Another exclusive, as if anyone give a rat's ass.
OK, this blog has uncovered that Monsanto has criminally created a product not only endangering people, fauna and flora in their genetically modified soybeans, but has created in this algae spliced poison something which is endangering the food supply of America with fire.
As most are urbanite, they will not comprehend odd things, like God made straw in crops to not ignite at low temperatures. Sort of makes sense in if grass which is the base of most crops would start on fire at low temperatures, the result would be entire fields burned up.
God has been good in this, that even lightning does not start fields of grain on fire, but it will start forests on fire........most of those forests though contain petrol resins.
I will have to explain this I suppose, and then some ass will post over my post lecturing their piss antness in not coming up with a thing, but trying to jump onto this fame.
Pine, cedar, spruce etc... contain a ready petrol type resin in their needles which burns like gasoline when exposed to fires......that is why lightning starts western forests on fire, and the east hardwoods rarely have anything but piles of smoldering maple leaves.
Blah, blah, blah........
Monsanto in their GM Round Up beans did something to change all of this, in while soybeans have always contained oil, they rarely would ever start on fire in the fields. This has now all changed as I have monitored this among the agrarians, and farmers combines are becoming readily combustible.
This interesting in the fires are spontaneous, but while they burn like a pine needle, the product burned is akin to a kerosene and not a gasoline.........again for the experts, kerosene will not explode in confined spaces, but gasoline will due to being more volatile.
This is good for farmers or their combines would be massive bombs on wheels akin to witches brew bombs terrorists use.
Most do not know that the flour in your kitchen is explosive. Yet it is. Grain elevators using high speed augers were turning out a flour in moving grain, in a confined space of an elevator, the dust would hang in the air, and a spark would ignite it to a form worse than gasoline, as the wheat flour would explode as it is that volatile.
For a time, elevators of the older sort were blowing off their tops all across the midwest.
What fascinates me, well it doesn't as I really don't give a damn about any of this any more, is cellulose burns at around 451 degrees.......like the famous book. Ethyl Ether ignite at 356 degrees. Gasoline ignites at 495 degrees. Diamonds another form of coal compressed carbon burn at 800 degrees.
The point in this being, the soybeans are not starting on fire, but it is either the leaves or the stalk of this Monsanto bean, and in that, a heat source of friction, is exposing that a bean dust is volatile to the point of not being explosive, but it is starting on fire endangering everyone.
Monsanto had to have known this, as warning went out to farmer to "clean their combines". The problem is clean combines are starting on fire too. This Monsanto bean apparently has a petrol element to the bean plant like the conifers.
So in this new frankenfood creation Monsanto has violated numbers of God's Law and the result is a food supply which will burn up. This is criminal, because if clothing manufacturers produced clothes which started on fire, they got into criminal trouble............the carpet and furniture busineses also readily had to produce products which did not burn as easily.....yet Monsanto with the Obama regime is burning up farmers equipment, endangering the farmers, burning up fields in wildfires and puting the entire community at risk.
I have first person accounts of these fires in farmers literally say they try to salvage things out of the cab of the combine and the inferno spreads so fast that they barely get out alive.
Added to this, is the fact these massive combines carry a several hundred gallon supply of diesel fuel. Could you imagine in Obamaworld, if those combines had methane, hydrogen, gasoline or propane? That would be a bang heard around the country.
No one is bringing this to light as usual, as this exclusive has uncovered thee greatest threat to farmers is Monsanto auto ignition soybeans.
Once again this is criminal, in Monsanto has produced a product that is knowingly endangering people and property, and becaue they own Congress and Obama, this reckless homicide is not arrested.
Here are a few links to prove the point.
Fire sparked by combine damages 60 acres of soybean near Shelby ...
Oct 7, 2011 – SHELBY, Neb. - Firefighters say a combine harvesting a soybean field sparked a fire that scorched about 60 acres near Shelby in east central ...Take Precaution to Avoid Combine Fires ... - Corn & Soybean Digest
Oct 7, 2011 – Combine fires cause serious injuries and millions in property losses each year – this harvest is no exception says Daniel Humburg, professor of ...Brookings Register Combine ignites beans, fire spreads
Oct 3, 2011 – Smoke billows from a soybean field south of Volga Thursday. A combine started a fire that eventually consumed 70 acres of soybeans and ...nuff said.
Pretty is just another word for ugly in a nice package.
Lame Cherry