Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Poll

Is Barack Obama:
  1. Barry Soetoro
  2. Bearick Obama
  3. Barry Marshall Davis
  4. Barry Soebarkah
  5. Barry Dunham
  6. B. Hussein Obama
  7. B. H. Robeson
  8. Possessor of more Social Security numbers than an illegal alien
Is Michelle Obama:
  1. Uglier than she looks
  2. Uglier than ugly
  3. More ugly than ugly
  4. Ugly in an ugly sort of way
  5. Ugly in a pretty sort of way
  6. The defintion of ugly
Are the Obama girls:
  1. Fat as Michelle says
  2. Now dating their father, er, the person named on their birth certificates
  3. Generation Brazil from Amazon Michelle
  4. Looking more like their father or mother, er, the persons named on their birth documents
  5. Worth 12 African cows a piece as is the price in the Obama family for little girls
Is Barack Obama:
  1. A sociopath
  2. Deluded
  3. A Narcissist
  4. A fused 10 year old child
  5. Programmed with Bill Ayers thought patterns
  6. An addict
  7. A perfect destroyer of the American Dream
What is Barack Obama's Greatest Crime:
  1. Murdering Sheik bin Laden's corpse
  2. Murdering the Khadaffi living grandchildren
  3. Sabotaging the Gulf Gusher
  4. Flooding the Missouri and Mississippi basins
  5. Looting the US Treasury of trillions
  6. His Arab Spring
  7. Not investigating the mass murder of the Polish Government by Vladamir Putin
  8. Bowing to the Chicoms
  9. Donald Young
What is Mr. Obama's worst bad omen
  1. Having lightning almost strike him
  2. At a Lincoln event having a storm chase him away
  3. Having the Presidential seal fall off the podium
  4. Having the Presidential seal blow off CAD One
  5. Being cut off in a freak blinding snowstorm
  6. Having a freak storm break a tree off in front of the West Wing
  7. Having a rodent move into the White House with the Obama's
  8. Being circled by blow flies
Is Barack Obama
  1. god
  2. messiah
  3. halo head
  4. mahdi
  5. intelligence off the charts
  6. none of the above
Finally is beloved leader Obama
  1. The worst president in America history
  2. The worst president in Kenyan history
  3. The worst president in world history
  4. The worst president in all history
  5. The worst usurper in all history

nuff said
