Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Bloomberg Obama Holder Gunrunner

This probably should have been written long ago to expose the traitorous nature of Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder in conspiracy against these United States, but it required a Patriot in Laurie Sterbenz to initiate the Inspiration process.

The illegal operation known as Gunrunner and it's heinous offspring of Fast and Furious, did not start with the Bush Administration, nor did they hold place alone in Obama in 2008 setting up his Mexican paramilitary to control the Latin dope traffic and as murder for hire intimidation group, no the genesis of the aspect which stoked the Obama NeoProgs was the Supreme Court affirmation that a DC gun owner could own a firearm as the Constitution protects.

The key in this is that liberal Obama voter Michael Bloomberg which Ms. Sterbenz noted in Bloomberg was having a cock fit after the set up shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and "hired" agents to invade the State of Arizona to try and set up a gun dealer to sell guns without identification.

You must understand this putz Bloomberg has his own agenda like Chicago thugs do in being furiuos about the Supreme Court decision, and it was what was promised them in the Obama campaign that he would "do something" to create such a heinous murder rampage to force Congress to pass a super majority overturning of the DC Gun Rights Law, so these little despots would be back to disarming people, so criminals could rape and rob them and these city governments could continue to rob and enslave those rats in their cages.

New York has always been the patricians petri dish of human enslavement to gauge how willing rats are to bars. All nations have them to implement feudalism and deny rights. Bloomberg of course is part of Gunrunner, and Gunrunner is part of ...Chicago and DC in the Supreme Court upholding gun rights. Fast and Furious was created to destroy the Roberts court upholding gun rights.
No coincidence Obama was trying to lynch Justice Thomas at the State of the Union in 2009 with Chuck Schumer frothing at the mouth.

Bloomberg though being out of the big Obama loop in what was going on in the major sting, cocked off in trying to help "that black man out" as the Mayor got nervous in Obama neglected gun confiscation and in November, America rejected Obama in 2010, so Mike did what all liberals so in 'helping that smart boy out as only a white liberal can'.
Call it the Mortimer Zuckerman Syndrome.

So Bloomberg thinks with Giffords languishing, he can cash in on this, and win one for the Obama in sending in his brown shirts to invade Arizona to expose all of this, so Congress can get back on the gun ban wagon which is what started this entire conspiracy.

Bloomberg host to the crime capital of the world really for generations, was criticized for acting like Mini Me Obama. The audacity of this elitist in invading a State with an operation to entice a Citizen to be a criminal is something right out of Nazi Germany. It is though a fitting brick in this Obama wall, as it starts exposing exactly what the quid pro quo was in the liberal large cities in what they produced Obama election fraud for in 2008, just like JFK in 1960, all for Obama to conspire to overturn the Second Amendment in the Roberts Court.

For the record, that is criminal. It is treason literally and we would not know this if Mayor Mike had not gotten nervous in his racism in thinking he had to help that negro Obama out.
This is a conspiracy, and Michael Bloomberg literally is a part of this in the murders which have taken place in this operation Gunrunner, as he aided Obama in this, and his rushing into Arizona is absolute proof of foreknowledge of Obama involvement in Barry Promises were made.

This is why a Conservative with a hanging judge is going to have to be elected in 2012 and not some Mormon Romney who is so Obamacare that all of this is going to be swept away. America tried that under George W. Bush for the Clinton crimes, and that wall of silence caused 9 11.

This blog is thankful for Michael Bloomberg adding a criminal conspiracy to this in mass murder felony to this NeoProg ilk, as Darrell Issa of course will miss this aspect in his deal he has worked out to drag this there is no statute of limitations on this, a mass indictment of the Obama criminal gang in violating the Constitution which resulted in mass murders of Americans and Mexicans..........

Oh hey, this is a thought, let's extradict Micheal Bloomberg to Mexico for trial. Sure they don't do the death penalty, but death is welcome in Mexican prisons where you get broom handles shoved up your rectum as those wronged Federales like working over gringoes daily.

Thanks to an Arizona Patriot.

agtG 238

My country tis of thee