.
Sure the Brits with their Obama rioters went out and got American baseball bats, but for the real defenders of life a spade is.....well you don't see Russian special forces armed with Derek Jeter bats now do you?
You don't recall All's Quiet on the Western Front? The German Sgt. played by Ernest Borgnine who told the young krauts to not be filing notches in their bayonets as the French would use it on them, but to instead put a cutting edge on their trench shovels and kill the French that way?
Has you thinking now the way assassins do in seeing this doesn't it. Not like the types who murdered old William Colby keeping it close and personal.........no the Obama SEALS don't like the body contact in the gay Obama military..........don't like the blood sprayed on them.......don't trust their skills in hand to hand with old Muslims.
Not a very good Obama message now is it that the SEALS just broadcast to the really nasty people who are employed in Asia who do get off on blood lust up close and personal.
No knife to the juggler, severing it like Limbaugh's Jack Bauer to keep the blood flow inside, the vocal cords cut, so the terrorist drowns in their own blood............nope just a few shots from Obama's favorite death exporter in those Nazi guns.
The Jews do not make mistakes like this in public executions, as they know psychopaths are watching this in regimes, and a message is sent in a most brutal and concise way......just like the Putin GRU engage in all kinds of fanciful ways to enjoy murdering Muslims in Chechnya.
Yes I realize the Russians would have raped the women, cut the kids heads off and used them for a football game in the chicken yard........and Americans only Mark Levin cheer murder from afar, but that is the realization Americans have not contemplated along with the entire west in the message Barack Hussein Obama and his SEALS sent.
That message was weakness and that feeds into the fury Obama has stoked in striking from afar and from using proxies to conduct his murdering. It means the enemy does not fear..........it means like Steven Spielberg who thoroughly got aroused by that Nazi in Saving Private Ryan slowly sticking a knife into the heart of an American, as a cowardly American watched.......and later turned war criminal in murdering that Nazi who was unarmed...........that is what the world sees from liberal Obama supporter Spielberg, because that is what Obama has shown the world his SEALS are.
You had no idea how bad this was or is, because you are nice people. You have allowed your special forces to be children playing with bright toys, utilized as status symbols for political elections later, instead of following Kill or be Killed.
Now that the Levin cheering has stopped, perhaps the adults can engage in an education of just how badly this entire Sheik bin Laden murder has gone.
You children really are in need of protection from your protector assassins.