Thursday, September 8, 2011

The hand which rocks the Obama House

Harrison J. Bounel featured this photo on his account and it was most telling as just as the hand which rocks the cradle rules the world, so it is the person who has possession to the doorway is the one ruling the office.

This photo capturing William Daley and Barack Hussein Obama is most interesting in a psychological profile as it reveals the strength and the size of the psyche who holds the Oval Office.

Obama's posture is submissive and Daley's is aggresive in occupying the space. The space no just being the doorway, but the entire office.
Daley's feet spread apart reveal an expanding role of dominance there while Obama's are demure and inward.

This is fascinating as usually the taller human evokes the dominant role by nature, but it is Daley who is Obama's face, and Obama is actually in a submissive bow to Bill Daley.

Who is the relaxed person at home in the office? Daley in his coat is open in an outward display of marking his territory without wetting on Obama's leg. Daley going to Mr. Obama with jacket open, displays complete lack of respect and no intimidation factor at all from Obama.
Bill Daley is he top dog at 1600 Penn.

Even down to the papers in each male's hand, it signifies a drama there, as Obama's are folded over like homework he is stuck with, and Daley's are rolled up into his fist, once again displaying the aggressor.

If you have ever observed canines, humans are a great deal like them in "show" as Obama is turning his tail to the dominant male in submission, exposing his genitals in the ultimate show of vulnerability.

The very photo alone confirms everything Deep Tutu has been revealing to Ulsterman in the interviews exposed of the Obama White House, in Richard Daley is in charge of the Oval Office West Wing and Obama is stuck in the second floor princess big screen tv tower with Reggie Love and Val-erie Jarrett the deposed monarch, royal mum and royal fool.
You can decide which is which.

Fascinating photo displaying disrespect, dominance and determination.

Obama really does have small hands.............oh that is what Deep Tutu was getting at...........never mind, TMI.
