I have a contact out with NATO over the murder of Col. Khadaffi, by the Obama alliance, and doubt I will be replied to, but as stories march on, it is time to literally state the case that Barack Hussein Obama is now a war criminal.
Under United States Codes, and therefore NATO Codes in Rule of Engagement, the United State and any allied group, which includes fighters being assisted are subject to US Law.
The United States Marine Corp has published the ROE, and the rules of engagement are posted below:
The 1999 Marine Corps Close Combat Manual (MCRP 3-02B) presents a “Continuum of Force” broken down as follows:
- Level 1: Compliant (Cooperative). The subject responds and complies to verbal commands. Close combat techniques do not apply.
- Level 2: Resistant (Passive). The subject resists verbal commands but complies immediately to any contact controls. Close combat techniques do not apply.
- Level 3: Resistant (Active). The subject initially demonstrates physical resistance. Use compliance techniques to control the situation. Level three incorporates close combat techniques to physically force a subject to comply. Techniques include: Come-along holds, Soft-handed stunning blows, Pain compliance through the use of joint manipulation and the use of pressure points.
- Level 4: Assaultive (Bodily Harm). The subject may physically attack, but does not use a weapon. Use defensive tactics to neutralize the threat. Defensive tactics include Blocks, Strikes, Kicks, Enhanced pain compliance procedures, Impact weapon blocks and blows.
- Level 5: Assaultive (Lethal Force). The subject usually has a weapon and will either kill or injure someone if he/she is not stopped immediately and brought under control. The subject must be controlled by the use of deadly force with or without a firearm.
As one can ascertain the US has FIVE LEVELS in combat, before lethal force can be justified. This is the same rules of engagement which the US Soldiers were being slaughtered under in Afghanistan.
Change of venue, and immediately Barack Obama has allied America with violating US Laws in Col. Khadaffi was captured, was not resisting, was begging to not be shot, but was instead tortured by having his legs shot, beaten and then murdered with a shot to the brain.
Only this blog has been covering this exclusively in how from day one in January 2009, Barack Obama turned the US military into a murder incorporated. None of this is by accident and it is by design.
America now has absolutely been stripped of moral authority. America, Britain and France just wed themselves to acts as heinous as the Nazi in World War II and Stalin the Ukraine. There are RULES OF LAW and Barack Obama has turned America into outlaw status.
All of this cheering from Mark Levin is disgusting. Piles of dead US SEALS, Hosni Mubarak in a cage being tortured, the mayhem in Syria, Yemen in a blood bath, Khadaffi's children and grandchildren slaughtered, and now this Scarlet stain of Murder in something beyond disgusting in Col. Ghadaffi was rolled around the streets, then loaded onto a car roof and paraded about Libya.
For those who do not comprehend things, I will be blunt. A corpse drains urine, saliva, excrement and blood. That gets all over vehicles.
It is warm in Libya which mean maggots lay white eggs all over the corpse.
Normal people would be repulsed and most would vomit at such a thing, but these Obama allies were busy playing with this fat dead body, fondling it in loading it on the roof of a vehicle and then shooting off guns and celebrating this wonderful savagery and barbarism.
Apparently Mark Levin was not bright enough to know where this was all going as he was slobbering like Chuck Schumer when Obama attacked the Supreme Court Justices, when Obama murdered bin Laden and four others who were unarmed.
See what the nimwit does not figure out, is when Obama and his mobs can do this with carte blanche to others, he will start carrying out like murders on Americans.
Hutatree was proven as a BATF operation. Gabrielle Giffords had a missing second shooter reported by EMT's who refused to enter the area, and what of that Operation Gunrunner........why piles of dead Mexicans and Americans and no one but Darrell Issa dragging his feet on that, as Obama thumps his chest over the heinous murder of a criminal.........who just happened to call Obama his African son and was Obama's most vocal supporter in Muslimlands in 2008.
By the absolute facts of NATO and the US military, Barack Obama has made the alliance war criminals, and he is indeed a war criminal.
I will repeat all the hell Bush43 received over the verbal abuse of Saddam Hussein in his legal execution...........but that was legal, and not an old despot begging for his life, as his children are laying dead about him, and literal torture and murder takes place.
There is no moral authority for America in this world, as they are worse than Peking, Moscow and Tehran. Every American who has not spoken out about this is guilty of this, and those like Mark Levin who did not get it.....just quit with the Hitler and holocaust stuff as the same criminal acts are taking place now and you cheered when Obama did it with Sheik bin Laden.
Do not any of you comprehend the depths of this? Obama has robbed the victims of 9 11, robbed the victims of Lockerbie of JUSTICE, because of the murderous rampages he unleashed. Obama has made America worse than the terrorists.
Did Saddam Hussein, Sheik bin Laden or Col. Khadaffi, EVER drag one American from their hiding place, shoot them in the legs to torture them as they begged for their lives, and the blew their brains out...then loaded them on the roof of a car to celebrate?
Never happened, and this is from three of thee most heinous people of the modern age, and yet this is what Barack Obama is all about.
This is his criminal doing, and Barack Obama has placed this all on Americans in branding them in doing things that even terrorists would not do.
The only rules Obama has is making it civilized for terrorists to murder Americans, and making Americans into murderous terrorists.
Oh and by the way, there were Americans with these Obama rebels........do not doubt that for a second as they were coordinating and in command and control on ground.
This is your tarbaby America. You didn't stop Obama legally in the murder of bin Laden and you saw what happened to the Navy SEALS. You are now guilty in Col. Khadaffi.
Just what do you think they are going to retaliate with? Cousoucs?
Nanny Nato
Psycho Nato