For the doubters.........
As an exclusive, there is now a Gibbous Government operating in these United States overshadowing the Obama regime.
For those who question whether the regime with the brown recluse monitors the meanderings here, you will notice that Mr. Obama stopped screaming at crowds and begging for people to love him, once it was exclusively reported here. I have never steered Barack Hussein Obama wrong and this blog never will, no matter if he is not bright enough to figure out the orders being given to him and blows the advice all of the time recently.
Ask yourself, how is it that a photo appears on Matt Drudge with a little Obama boy holding Barry's umbrella gets there?
As most of you have never been on Air Force One, been around the operational support or had.........never mind on the games segment of chariot races on presidential chairs, it is something you overlook in photos like the umbrella boy.
Can you walk up to Air Force One? No you can not and that is your first clue in the umbrella boy.
Can you show up for umbrella duty wearing bib overalls and a straw hat? No you can not, so that means this person was dressed for this photo, exactly as he had been ordered.
This garcon, or boy with shaved locks, bright little white sleeves and vest, was meant to send the image that Barack Obama is an imperial prime minister and from his food tasters to his gay umbrella boy following back door, this was all staged..........and baby sister this was not coming from Karl Rove.
I have stated that when Bill Daley was forced onto Obama and Obama, that the fox was in the chicken coop. This salivating reynard has been setting up Obama in having Prime Minister Netanyahu as Ulsterman reported from Deep Tutu lecture him, to the Jimmy Hoffa stigmatization of the regime as a thug clique. All of this is by design, and it is by a committee of organizers who are inside David Plouffe's campaign for Obama in things are coming out of that 2012 outfit which are pure criminal in these auctioning off dates with Obama to his latest surge nuttery in bumper stickers.
The same Rovian clique who sabotaged John McCain, is now operating from the Clinton side in ruining Barack Obama with staged photos, horrid union events and thee worst of it in Obama looks like he is coming unglued.
This was all planned, sold to Obama and he bites on it as he trusts this Gibbous group completely, and it is bringing this destruction.
They are the group who released that birther abstract with the smiley face and sold it to Obama that it was "cool" to put the FU to the world in no one could touch him.
This is the group who diverted Marine One, and frankly, I'm starting to be a bit puzzled about all of this in Mr. Obama is.............not that bright, but it stuns me that he is not this stupid as he has outside FOX connections and reads all the material about him. In explaining, Obama is compelled by obsession in not being able to resist vacations, but he has to comprehend even beyond ego that when Jews dump him in Wiener's district and he is sent to bow to them, that something is extremely wrong. Yet Obama curbs no action, because his handlers are not curbing any of his actions to give the slightest hint of anything needs to spin different.
People in the White House often invite people to Camp David............how hard would it be for Obama to throw some crippled GI he created a bone in taking him golfing for a few holes for photo ops or some family up to CD whose kid died, and then Obama could claim national security and dump them off on some underling after the family was suckered?
Yes Obama doesn't want to be around people as he is the only human in his sociopathic nature, but his people should have had this handled a long time ago...............hauling around some military people bound home on Air Force One spreads the BS well and you can lock them into some cabin and never have to deal with them after the smile and the squeeze.
None of that has given Obama any cover, but what has taken place are these Clinton people have been carrying out the greatest anti Obama smear in history and Obama is willingly like a brain dysfunctional nit carrying out ever ludicrous plots.
Examine this in, you want to stick in an umbrella boy for a photo op?
That kind of thing just does not happen. That boy has to have security clearance, has to be told how to dress, has to be cleared for AFO travel and has to have a fricking umbrella ordered to follow Obama around.
The Clinton and the Bush people would not be caught dead with some umbrella boy, as it looks queer and girly. It looks imperial and cold Obama aloof beyond and out of touch with Americans.
Obama was sold on this umbrella boy by his intimates. Val-erie Jarrett and Reggie Love, the closests of the closest never raised a flag about this looking like hell. Jarrett is about the biggest disservice to Obama in trying to keep her hold on the lessening power she has, and Love apparently is about as bright as rubber ball as these things should make Obama and his intimates cringe........they are no secret as the press is filled with vacations, golf, food tasters and now umbrella boy.
A White House staff of personal advisers is paid to tell the President and the Mrs. that things look bad..........no you can not tell Hillary that stuff, but then Hillary was told she could "look better" and that is why she was always changing things on her, but she did comprehend her appearance and would change.
Bill would get purple rages and tackle Dick Morris, but in time that crew which included Carville could get over the rage and Clinton would listen as he had a brain in his belfry.
That is why Ronald Reagan performed so well, in he had the message, Nancy watched his back and Mike Deaver ran the bunting arrangements.
You would never see Ronald Reagan not carrying his own umbrellas Mike Deaver would have said, "Mr. President, it would look more manly, as one of the people, more you against the elements to carry that umbrella".
Mr. Reagan would reply, "You know it would really look good in my holding it for Nancy, and then turning and snapping it smartly to show that nothing will stop me".
It is those little things which a President does, and it is all these little things Prime Minister Obama has about him which are a continuing parade of disasters that inflict more damage on him than he apparently can comprehend, and no one is stopping these subtle things, as Jarrett is neutered and Bill Daley for the old Democrats are running roughshod over Obama at every turn, and feeding the stories to Matt Drudge to get this really rolling.
Sure a Chris Rock likes the black man having a white guy serving him, but as he is cackling at this, he starts thinking about that white gay guy on his butt and how queer it makes Obama look, and the black voter starts cringing even at this, as this photo was fully intended, as it takes black prejudice from assisting Mr. Obama and turns it on him.........and if that umbrella boy is in fact "black" in passing as was intended, that is worse yet as white Obama now has a black man serving him.
You are witnessing an across the board sabotage of Barack Obama. As you can assess, this is extremely simple for this group to manipulate Obama as frankly there does not seem to be anyone of intellect to save Obama from hisself or anyone with intellect capable of figuring out common sense things.
No the Obama camp has no polish and were not tested in 2008 as all was handed for them, but this kind of situation should be obvious, even to a Hitler posing Axelrod.
These Clinton people are quite devious as has been shown so far. They have been blatantly overt in setting traps and have been paying attention to the details........in camera from reporter at exactly the right spot, in the right rain, not already on AFO, with a steward umbrella boy posing exactly for the image being released...........just as you recall someone smearing Hillary Clinton as Demonic if a photo a few years ago. Yes this is coming full circle as the Clintons have been robbed of their legacy, and they are paying attention to the details and the devil is in them.
Two men with an umbrella..........
Is that an umbrella or are you happy to see me?
No Mr. Obama, I'm not happy, just gay right behind you.
America you now have a Gibbous government waxing as Obama's moon gayly wanes.
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