This blog in Inspiration is going to explain something in God did indeed have a plan to save America, and to alleviate the upheaval, but the majority allowed Obama who is a foreigner to steal the 2008 election and seal America's fate.
As an exclusive, this blog is going to place before you the reality which should have been, and not this alternate Saulite reality the world is imploded into the abyss of.
All are guilty in this who supported Obama, who hindered McCain, who have kept Obama in power and who are ignorant of the reality. You will be recompensed for this by God.
The stellar period where Obama was elected under was a 'dark' cloud in astrology. This blog pointed out the double dark moons and what this all pointed to. I do not follow astrology and only God, but make the point, this was written in the stars and God had put forward a choice in fixing this, and that choice was John McCain.
For the Limbaugh leaners who screwed this up, this was not about John McCain saving anything. He simply was a conduit to the real God scripted agenda. John McCain from 2009 on would have stabilized America and the world, and ended the Islamic death grip.
His Presidency though was born of this dark cloud and would have not been anything other than what other Presidents who dealt with this astrological time, in it being death.
This bluntness might shock most readers, but John McCain would have died in office, as it is doubtful he would have been involved in impeachment. This sacrifice would have implemented the true and native challenger, who was born to this in Sarah Palin.
With the death of a President McCain, the shadow would have been negated as a new vista in the stars would have been charted as a President Palin would not have been under the old signs.
This would have been advantageous to America as this free flow would have permitted a President Palin and America to operate under the venue of "void pattern" in the stars and only under God's command.
Astrologers never would reveal this nor would they contemplate this, as by mass they are Godless Obama backers and were supporting him in mass and still are into the abyss.
This blog reveals these signatures as a witness for the prosecution, as the reality of what should have been was in those currents of the stars generating that symphony for earth to play out.
That old Soldier had a purpose in dying for America at this time. All that was thwarted by Karl Rove and the Obama syndicate, not that cloud grows to the world and can not be broken. If Sarah Palin would be President in 2013, she would as conduit lessen the effects by God immensely.
Once again, now you know things which none on earth knew.
Moving on.
agtG 272
*Note: Numerical flow signatures point to last moment deliverance. Matrix signature appears viable and strong to this destiny. At this focal point signature to vanishing point.