Denial or not, the reality is God created America for His American children born of Joseph. If you can not wrap your warped minds about this, just shut up and listen, because your survival depends upon every word of this.
America is bound by Abrahamic Covenant, meaning that story in the Bible of making direct Covenant with God and the Holy Ghost sealing it all, is what America is bound by in blessings and curses as one of the 13 tribes of the sons of Jacob or Israel.
Covenant is something in God's terms which can not be broken. Death is the only way Covenant is ended and that is why Jesus had to die, so He could create a New Covenant or Testament which Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had faith in the Promise and were justified and those now who believe it are justified in the same faith that Christ fulfilled that Promise.
In real Covenant, a bull and a ram lamb are killed, split down the middle, laid end to end, and the blood pools between. This is what Abraham did.
David and Jonathan did such in their Covenant and they walked in figure 8 between the carcasses in that blood, stopped, made vows, exchange armour and clothing, and literally became each other.........that is who deep Covenant is. In human terms, it lasts for generations and families.
Violating that Covenant is punishable by death, as you have endangered the other person.
So you get this, the wine and bread of Christ in the Last Supper is Covenant sealed by God.
In David and Jonathan's case, there would be bread they would break and promise they would feed each other their flesh so the other would not starve like the broken animals, and the wine was supped in stating they would pour out their blood to save the other.
There would also be a cutting of the hand, so a scar was present.....in God's Covenant that scar is circumcision of all males of the tribe.
Now you know what Christ was about on the Cross and the Last Supper in what this all meant, and why He was showing is scars to the disciples, because it was proof of the Covenant enacted by Him.
When the Israelites rejected God and chose Saul that was Covenant and an inferior one as God did not choose him.
When you fools in America rejected Jesus as Lord of His America, and installed this illegitimate Barack messiah Obama, that was more than violating Covenant, you stupid arrogant bastards of satan broke Covenant written in the blood of Patriots in the body of George Washington and the Founders.
You have no idea what blasphemy, abomination and abhorrence you unleashed in this filth of fornication with Obama, but you are seeing the results of the curse of Deuteronomy 28 coming into play and the signs of the American Spirits blowing off Presidential Seals to things being stolen. This is being rejected on a Spiritual scale and America, with the world, you are in ghastly danger over all of this.
You have gone in open Rebellion to your Lord and your God. You put this usurpring foreigner into power and you with Mark Levin have fornicated in keeping this despot in power, thinking it will all settle out.........no that whoredom is now magnified and all of this is bringing wrath and judgment which is of Biblical doom proportions.
You will be punished in this and you will be destroyed. There is no doubt about this, as you are an evil people who went back to Egypt and God no longer sees you as His, but as foreign, because that is what you have in the White House is what God sees is this blasphemous despot who calls hisself a messiah, supplanting Jesus the Christ.
This is serious business in this, in America has even surpassed the sins of the Israelites and Judahites, as they never had the brazen whorishness to ever install a foreigner over them.........never in history have the 13 Tribes ever stooped to this Rothschild supplanting of God's Nativity.
There is one solution in this, and you have just about wiped this out. You must divorce Barack Obama from that White House. It must be legal, meaning you either impeach him, arrest him or you boot his ass out in November 2012, but you do it legal and no heinous short cuts.
That is your first step in an action in this abyss.
Your second step is you can not go whoring for some damned lounge lizard ok, in some Mitt Romney who denies Christ or some almost there Herman Cain........and that goes on the left with traitor Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton who signed off on this.
I have told you that Sarah Palin was supposed to be Vice President in the real scenario of 2008, preparing for what is to come. I do not care what you believe, but you should get the point that the disaster of Obama is a sign of America under a curse and not a blessing.
You rejected Sarah Palin and you have ravaged her. You have endangered her and driven her from the field. I will repeat, God designed her for this place in history and there is none other. You America to save yourselves have got to wed yourself to this woman, and do not make apostate sexual cracks about this, as this is deadly in what is enveloping all.
You do what it takes you who betrayed her, and you put her into that White House and you make Covenant with her as God's appointed leader, so when He looks down, He will be appeased in that furious wrath He has.
You will bleed America and you will be punished if you do this. If you do not do this, you will face final judgment.
Sarah Palin is your American savior from this whorish marriage of jungle fever psychopathy you engaged in adultery with Barack Obama against your Christ.
You make this a national movement, and you will be spared with a chastisement just as Moses saved the children of Israel in God's wrath when your fore bearers were constantly whoring about with thinking they knew better than God, and that Moses was something to be made fun of by that Letterman cocktail crowd.
This is a witness and it will prove right. You do not have time in this as time has been spent. Do this and survive with Sarah Palin, do not do it with more adultery and you die.
It is so. Amen and Amen.
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