This is a super bad omen for the commander in thief, who has looted trillions from Americans and now the spirits are stealing things back.
What comes next, Obama losing his virginity?
I do take all of this quite serious in I know the White House communications crew well. They are a hard working bunch, of expertise and experience......they also do not lose entire trucks for events......first time in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue history this has ever taken place.
Certainly this Obama Super Depression has things lights out as the darkness of poverty descends, but baby sister knows that transportation trucks all have tracking equipment in them, so there is not a chance this was 'just stolen' as is being reported.
For the record, semi truck drivers have to log in, have computers monitoring them, and you get into heaps of trouble driving about longer than 8 hours. Obama has to have a driver who is not nuts, has union connections, has been screened so he doesn't stick Obama's microphone up his rectum as a joke........you know the typical things of employed by 1600 Penn.
Yet we seem to have a host of things going wrong here again in.............perhaps a cute message par dux in, "We diverted your Marine One and now we just proved we can steal your promotion equipment".
Obamaweiner must be the name of this operation. It is far more than what is reported as you know now the reality of how this all is surrounded in a ring of security. Therefore more is going on here in another example being made of Obama.
One could only marvel next time if they steal Obama's bus with beloved leader inside. The problem though being in this is would America not want Obama back and be cheering the thieves?
So Barry, you and Plouffe better not engineer that as a campaign event...........Joe Biden might just say, "America you got me till the next election and I'm a cheaper date."