What do you do when you have a mind which believes in a messiah without miracle, thinks a vote for a tan guy is vote for your hating blacks, could care less about the Constitution and never listened to one word out of Obama's mouth in his being a bonified Marxist?
That is the case for Mortimer Zuckerman, sometimes stealth speech writer for Barack Hussein Obama while giving "objective" commentary on television.
Billionaire Zuckerman still can not believe he was flat world wrong about Obama. If you ask him if Obama is black, American, deserving peace awards, always has worked first for America and was the best choice in 2008, Zuckerman would answer YES to all of the above yet.
If you asked Zuckerman about Obama's birth forgery, Obama's murder of bin Laden, Obama being a race baiter, then you would be the crazy one in Zuckerman is in denail.
Denial is what this is all about for this Canadian who has enjoyed hording American wealth when he crossed the border. Zuckerman as a Jew could not even hear in 2008 how Obama was promising the State of Israel to Philistines.....and he was sitting at the same table, on the same junket and same Israeli state as Obama.
Mort Zuckerman is literally an insane person. This is not a stretch in the least as he is beyond being in denial, and beyond being so cock sure of his always being right to being deluded, this billionaire is suffering from what this blog explained in 2009 in Mortimer Zuckerman is suffering from Battered Obama Syndrome. Obama has so beat the hell out of this man, that like the wife shown the door and freedom in the wife beater, she instead attacks the cops with a butcher knife trying to arrest the thug.
This is a matter of beyond reason. These elites have been playing the masses so long as sheep, that they can not fathom that the cartels played them and stuck in such a chameleon as Obama who morphed into them, repeated their thoughts and was them................this is the key to this an the exclusive lock in this, in Barack Obama became Mortimer Zuckerman like all these other arrogant pricks and fused that so well, that there is now a phobia inside them, that if they deny Obama, they will deny themselves.........meaning they will cease to exist if Obama ceases to exist.
Barack Obama has become cult status. Cult as this blog made mention, in a figure where the minds of the followers are so green kook aid that, they literally are in denial of the abyss around them.
This is the hostage situation for Mort Zuckerman, in Obama has him in mental chains like a beaten wife. The chains are invisible and Zuckerman is begging inside for his survival if Obama was just Triple AAA again.
Everything from Obama strangling the economy in 2009 to his Birth forgery all have dismissals in Zuckerman in "the world must be crazy", because he never noticed one of the infidelities of B. Hussein Obama. Zuckerman did notice the criminal stimulus kickbacks as this blog first exclusively exposed, but the reality of it was..........well it could not be criminal if Obama was doing it, after all he was a cure for my racism........and if Obama is not there, then I must be a racist.
Zuckerman never did figure out that when he condescendingly was "helping" Obama out by writing speeches and deceiving viewers, that what he was confirming was Mortimer Zuckerman knew this "black man"did not have what it took to lead.........that is racism.
Zuckerman was willing to do anything he could to even ruining his reputation and breaking trust with the public for one quickie with Obama to "save Mort Zuckerman" from his sins.
Normal people saw Obama as unhinged in his messiah blasphemy, but Zuckerman like millions saw forgiveness. Normal people heard the stuttering Obama as a mental fraud, but Zuckerman like millions saw Obama a genius as they thought they were a genius.
This entire list of the way people deceived themselves repeats time and again, to the point now, these Zuckerman types have actually hypnotized themselves into believing the Obama cadence which hypnotized them in 2008.
Here in lies the reality that there is nothing which can be done for Mortimer Zuckerman, any more than the psych patient in the basement ward who knows he is Abraham Lincoln. Zuckerman has piles of Marxist data, has numerous world despots doing exactly what Obama did to cement power, has piles of dead, has evidence Obama is a birth fraud, and none of that matters as Zuckerman is still shocked what Democrats blurt out about Obama behind his back.
Mort Zuckerman is insane. He is though in a company of millionaires on television who are insane too from Mark Levin enabling beloved leader to Bill Maher stuck in his million dollar racism.
nuff said.
The clinically insane Zuckerman
There's talk on the street; it sounds so familiar
Great expectations, everybody's watching you
People you meet, they all seem to know you
Even your old friends treat you like you're something new
Johnny come lately, the new kid in town
Everybody loves you, so don't let them down
Everybody's talking 'bout the new kid in town,
Ooh, hoo
Everybody's walking like the new kid in town,
Ooh, hoo
There's a new kid in town
I don't want to hear it
There's a new kid in town
I don't want to hear it
There's a new kid in town
There's a new kid in town
There's a new kid in town