Did you know thee most brilliant minds in the world are involved in stereochemistry?
Now I know you think this is some rock n roll fun time acid trip, but even it is, it is really a place where geniuses, or at least one genius is found.
It really is an amazingly old vocation with names of Pasteur involved, in salts, sugars and acids and lights rotating different directions........and you uninformed think I'm being satirical about all of this, but I swear by God in Heaven, I'm sincere in this is the stuff you are made of and it is no bad acid trip.
The thalidomide babies are all about stereochemistry in if you use that drug it puts women to sleep..........but on the other end of the sequence there is a connection which taps into baby DNA and arrests development killing or harming the children. It is the basic building block of DNA really in how it relates to life.
The experts would laugh at me, but when I look at the pictures of atomic charts in stereochemistry, I see chicken feet, as that is what this all looks like in image and mirror image. The neat thing about chicken feet which you can see before your eyes, is they become beehives if you put their tracks together.
Yes you get tetrahedral shapes in the basics of the carbon form and they become the pattern of bee honeycomb combined. The very building blocks of God's atomic nature goes to visible point as the unseen becomes the seen in the geometric shapes of our plane or plain, depending on which of the synomyms you prefer in this rare mirror case.
In watching Joe Biden and Barack Obama.................I think Biden has an evil twin inside of him named Morlock Biden, as Aaron Burr is just insane or a sociopath.
Biden has always been a rather base liar with no self esteem. I don't think Biden really knows he is a liar, as he actually believes or wants to believe all the things he lies about are real. He just can not help himself in wanting it to be something more.
Most males always have to have something bigger and better to make up for their smaller and worst loser selves. Biden though is..............well if Jill tells him she is sick with her period, Joe would say, "Yes I had that too, but I grew out of it at age 14".
If Biden goes to a meeting with Barack Obama and Obama says, "Hey Joe, let's murder bin Laden to take the heat off of my non existent American birth documents and you go out and out the SEALS doing the murdering so they get whacked too to make the Muslims happy."...........Biden would hear, "Joe you are the only one I trust, with my life, so let's murder bin Laden, and you pin it on the SEALS, so that way we can go to the Pope on Sunday and blessed virgins as some other sinners were doing it all".
Sure Barack Obama is probably some kind of birth drug bad trip in Stan Ann probably was fertilizing her womb with tar packed Maui Waui at the whore bar in Hawaii before copulation, so there are probably a dozen embryos fused together and 11 of them are girls with PMS, but with Joe Biden, there is just this Morlock...........a sort of Irish maniac who got dropped on the head when he was born.......or maybe Mum liked a broom up the wazoo and was thumping fetus Joe in the head for hours at a time as some women can not get enough sex, but with the combined blows to little Joe's brain in taters smacked on him, bulls belting him and bullies beating him silly, you have this Morlock Biden who appears often in control of Joe.
No sane person with a soul could sit for 4 years with Barack Obama and...........well take it. A real good Catholic would be seen running screaming for an ocean of Holy Water and demanding a flock of priests perform an exorcism on their person to get the Obama out.
This is the Joe who said Obama was a clean negro, but Joe can not be that far gone to not see the Reggie Love soiling of Obama in just how Hitler Obama is and moving on to Joe Stalin.
All of this stereochem would be easier if there really was an above image of what Biden really looks like as Joe and Mo appear together all the time, as this spooky character is like something Holloween should sell costumes for in profit.
I do wonder sometimes after Jill has sex with botox Joe and Viagra if Joe says, "Hey baby why are you so sweaty.." because Morlock was the little devil nailing Jill and Joe was off in Obamaland thinking it was some porn flick he had ordered up off of XXXtra TV.
I have no idea if there is XXXTtra TV on cable, as I refrain from cable. I just deal with stereo geniuses or they probably put up with boom box me.
I digress.........
I honestly believe that Morlock Biden should be emancipated from Joe Biden legally. This should all be doen in court, and Joe could be put on tranquilizers and Morlock be set free to live his life for 12 hours a day, so Joe would quit taking credit for all the good things evil Morlock does and making Joe look evilly lying stupid.
This can not be botox brain fuse. There is a Morlock biden with horns just waiting to be set free from Joe Biden's brain. He might be more evil, might be more immoral..........who knows what he might be, but until this gets emancipated in the court of law, we will never know just how much is Biden the criminal in putting up with criminal Barack and now much is evil Morlock.
Free Morlock Now!