Monday, September 12, 2011

A Constant Problem

I was thinking while I was dreaming the other dawn............what you don't think when you dream and analyze what is taking place?
You really should try it, as................well it is more the Holy Ghost in Inspiration accomplishing the override analysis, as what can a harmless little blogger who rocks the cartel world really be of importance over in being anything to take notice of eh?

So, I'm dreaming..........I forget the dream as I star in them, and being modest, it would be unhumble to be giving myself rave you know it is God starring.

Where was I?

Oh sure, it was thinking and dreaming, and did you know I observe my Mom quite often in her sleep modes, as while I sleep it is impossible to observe myself.

In any sleep, it is fascinating in how shallow people breathe, how deep they breathe, how much they move about, how they stop breathing........all quite scary stuff and it makes one wonder why married people get any sleep with all that odd behavior taking place.

So, it occurred to me from the Holy Ghost, that just like when my friends said to me, "LC, you just got to try this!"

I said, "What?", as my friends had odd ideas like punching me in the face with their elbow which was supposed to hit my shoulder instead as interesting things I should try.

So they say to me, "Take ten deep breaths really fast, and then hold your breath LC and see what happens."

As the cherubs seemed so bright eyed, I complied still warily, and did what they said, and interestingly my world went shadow.
Yes if you do the above like an idiot, and are not of sound heart or of a mind to overcome your physical body, you will pass out colder than a cucumber.

It was a grand experiment as the information laid there for years as experiments on myself tend to do, and the information formulated that just like...........oh say a Helen trance, you know yoga demon stuff from the eastern channelers, the process of sleep actually is a self attuned mechanism in not just hearing God, the real God, not just REM in sorting out the odd bits of the day into more odd bits that make no sense, but the focus on REM is too concentrated, as it is that deep breathing cycle of oxygenating the body, depriving it of oxygen in repetition which self induces the dream cycle, all without peyote or lsd, and in some instances it touches God and demons.

That is fascinating to me........yes, yes, by Inspiration it is from the Holy Ghost's Insight, but I hesitate to call it an exclusive again as all things are here, but this is another exclusive.

Personally I dislike dreaming in Spirit, as the dreams are too vivid, and for some reason God always has imagery in figurative know tornadoes and storms to convey what is coming on America, in greys and blacks at 3 AM, and yet you can see it all like it is a shrouded day...........all very heavy stuff and troubling.

Odd how the Holy Ghots is always euphoric Peace in I can not get to sleep in the positive energy, but in dreams of the Prophetic Source, it is all like being spun in a cauldron.

It makes one contemplate the type of Nostradamus mirror imaging he collected data with, as the self induced trance being awake, how if one would be capable to dream in collective data.
Always wanted to dream of reading newspapers from the future, which I presume if I applied myself I could readily accomplish if the Lord was willing..........I would hope it would calm one, but then if you dreamed of Obama in 2006 being in the White House, how could an American sleep in reading of his Birther fraud, his trillions in rapine, his butchering baby Muslims in Libya and other evil things.............perhaps one could just read the lotto numbers, but who needs all those grubbing whiners telling you how much they will suffer unless you give them a million.

That should about cover it, along with do not try this at home, as it is nothing to be engaged in like Kaballah as it would probably drive the majority insane or other bad things, as people just always keep trying shortcuts.
Just posting this as I'm pondering it as it means things I'm supposed to know, and it would just be tooty bad if some other lubber jacked the keyboard and posted about these things and got them wrong and it hurt people.

Be like a constant problem.

agtG 246Y