- Barry Soetoro
- Bearick Obama
- Barry Marshall Davis
- Barry Soebarkah
- Barry Dunham
- B. Hussein Obama
- B. H. Robeson
- Possessor of more Social Security numbers than an illegal alien
- Uglier than she looks
- Uglier than ugly
- More ugly than ugly
- Ugly in an ugly sort of way
- Ugly in a pretty sort of way
- The defintion of ugly
- Fat as Michelle says
- Now dating their father, er, the person named on their birth certificates
- Generation Brazil from Amazon Michelle
- Looking more like their father or mother, er, the persons named on their birth documents
- Worth 12 African cows a piece as is the price in the Obama family for little girls
- A sociopath
- Deluded
- A Narcissist
- A fused 10 year old child
- Programmed with Bill Ayers thought patterns
- An addict
- A perfect destroyer of the American Dream
- Murdering Sheik bin Laden's corpse
- Murdering the Khadaffi living grandchildren
- Sabotaging the Gulf Gusher
- Flooding the Missouri and Mississippi basins
- Looting the US Treasury of trillions
- His Arab Spring
- Not investigating the mass murder of the Polish Government by Vladamir Putin
- Bowing to the Chicoms
- Donald Young
- Having lightning almost strike him
- At a Lincoln event having a storm chase him away
- Having the Presidential seal fall off the podium
- Having the Presidential seal blow off CAD One
- Being cut off in a freak blinding snowstorm
- Having a freak storm break a tree off in front of the West Wing
- Having a rodent move into the White House with the Obama's
- Being circled by blow flies
- god
- messiah
- halo head
- mahdi
- intelligence off the charts
- none of the above
- The worst president in America history
- The worst president in Kenyan history
- The worst president in world history
- The worst president in all history
- The worst usurper in all history
nuff said