Isn't this just every American's Dream this festive season of Obamaness?
I mean isn't this just all American, in all this Republic was created for by God and our Noble Founders in witnessing what Mr. Obama has wed all Americans too?
What do I mean?
Why America, you just took part in your name is on herd bombing an old geezer named Khadaffi when he was trying to flee, back into his home, where being wounded, he hid in the ground, whereby Obama's allies dragged this old man out, who was begging for no one to shoot him, and whereby the Obama mob beat him silly, and then went up and capped him with a 9 to the brain.
Isn't murder just lovely? I'm certain Mark Levin will be frothing in delight over this too, as he just loved when American SEALS were murdering Sheik bin Laden and those other Muslims.......or shall we say when bin Laden's corpse was murdered, Obama took credit, and the the entire Navy SEALS were murdered as the Army Rangers were smeared.
This is just frankly every American's dream, that we recite in the pledge........
I pledge allegiance to Barack Obama, and for the feudal state for which he stands. One nation, under empire, with murder and murder for all.
Can any of you not see how warped you have all become and how psychotic this is? America is now an assassination mob. If it is not Obama firing off assassin missiles, it is some Marxist mob murdering people, and then we see this...........
Oh yes this gets better, in corpse abuse in the Obama mob is rolling the body around in the streets.......they put Khadaffi on the roof of a car and then parade him around the country.
This is beyond disgusting, when it is Muslims pissing on dead US Soldier in Iran or Muslims dragging burned dead Soldiers through Somalia.
Do you not recall the hell which Bush43 had when Saddam Hussein was executed in the guards were verbally abusing Saddam? How heinous that all was, and yet Obama and his mob are murdering people in front of children, are blowing up babies, are beating geezers, murdering them and then parading them around like a trophy deer..............why is it that Obama has this criminal active psychosis and no one says a word except this blog, and reveals that America has become thee 3rd world despotic leader of NATO.
Ronald Reagan had moral authority in striking at Khadaffi with bombers in an act of war against terrorism.
If you recall, Col. Khadaffi in honor returned the dead Pilots on that raid, one of whom was black, with no abuse, no blackmail and no malice.
There are ways to conduct yourselves so that you have moral authority, so when Vladamir Putin is murdering people in Russia, an American can stand up and denounce it, because he is not murdering people around the globe.
Yet there was Joe Biden just yesterday threatening a US Journalist......and the rest of the puppy press just stood around and condoned this despotic misbehavior.
It is the reality now in America has no moral authority. Obama has destroyed it. Slobbering barbarians like Mark Levin give it a thumbs up, and the entire country turns into a tainted whore of rapine.
There are ways to deal with people like Khadaffi. George W. Bush dealt with Khadaffi, in putting him on a leash. Khadaffi was behaving as most despots, but not attacking America. If he was out of line, there is nothing wrong with striking him with air power and assassinating him, providing America had been harmed.
Yet instead let us not forget America, that in 2008, Khadaffi claimed Barack Hussein Obama, as his own African son. This was Obama's most vocal supporter, and by 2001, Barack Obama in three short years, has murdered this leader, all for the purpose of stealing Libyan oil and installing more communists to manage Muslims.
This was Barack Hussein Obama's African adoptive father, and just like Stan Ann, he was abandoned and left to suffer a tortuous end.
I can not wake you up America, as I have tried. You cling to Mark Levin in his slobbering rants condoning rule by murder and you sit in silence like Ed Schultz condoning murder. There are rules of law, and America has degraded to outlaw status and is no different than Khadaffi in deciding on who lives and who is murdered.
For those of you who think this is over, your murdering has just begun, as all of these deposed people have children who you are going to have to murder, they have nasty people who just were deprived of massive money flow, and they have Vladamir Putin who will gladly along with a dozen other despots support all sorts of attacks on the west now, as these rats are no longer pinned to their home nations, but have been flushed and now have the upper hand in being small and mobile.
So this blog in exposing Col. Khadaffi as Obama's new bin Laden, invoked a reality where Obama had to murder one more despot........but then when one has nuclear Iran, it was assessed that one little Khadaffi was not worth bothering, as the European cartel knew a counter revolution was going to sweep away the Obama frauds in power in Libya within a year, once NATO was done spending a trillion dollars on those oil fields.
Trillion dollars for a dead Khadaffi, and the day is coming when Muslim WMD destruction of New York will take place, and the world will applaud the terrorists for all Obama has criminally unleashed.
This Nobel Obama planet of murder is such a pretty world isn't it?
Obama eats his own parents and one side slobbers in glee over it and the other side smiles as they don't want their lives mucked up taking care of their geezer parents either when they get old.
This is your Wall Street mob, Libyan style.......or is it Obama style.
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