Who really murdered the Obama SEALS
Who really planned the Marxist deed done
So many heroes to kill a dead Sheik
So many heroes
......and then there were none

Was it the Bolshevik Vladamir Putin, furious after Obama rolled over and gave him all of eastern Europe, Obama letting him murder the Polish Government, Obama disarming America......and it was all ruse as Obama has been carving up the Middle East and Africa for a new Roman Empire, including Putin's allies of Syria, Libya and Iran.......

Was it those Chicoms who provided safe have for Sheik bin Laden for years in Xianxang Province, only to be assured in a deal that the Sheik could return to Pakistan and live in complete safety, as a Hu bribe to Muslims that China would not be attacked as they protected the Sheik and now in a transaction safely guided him back to his Pakistani home, protected by the Pakistani army............and betrayed by Barack Obama who bought bin Laden's contract to murder him at his political leisure.

Was it Dr. Ayaman Zawahiri now furious that Obama had murdered the Islamofascist Osama bin Laden who was to be another scapegoat of the Islamocommunists in a coming nuclear attack on America, and now with bin Laden dead, the Marxist Muslims would be to blame.

Was it President Hamid Karzai, survivor of Obama coup attempts with the CIA and MI6, to only watch as the CIA and MI6 assassinated his little brother with one of their most trusted agents, now retaliating on Obama for the murder and coordinating with the Taliban which Obama is negotiating with.

Was it Col. Moamar Khadaffi vengeful after Obama betrayed him in oil deals, releasing Lockerbie terrorists, now stealing Libyan oil and murdering Col. Khadaffi's children and grandchildren for the new Roman Empire.

Was it Ayatollah Khamenei, furious that Obama has taken from them their scapegoat of Sheik bin Laden, furious for the Twitter Revolution betrayal, furious for secular Islamist Obama choosing the Roman Empire over the Persian Empire.

Was it Barack blood on his hands Obama, narcissist, who could not share the stage with SEAL Team Six in wanting the sole glory for murdering Sheik bin Laden and in another terrorists pay off as...........giving Israeli land to communist Hamas, putting American Soldiers in slaughter pits in Afghanistan to "even things out" as Obama evens out the world monetary situation by looting the American Treasury and removing President Mubarak of Egypt to replace him with the communist Muslim Brotherhood...........negotiated again with the likes of John Kerry and George Mitchell
that Seal Team Six would be sacrificed for the bin Laden murder if al Qaeda agreed to no new attacks in America which would impede Obama's 2012 election theft par dux.
................or as they say was it all of the above baby sister.
everything which happens here
has a purpose in the plan
who murdered the obama seals
is in the murder of osama bin laden
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