So I'm talking with the super American heroine ok, and Inspiration comes to me again, a repeat, and as it is a repeat, I really am moved to repeat it as when one receives two signals.......it is like Commissioner Gordon sends out two bat signals which means this really needs to be exposed.
This then is another exclusive here..........
To refresh the crime scene, you remember that Patrick Fitzgerald, in that Val-erie Plame business or coup against George W. Bush?
Now don't roll your eyes, as this is sexy and you are going to love this part, as there is no Joe Wilson involved, and we can call this Scooter Libby's revenge...........no more Alberto Gonzales' revenge as poor Albert got the puffy lips castration of his political genitals as I have stated exclusively here in the White House Counsel when Dick Armitage was running that coup against George W. Bush in get him impeached, Gonzales wouldn't let Armitage near the White House with Armitage's offer to "brief" the White House about what his closed secret testimony was in the Grand Jury in Plamegate.
That as this blog has alone noted was the punchline in this to run a Nixon impeachment on Bush43 as was promised by the cartels and the Rockefellers were setting up.
Never before though ............ok just stay with this as the whole story is one you are going to be very pleased over knowing as you really loathe the backstabbing traitor who was the focus of all of this..............repeating myself, "Never before though, has the entire story been revealed until now".
Meanwhile let us return to the summer of 1976.
I know most of you were not born yet in that ancient era, but it is fortunate the Way Back Machine knows it's way back and Mr. Peabody takes me for a ride while Shermie is in combat training.
So President Nixon is forced out in that coup staged against him, and Warren Commission Jerry Ford is President from Michigan.
Ford picks Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President to the horror of all Americans, as he is that Rockefeller cartel family who fathered Bill Clinton.
So in 76 Ford is out campaigning, and it was the summer of insane fricking women. Hell even Charlie Manson's chics came out and were shooting at President Ford. It was pure combat in America and the reports were like Vietnam in you just didn't know who was going to pour some lead at Jerry that day in the park.
Few people realize that if you examine the skin between your thumb and pointer that, this is how close Nelson Rockefeller came to becoming President.
One of the assassins sent out by the Wizard from Oz, had a revolver pointed at President Ford's temple and fired, but a Secret Service agent at that moment grabbed at the weapon and the hand webbing is what slid between the hammer which was falling the primer.
Yes the buzz has always been that the cartels were going to install Nelson to the presidency, but by God's Grace none of these attempts did the sanction.
Will not mention that Jack Anderson the columnist posted three stories when Ronald Reagan was shot about an Iranian and Bush family connection to John Hinkley, which disappeared either, nor how Iran Contra was an impeachment coup on President Reagan either, as the events do not matter, but the action does in laying the pattern of cartel work.
What this blog has exclusively revealed previously was that the target in main phase was George W. Bush in Plamegate, but there was a secondary operation involved in this which was thee most important protocol phase in this, because who would replace George W. Bush when forced out like Richard Nixon?
Vice President Cheney? No sister that is not what this was about in replacing socialist George for a right wing Dick.
As you peeked at the picture, you know that the little general who would had his prints all over this as Dick Armitage's boss, Colin Powell.
Yes the political officer who got a sliver in his foot in Vietnam as a desk jockey and got a Purple Heart.......the same guy who stopped the destruction of Saddam Hussein's army the first time........the same guy who decided to occupy Iraq when everyone else was for getting out.......yes it was Colin Powell's cartel stooge of Dick Armitage who was running this operation against not just George W. Bush, but against the main target in Richard Cheney.
That is why Armitage fed information to the reporter he hated most in Robert Novack of Chicago, and started this complicated simple process of unnerving Karl Rove to get his puffy lips around Dick Cheney's job to save Bush43, and in thee ultimate betrayal of Alberto Gonzales as retribution from the cartel for this American saving the Bush Presidency and being destroyed for it.
It had nothing to do with firing US Attorneys or anything else. Gonzales was wiped out by the cartel for the absolute reason he alone stopped the cartel installing the first black as Vice President and that would be as President in their little general Colin Powell.
You never did get this did you, that Colin Powell was groomed from his start to be that "black president" in which stories non stop were posted about how the first "black president would come from the Republican party". That Mockingbird planted story was all about Colin Powell as the first person in profiling who would fall on his sword to save President George W. Bush would have been Dick Cheney.
Powell would have been heralded as the "trusted leader" to replace him and puffy lips was waiting to whisper this in Bush's ear for Bush's own doom.
George W., how long are you going to protect this little Goebbells as this genius installed Obama, sure so Jeb could get into the dynasty, but if you have not noticed W., this Rove architecture just got Gabrielle Giffords shot and the message was Sarah Palin was next, and that is right after Babs and all of you geniuses were bashing the Governor in the press.
Obama was smearing you and you knew it, just like he was plotting to have you arrested and extradited in 2012 to run against you.
You got one hell of a boy doing your drawing there W.
Meanwhile back at the story, Powell as VP would then with the media frenzy demolish George W. with a good deep throat..........you know like Dan Rather's forged documents created by the same branch who was cooking up all of Obama's papers.
Sometime around 2005 this probably would have broke to force Cheney out, and with the Pelosi coup in Congress, Bush would have been impeached in 2006, which would have left Rockefeller Colin Powell in the White House.......and as you have witnessed what a complete traitor Powell has been to Dr. King, the GOP and his superior in Richard Cheney, how long do you think for "unity" would it have been before Powell stuck Hillary Clinton in as Vice President to heal a divided nation?
You know already that Barack Obama was groomed to be President of Kenya in exclusives here, as that is what his trip there was all about, complete with cheering crowds demanding he return and lead them to their colonization again by Europe.
That is the way it was supposed to be, Cheney and Bush forced out, with puffy lips complicit, as Rove never raised a finger to save Gonzales, and Barack Obama was to be President of Kenya with President Colin Powell of America.
I told you that you would like the story and it is the cherry on top is it not, in you knew you did not like this traitor in all Colin Powell did, and all you saw was the tip of the iceberg.
Yupper, Colin Powell was supposed to be the first black President of America and Barack Obama was supposed to be first emperor of Africa to make cartel looting overseen by Caribbean Powell a feudal Neo Roman Empire all in Europe could be proud of.
nuff said.
One more thing, * - *
Back to the Bat Cave.

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