Not being a Muslim, makes this blog qualified to judge the situation there, as I'm not concerned about some mullah or some Muslim Brotherhood thug withholding my welfare check if I don't go out and scream in the streets with English printed signs.
Islam originally was a religion of control in Muhammed went around lopping off people's heads he conquered and then the mullahs and ayatollah's controlled the show for him, and a mahdi was promised to kill everyone who did not eat their couscous and get bad knees on prayer mats.
Islam was an allah of doom and gloom, and it worked out well as long as Islam was preying on other nations to advance it.
It kind of had a retarded child when the Crusades advanced in it could not succeed at war or industry, so it devolved into little despots and crossed up with communism and fascism, and for over 100 years, the populations swelled, they fed off of oil, bred malcontents for the cartel to breed wars, and made a good go of it hating Jews stuck in their midst.
That is the history of Islam, in it functioned perfectly murderously with major despots and minor despots. The people were miserable and vented, and the despots killed a bunch of them, and welfare oil kept the show running, so they could breed more like hairy Muslims.
What followed though with secular Islamist Barack Hussein Obama though is 'community organized Islam' on his Chicago thug scale. Obama vacationed and bowed and bribed his way around the world removing the quite stable despots from Mubarak onward, and started replacing them with ruling by committee.......or communism.
If I was a Muslim, I would be really furious that Obama has been cutting their Pope's heads off, as that is what he is literally accomplishing, because Obama has taken the glamour out of Islam and replaced it with a civil service of minders.
Obama has made Islam a herd of animals, instead of the herb bull of Nassar.
For those who do not comprehend this, ask yourself do you want a billion Chinese, a billion Indians and a billion Indonesians? I realize you already have them, but those are herd communist societies. Herds breed and that is all they do like rats and flies. They are a pestilence on the plague of humanity.
So this blog asks again, do you really want a billion Libyans, a billion Egyptians, a billion Syrians, a billion Iraqi's, a billion Algerians, a billion Saudis............I believe you get the combined billion thought here, as what will the world do with more herds of worthless slaves as there are not that many masters to prey on them.
That is the Obama Neo Roman Order, the feudal communist quasi religious state, run by committee by satraps, feeding these worthless livestock degraded from humanity, all to plunder the resources of the land they occupy.
That is why if I was Muslim, I would be stunned at this Obama castration. Yes Obama is attempting the same thing in his union thuggery, Mexican slavery and narco paramilitarism in the Americas, but not every American is a Mexican or dope dealer, while in the Middle East the major majority is all Muslim, and that is what Obama has decapitated and desexualized them to............they are now chickens with their heads off, and only good for breeding purposes as these communist organized Muslims are going to be the mirror image of Chicago's South Side.
Things were not great for blacks under Jesse Jackson and the NAACP, but at least they had some leaders who people could look to. All there is now is Obama as blacks stagnate.
The same is true for Islam...............what do you have when you lose all your despots to hate and look up to? There is no leadership, just this fricking mullah browbeating you locally and some committee of Islam who hands out edicts for your herd management, issued from some Berliner boys pointing to some boob Obama on top they installed to decide how to live your life.
Community Orgnaized Isalm, or COI, and that is a good name for this as coi are those bred oriental carp, who look quite mongrel, are kept in a pen, have odd colors to them, gasp for air in pools and beg to be fed like a starved dog.
That is Islam instated under Brack Obama, and it is apparently just what Keith Ellison and CAIR are in bed with, as no one has stood up in Islam and said, "What in allah are you doing their brother Obama in murdering all of our leaders and stealing all of our oil? What in allah are we going to eat for bread? Sand? As you have stolen our tomorrow!"
Once again a Conservative Christian blog by God's Inspiration defining the moment in the Age of Obama as the inmates of this Neo Gulag stumble about not knowing the razor wire they are being kept for slaughter.
Islam needs to reform, take on a feminine redemptive identity, or become Christian, because becoming Obama is going to turn it into a mass starving herd which will one day die off in plague and famine.
The world can not afford more of these billions of miserable space takers as all they do is breed. Obama has set up a Muslim breeder colony. This is Colonial Islam.
Ask yourself Muslims.......LOOK AROUND YOU, do you really want to be those half naked Indians, those anemic looking Chinese and those vacant eyed Indonesians? That is your Obama future and Obama just about has the chain forged about your neck.
Prepare to say MOO and not Muhammed, as Obama is your herdsman, as you are not Muslim any longer, but chatel.