“It is not only a question of Resources, but about Restoring the Balance of Power in the World, and those who hold the leash on Africa has the Upper Hand in World Politics”
~ King John Bart Agami
The survival of Col. Khadaffi is oddly held now in a place which the world has put into it's petty little purse and left unnoticed for most of it's colonial existence. It is a small land on world scale and the name Lado means nothing to the world, but from Lado there are the embers of Barack Hussein Obama's inferno which will lead the world to it's fiery destruction from Weapons of Mass Destruction.
In fact, Lado is so nothing, that Wikipedia only bothers with a few words about the long divided up Lado Enclave.
Lado was once traversed by Teddy and Kermit Roosevelt on expedition. It is a land on which is the dryness of Africa and the welcome waters of the Nile. It once was part or Equatoria, the state ruled by Ottoman Egypt and connected to the land of Libya.
She now sits though on the border of Uganda, held in the Congo and butted up on Obama's new African nation of South Sudan.
While others search for the myriad of reasons Khadaffi was attacked by Obama in gold dinars or oil, the reality King John had it precisely correct in Africa was decided upon as the Europeans to exploit in Paris Treaty and the people were to be slaughtered and the land used as the masters saw fit.
The Africa not in Kenia Obama's grasp is now all awaiting to see who will be the next Obama victim to come upon the royal plate.
In that Lado is the Khadaffi family's stand, for Lado is the exile of Africans in Europe and the smouldering hatred of Africa being livestock for the culling. Lado represents all things Africa, and Barack Obama has already lost his Neo Roman Empire and World War IV has already started, because Libya by analysis will rise from the Obama ashes.
Thee entire sham of rebels was exposed here, in the military doing the conquerring was NATO troops and select Islamic nations. It was a billion dollars of American money and thousands of sorties which dislodged Khadaffi, but his messages to Syria and fighting children, all point to a reality of Saddam Hussein.
Khadaffi has time on his hands. The rebels are worthless and will concentrate in the capital. The NATO pirates will tire of the chase as new Obama ventures in Syria take moulded form for empire.
If the Khadaffi's survive, their loyalists who are now being hidden away, will await for NATO to be busy in another Obama war against Islam, and then they will arise, starting with several large, well placed bombs, in the rebel government to exterminate the puppets, and within hours, it will once again be Col. Khadaffi as the lion king.
Of course Khadaffi will strike back with his terrorists, as that is only logical. That type of direct attack upon Europe as Obama meddles elsewhere is a crippling for the Obama forces, as the flank being attacked, Putin and the Marxists of Iran and China furious, will spy their opening as Obama's SEAL SIX line is going to be overrun by a red horde.
Humiliation should take place in Saudi Arabia as America will be forced to withdraw, and the Marxists will secure the massive military stores in the Middle East.
The Khadaffi regime will continue on to punish the colonial masters who dared steal their land, and with that, the scenario begins to breed the Great Eurasian War.
Napoleon and Hitler had no conceivable idea some nothing district is what would destroy their land grab, and the words of King John of Lado haunt this feudal empire which Barack Obama is in insane lust implementing. There are forces which protected America, even Sheik bin Laden, to Col. Khadaffi on different Spiritual and spiritual levels and Barack Obama has violated those forms of the matrix.
Libya is uncounted territory counted twice, and she will count in this as a debt against all the rapine Barack Obama has carried out for the globalist cartel.
Libya will slumber and awaken to return in this nightmare of Obama.
Almost a year to take nothing, and with that success multiplied , Mr. Obama will have nothing left of a military for his Neo Rome.
Not alot said, but how long does it take to write, "utter ruin".
The white rhino sleeps beneath the tree
In shadow 'neath the slumber tree
Long times the dreams of past of yore
For the white rhino is no more
agtG 229, 227
Lado news