This blog will explain one thing to you which Levin is either leading a false trail on or is a moron with, as he does not explain why the establishment barons (Levin says there are no robber barons) and the Republican elite are so intense in this election to install a Romney as the candidate.
The reason is they all want you the American Patriot dead.
Conservatives are not born of the Limbaugh Elton John sodomy nor of the Levin Ashkenaz dog worshipper breed. Conservatives are born of real people who work and have always in moral productivity produced the American nation.
They are a Christian people in mass, because no other religion could produce a Conservative. Islam is a herd. Catholicism is a herd, Jewry is a herd. Only rugged individualism is expressed in Protestant ideology and that is what founded America and ascended the west from the dark ages.
You must understand this that Mormon Romney is Mark Levin's Canada oil sands, and is no different from Barack Obama and Warren Buffett North Dakota oil shale. They are all nation rapists who suck off the American blood for their ivory tower life.
Barack Obama took America out and gut shot her in the hot sun. Mitt Romney is going to go out and cut her throat as that is what 2012 is about in these two.
Obama wants the whore alive to fondle, and Romney wants her dead so the Mexicans can eat her.
I make no subtlies about this in I have told you these people are the same coin of different sides. One likes slaves for votes and one likes slaves for work. One likes money horded to cartels and the other likes money horded to their barons.
Their one enemy is YOU, the American Patriot. What the RHINO knows is Obama has killed you, as you have no money, you are scracthing for anything now and if they can just get Romney into power under any means, then they will never have to deal with you again, as you will be welfare state.........and that is perfect for Romney as his backers are the ones who bribe Congress so your welfare checks only cover the products the elite are selling.........just like Obama likes the welfare checks for people who vote for him.
These are the same pariahs. Barack Obama shoots Gabrielle Giffords and Karl Rove hopes someone shoots Sarah Palin..........end result Sarah Palin is hiding in Alaska, no oil is being pumped and America is being sold to the Chicoms in oil and coal as PEKING'S CONTROL OF AMERICA.
They don't want you to ever prosper again. Hell they can steal elections with radar sweeps now of electronic voting machines........is how they did it children for Obama in those missing 10 million votes. They want you dead as a people and this American nation a feudal state of generated warriors with high tech weapons of nuclear origin to protect their trilionaire assets, while you are content in giving up hope and being like the Mexicans who are being bred to replace you.
You see you are expendable, because you are threat and lived out your purpose like the Afrikan. You tamed this wilderness, and now it only needs Mexicans...........the white and black race is no longer necessary in America, but a cumbrance. They have aborted the black race to keeping it in check and those breeding Christians will be regulated to welfare contentment and it all rests in the 2012 election.
This is what is behind Ann Coulter and that molotov mob she lifts her skirt for. I know there are things afoot in this a the word has gone out......those who are the players are no longer playing and as this band plays on, the parrots will just keep reinforcing the reality of Mitt Romney has the GOP primary stolen for him already............Jeb Bush will be the Vice President as intended all along, and then much to Nancy Pelosi's delight they will stick the knife in Conservatives while the Obama hordes are rounded up into unions to be beaten into submission.
That is what the 2012 election is about in this Mitt Romney scam. I don't give a damn if Rush Limbaugh says Romney is a nice guy.............so is Obama many will tell you and so was Hitler to his friends.
Ask yourself how many real people Mitt Romney has as friends? Come on, how many people who smell like cow shit, how many who smell like cut grass, how many who have pine wood dust on them, how many who have asphalt stench.........how many real people are friends with Mitt Romney?
You know blessed well that Romney as much as Obama, as much as Limbaugh have no real American friends........and wince at the idea of those people and that is why you never see any of these types enjoying a hunting trip like Dick Cheney or a fishing trip like Sarah Palin.
So now you know the reality of what they have planned on 2012. They are going to kill you with 100 dollar oil for the next 5 years, take every blessed thing you have, force you onto programs to give you things as you buckle, and then you will never vote anything American again as you will all be dead, and your children will expect this as normal like European trash does from 2024 on.
Exclusive of only here. About time someone told you the reality that Mark Levin has been paid millions to warn you of.........but he just somehow never seems to find the facts.
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