It is September...........
"No it is not", you are thinking, and yet it is, because I told you children that I live in the future, and yet it is the past...........meaning where I'm living right now is in your October while occupying your September, meaning that most of the things you are reading as "today's news" are issues archived here and if you notice at times, this blog is still beating the main news media sources by several days with the story.
In some cases like Mark Levin complaining about liberals fleeing California and infesting other states voting liberal, ruining those states, that is an issue covered here years ago.
So you consider that Mark Levin states his show is prep for the next day Rush Limbaugh show, and Limbaugh's show is "cutting edge"...........you have been told that this blog is the post which is past the surveyors cut into new territory, that is how advanced things are here.
It is difficult in most people have no idea the things posted here and what their meaning is, for time is required to flow in the story line to reveal the reality in the future which is being posted here.
I'm allowed to progress this out to the vanishing point of several weeks, meaning there are waiting for you pages of posts. If you could see the archive as I have posted here once before of the stories waiting, you would see pages of stories awaiting in things which seem new to you, but are so old and covered that at times I have to check the blog to see what is posting as I'm onto something else Inspired.
In that I do at times make mistakes in conversations or posts, in I speak of things to come as int he present and people sometimes wonder what I'm getting it.........it is as if I have lived already that day and I'm posting it as past when it is present.
I do not post the above to brag, but due this as a teaching lesson in how far can one reach out into the future in Prophecy before it becomes Vanishing Point beyond the original focal point? Yes Prophecy is timeless and speaks to the willing, but speaking of odd things in the present about to take place or new stories no one else is covering as they do not see the weave it all requires in this pattern, the camouflage of it all starts having things lost and only for the astute few will they remember that things of this sort were being progressed out from that point long ago.
I can see Russia from my front porch..........I can see the world even if I do not have a front porch. I can see inside you and can feel the good and the bad.
All of this above post actually reveals how failed I really am, because it reveals limitations of "why not have a year ahead in posts" or "as why not reveal how Obama likes his underwear pulled off", alas though as it reveals I'm only Inspired human and not God, for while there is not one human in all of history who is capable of turning out Bible sized writings constantly in new revelations from God that no one else has exclusively, there is also the point that the human form even with a Vulcan type will to hold it all together is simply not sufficiently designed to take this kind of abuse.
Matt Drudge has to hire his ability out to press on his imprint in making more of him. Challenge Rush Limbaugh to leave his scripts behind and he would be coasting more than his 70% is currently in programs without nothing. Mark Levin requires the greater portion of a day to do what is done here in 45 minutes, and I by God's Grace have a host of other things I'm still accomplishing in other jobs, research and listening to God. Ed Schultz in his staff of union thugs could not still write 3 simple blogs, add to them daily on special events, create and progress the story and get it right every day, as these humans all require vacations and weekends.
Two months any of the biggest names tried what occupies this space, and they would burn out. Most would collapse the first week as it would be impossible to undertake this and as it takes years to build to Spiritual energy levels, they would go comatose as little souls do not make a Spiritual cut.
I mention Ghost as that movie puzzles me how the writers got that story that close and right. It is moving that coin in how utterly difficult it is and yet Christ speaks of moving mountains for His children.
There is nothing like this blog in history nor will there ever be in future, as this is a unique event occupying this time space and expanding outward. I post this for God's glory as it is His doing and I ponder at times why after this many years of abuse I have not exploded into some pile of goo as this is an unnatural condition that the human form sweats blood over as Christ's experience revealed.
It is odd how that yoga and the hindu crap is pure coasting compared to this, and how those bastardized sects of Christian are sloven and pointless from kneeling on mats to indulgences. This is something which is unknown and unwritten of, except in glimpses of as the one known St. Paul hinted of in his manifesting of the Light.
You had better note the above paragraphs as while you read them children, you will not do them, as while what is pretty to you here, you will not hear them, and when this blog disappears if that is His Will, you are not going to have this rudder giving you comfort and steering you to see things, making you feel secure and giving you thoughts to make you feel bright.
I stay because I do not quit. I though have been pressed hard to leave this world, and in being shielded to death, I press back as I learn more of the game played against me.
For every dark corner, there must be a greater light to shine around those corners to illuminate them.
Is vanishing point the end, or is vanishing point the time when darkness ends and all is Light.
Try doing and it could not be done, save God.