That stated, it is time to expose this racism further in my favorite Al Franken election theft team of the Minnesota Viqueens.
The Vikings have since Bud Grant could no longer handle the black players on the team starting in the 1980's, been a team of absolute decline and disaster. The ownership's choice of Dennis Greene was one which implemented black racism to it's pinnacle.
Greene fired white people in criminal acts. At one point, he literally fired his entire defense, and hired the entire black fired defense of Green Bay of Ray Rhodes, another disaster of Obama affirmative action.
When Greene was fired, all hell broke loose in the Viqueens in the blacks literally rioted and refused to play for a white coach.
The criminal who followed Greene was Mike Tice, a big dumb crooked tight end, who was scalping tickets and having sex parties, before his Viqueens fell apart and he was fired.
Tice went on to Jacksonville to destroy Jack Del Rio's Jaguars in an implosion which that team has not recovered from yet.
Into this, the new Viqueen's owner after bouts with Tom Clancy, blowhardness and another black owner who had not money attempting to buy the team, Ziggy Wilf hired Brad Childress who decided a black Tavaris Jackson was their future, like Donavan McNabb's disaster at Philadelphia where Childress started.
After dumping the idiot Daunte Culpepper, Jackson proved another idiot........to which two years ago Childress brought in Bret Favre.
Once again the racism rocketed at the Vikings in the first pre season series at KC when Favre entered the game, almost got him killed, as the black line refused to block, and the wide receivers would not run routes.
The net result was Childress canned a Bobby Wade who apparently was enough of an example, and Favre ran the Vikings to one play away from the Super Bowl in a cheating and criminal New Orleans Saints team which almost killed Favre in that game.
In all of this, there was non stop calls for Childress and Favre to be canned, and it was these white folks fault for everything going wrong.
With the advent of psychopath Randy Moss showing up in Minnesota after harming the Patriots and then getting Childress fired, and then destroying the Titans season, along with getting Jeff Fischer fired, not one word was uttered about the the racism of Randy Moss in being a product of Dennis Greene in the NFL.
So the Viqueens blacks refused to play for Favre and got him crippled in 2010 destroying that season, all so the black Leslie Frasier, who had non stop stories for years about how he was going to be a head coach in the NFL.........problem is when all the other teams interviewed him, they ran from him. That should have been warning to Ziggy Wilf, but he still hired the idiot who was propped up by Brad Childress, and Frasier's first act was to go out and hire, Donavan McNabb........the affirmative action quarterback who Terrell Owens said needed a nap during the Super Bowl, took one, and lost the game for Philadelphia.
Frasier and McNabb, both have now ended the Viking's season in a remarkable 5 games. The trouncing hapless Chicago gave Minnesota was evidence that this Obama is in over his head coaching and playing.
Once again, a white kid from Florida, Christian Ponder was dumped into the game to do something, and he did.........but a rookie thrown into a worthless season destroyed by this black racism is nothing any player should be stuck with.
Not once has there been a headline stating that Leslie Frasier is the problem. There has barely been one acknowledgement that McNabb will not throw the football. The fans have been booing McNabb non stop, but none of that is focused upon, as this racism of "we just can not say these people are inept and black" is forbidden.
I have offered advice to Ziggy Wilf and here is my advice Mr. Wilf.
Fire Leslie Frasier immediately and dump Donavan McNabb.........and bring back Brett Favre. No not to play, but to teach this Christian Ponder as a coach.
Go out and hire Russ Grimm from the Arizona Cardinals, and make him head coach. You have a great scout in Scott Studwell and that GM you got is too cock sure in Chris Speilman, but they at least get the players, you just need someone to get them to play.
Next Mr. Wilf, you get in a closed door meeting with that team and tell them this racist garbage stops or you will make it a point to prosecute the racists as it is quite criminal what was done in dropping blocks in allowing Brett Favre to be physically harmed.
Clean that racist damn house and if it takes white people to play like the Patriots, who are so Obama and hating Rush Limbaugh, but by majority only play white people, then that is what you are going to do Mr. New York, as the Giant owners got away with that too for years.
Lay the law down, and start playing for talent, because talent is what wins games and not race. LC. Greenwood, Joe Greene, Allan Page, Carl Eller, Deacon Jones were not great because of black no more than Randy White, Merlin Olsen, Paul Warfield or Reggie White were great because they were white (Yeah I know Reggie is black, but just tossed that in there to see if you were paying attention.)
The NFL was at it's best in the 70's under Pete Rozelle and this Obama bunch running it now are running it into the ground to the point it was in the lackluster 1960's. It is no fun. The commentary is no fun and when you have nothing but this damned racism running like a current in every game, it is absolutely destroying the league.
Leslie Frasier seems like a nice guy, but he got the job because he was black. He was promoted because he was black, and that lack of talent is ruining people's careers black, white and brown on the Viqueens.
Charges should be filed for what Randy Moss did to three NFL teams last season. Leslie Frasier should be bounced back to some college program to learn how to be a head coach, and finally, those asses who were smearing Brad Childress and Brett Favre owe them apologies, as it is now obvious those two white guys were propping up the racist disaster of the Vikings the way Bush43 was propping up America..........and look how great it is now for racist America with racist Obama being Donavan naptime McNabb.
Blacks are responsible for this condition of the NFL, and it was enabled by Obama liberal whites like Dan Rooney of the Steelers and cost Pittsburgh a championship in 2010.
Time this reality is addressed Terry Bradshaw in public and in private it is time this addressed by Ziggy Wilf, as 50 dollar cheap seat tickets give fans the say in their being robbed of their NFL.