Long ago in November 1963, Osama bin Laden's assassination was given a wet run through and it became standard operational protocol in the wet vac of the evidence.
The astute in this will notice the date coincides with the assassination of John Kennedy. They will ponder the odd references to Whore Island being part of a very large and still operational intelligence operation today. They will begin to realize exclusives exposed here, and begin to deduce the realities which others have stumbled upon are being repeated by the same operational structure as patterns always repeat in learned actions.
All of this starts with a rather too thorough naval officer, Lt. Commander William Pitzer who was appointed to a senior position at Bethesda Naval Hospital, in photographic operations there. The Lt. Commander was at the hospital unseen in the video surveillance system there and literally recorded the entire autopsy of John Kennedy at the morgue.
Approximately on November 25th, Dennis David an Administrative Technician came across Pitzer with a 16 mm film of the autopsy and black and white photos of John Kennedy's examination.
Pitzer honestly had no idea what he had in his possession, as while J. Edgar Hoover assigned two FBI agents in Francis O'Neil and James Sibert to "sit on the body", the testimony of David points to a reality that Sibert was alone with the body after everyone was out of the examination room photographing it, as David reported the front head shot was shown in the photos.
X ray technician Jerol Custer would report a bullet fell out of Kennedy's back below his shoulder blades by the spine and his x rays of Kennedy showed shrapnel in the neck. This of course blows Arlen Specter's Warren Commission loan bullet theory of that pristine bullet all have been shown.
Custer was reportedly furious that he knew Admiral Burkley was "working up x ray photos" which were not the one's Custer had imaged, and which would support the story being concocted.
In this, FBI Agent James Sibert would call Arlen Specter a liar, as Sibert spoke of more than one bullet, and in this, Pitzer has also photographed the military officers who were present at the autopsy, unbeknown to the officers.
As stated, Pitzer did not realize what he had, beyond the macabre autopsy recording of a dead President. Sometime though in the next years by 1966, he had figured out he was sitting on the evidence which would rock the world, that the Kennedy autopsies.........yes there were several, were staged, and the Warren Commission photos did not match the real photos Pritzer had taken live.
In fact, a stand in body was part of one autopsy, and it is believed it was Dallas Officer J D Tippett, who was murdered on that day being diverted from Dealey Plaza to the area Lee Harvey Oswald was known by profile he would return to, after being burned by his shooter at the Texas School Book Depository.

The problem was Pritzer was left handed, and he was shot in the right side of his brain. There was no gunpowder residue on his hands, and he left a note about returning the firearm.
Pritzer with a promising career after abruptly leaving the Navy after 28 years for network job was sanctioned and his evidence was destroyed.
The reason all of this matters is the world in 2011 heard another Warren Report, uttered directly from the lips of Barack Hussein Obama, concerning the Muslim, Obama beat his chest over in murdering.
The Sheik's "body" was examined by same medical examiners in the military, quickly, and even more quickly disposed of, in the exact same scenario previously played with John Kennedy.
A medical examiner is not going to miss a frozen corpse of several years or several weeks in examination, so therefore a fresh Muslim look alike body would fill in for the examination to reflect exactly what the Team Six Seals were reporting in the Muslim they executed.
The Sheik's DNA of course would match a relative, as that DNA came from his body, but in the chain of broken evidence by the regime which perpetrated this, the medical examiner would never know the sample he supplied was switched........and one hairy Muslim in a quick autopsy looks like a dead bin Laden for official reports.
THEE ABSOLUTE MAJOR GLARING LIE WHICH HAS BEEN OUTED IMMEDIATELY is that Barack Obama stated that the DNA of Osama bin Laden was tested and matched his dead sister.
The problem is, there are no proven DNA match tests which fulfill the Obama timeline.
It literally requires 3 to 5 days to do a DNA match. One report stated a rush job could be done in 8 hours, but that is in a western lab, and not in Pakistan or a Navy ship, which in the Obama timeline leaves the lie about 3 hours short.
Just as John Kennedy had a body double, Osama bin Laden had a body double provided by the Obama regime, and wherever Barack Obama got his bin Laden DNA.........IT COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN PROCESSED IN THE TIME LAPSED.
That DNA if it was ever tested was tested before the murder of Osama bin Laden ever took place in the Obama timeline.
Thee only way to obtain real bin Laden DNA was to have the corpse on the slab before the Obama SEALS did the murder. The entire SEAL team was cover to assassinate a stand in. This is why bin Laden was not captured alive, as if alive, it would not be long before the CIA would know this was not bin Laden.
That is why Obama bypassed the CIA Directorate protocols in using the DOD to murder bin Laden, as the CIA would have brought the stand in back alive.
You must comprehend this children in Whore Island dreams of Obama. Sheik bin Laden was dead at least weeks if not years previously. His body was in storage in Pakistan, and Barack Obama purchased it, and bribed the Pak Intel to stage this operation to "get bin Laden", a time scale which was supposed to take place in 2012 of October, but Jerome Corsi and Donald Trump forced Obama to show his hand to save hisself over the Birther facts being published.
The same situation which Lt. Commander Pritzer stumbled onto, is the same protocols which were repeated in the murder and "identification" of Sheik bin Laden.
There is a certainty the reason the photos of Sheik bin Laden were never published, is because the corpse on the slab in the forensic photographer would not match the ones on file of the real dead bin Laden, who suffered like wounds.
ALL of this from wounds to body marks are recorded to the millimeter in position. It is impossible in live fire from SEALS to get bullet holes to match up that precisely.......and the reason they have to mach up is in forensic visual identification, Sheik bin Laden's eyes will have to match in distance as would the character of his ears, as those will not change.
In explanation, Obama could publish the real dead bin Laden photos, but the medical examiner would note the bullet holes were not what were recorded, and so would every one else in examining the autopsy reports.
You need the real bin Laden as some wise person would be overlaying the live bin Laden onto the corpse examined after the SEAL murder, and find they did not match.
This all begs the question now in were the TEAM SIX SEALS starting like Pritzer to put the pieces together, and a body of them were mass assassinated to let the survivors know, that keeping one's mouth shut is the only way to live, as numerous JFK observers were educated on.
You did not expect this now did you?
Pritzer took his information to a network television station, now was it CBS, NBC or ABC who in Mockingbird reported on Pritzer and got him neutralized? Which news anchors knew of this massive story and covered it all up?
Always something knew in God's Inspiration.
agtG 264
Barack Obama's DNA lies
Kodachrome everything looks worse in black and white