Everything on this planet and universe is comprised of numerical patterns which reveal themselves naturally, as in nature in Fibonacci's tree and leaf patterns in the sequence numbers of if one adds numbers in sequence, they develop the Fibonacci pattern in flora.
O, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 etc....
Respectively the Cherry numbers reveal that nature espouses the odd numerics of chaos in numbers not in pattern divisible in spacing of light gathering and strength to offset the natural divisible patterns of light, wind, rain etc...but upon reaching the dense pattern of 144, it then becomes the perfect of the squared number 12, which is the base imperfects of 3 and 4 in odd and even united.
What is being revealed here is DNA in the sacred geometry of the perfection of the square and rectangle combined in division, that performs upon connection the golden spiral.
Put this into a three dimensional configuration and initiate motion, and you have life at is geometric, mathematical and physical form.
The square becomes the circle and the circle becomes the square by multiplication and division. Subtraction and addition are chaos, but enough subtraction or addition patterns to harmony.
The spiral explodes out and implodes in. The spiral is the greater universe of the seen and the lesser universe of the unseen all connected in the motion of gravitational and centrifugal force.
Crop circles are speech patterns in geometric voice of three dimensional scale on single dimensional scale.
All physical matter comprises of God Light at source. Through will this matter transforms from basic signature to combined signature of new identity. Meaning the simple atom combined at different fusing becomes hydrogen to gold to human, with each set pattern a frequency, and within the genus of earth or individual human, each pattern frequency is unique in signature.
Change the signature and gold becomes lead. Change the signature and healthy becomes sick or successful becomes unsuccessful.
The children born under the stars, are still guided by that star, but in sequence set patterns may be disrupted to interfere with outcome, like unplugging an appliance. It is still an appliance, but does not function without being connected to it's destiny.
Every thing has a pattern number. Influence the number by fraction and the pattern will misbehave in chaos. Do you not see how the frequency changed leaves an oval office without illumination in a square world?
Chaos infused into order in straight avenues will by natural order quake in equal chaos and order meeting in opposite as the natural attempts to rectify the disorder....by breaking it all down to the original code of molecular 'clay' to be reformed by the Hand of His Will.
Construction will create life, but life will initiate destruction.
Numbers have pattern authority on every dimensional sphere. Place different numbers into the pattern and the border will be disrupted out of sequence in greater numbers in grid, or weakened by lesser number in grid.
Example if Mr. Obama's number pattern infused from the European principalities is 5, then generating greater patterns of 5 from 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 creates an arc wave response of national euphoria, but said greater pattern will be "ground down" by the pattern.
In like manner if 3 plus 2 was the supporting structure on inferior numbers comprising the 5 pattern, then that weakness will revert to that pattern, just as a 35 will return to base 5 in the same speed of arc it ascended.
One can illuminate a nowhere man and provide a shadow veil, to puzzle the crowd pondering how the rock floats in air, but it is still a rock and the energy flux will not forever keep the nowhere somewhere on the stage.
Euclid's 47th perfect nature is harmony, but responds with disharmony when opposite forces via for the same space.
The peace that is war and the war that is peace. The creation and the return to base.
They have placed a foreign pattern over the American pattern and the two can not occupy the same space. The American pattern will prevail mathematically as it will only recognize the harmony of it's own pattern.
The vibrational speed does not preserve or self destruct. Meaning the mathematical pattern can slow or accelerate on the American frequency and it is that frequency, but by speeding said frequency expulsion of foreign frequencies can be prolonged.
That is why they have slowed in this quickening age the foreign pattern with Mr. Obama as he appears stuck in time, slow or regressive. It is to preserve his power signature which is not keeping time literally with the American accelleration.
Will power being initiated by will, overcomes principalities which will resist, but in sequence the American sphere will reject as it is and expunge the incorrect frequency as the pattern will not accept that which is not valid.
One is either initiating the Tree of Life or the false tree.
What has occurred in resistance is the fractional skewing of the Obama sequence of power numbers plugged into the American grid.
Enough mathematics for now.
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