I'm really quite impressed with Ron Pollard in figuring out the assimilation of the Barack Hussein Obama birth abstract in reverse engineering of the photonic principles at work.
Several hundred hours invested in noticing things and then deducing how the protocols were accomplished is very good for someone who slipped through the intelligence net and was not employed by the Directorate long ago.
As there is not any reason to repeat the document is a forgery as Jerome Corsi has already proven that, this blog will instead play with something else.
By appearances as was noted here, the same expert was involved in the assignment of Obama's military documents. I will not mince words in this Chicago based connection, and will instead provide a trail.
At the advent of the internet, the best chat program created was ICQ, or I seek You, as it was known to millions. Most do not realize this groundbreaking program was created by the Jews in Israel and then "sold" to the outside world.
When Stuxnet emerged on the Iranian nuclear programs, this blog was the first to point to the fact this was Jewish created and Berlin infiltrated to crash the Iranian's radioactive efforts...........and weeks later, the stories were posted exactly at that, in the Israeli geniuses were the ones behind Stuxnet.
I first noted this in 2008, when an email of a blog I was writing was sent to Jeff Rense the radio broadcaster and he sent it back puzzled what on earth it was, because all that arrived on his mail was a chopped up email with several lines highlighted in yellow.
I smiled at this immensely as this was a Jewish contractor Barack Obama had hired, and they were letting me know exactly in my own words what was taking place. I like the Jews a great deal as while dangerous, they actually took the time to talk to me, and reveal the deep contacts they had, as they literally had hacked into the Cisco hubs, were grabbing emails in filters by the spiders, and then highlighted the message they wanted and knew Jeff Rense would send it back questioning what it was about.
That is quite classy and appreciated.
See Mr. Obama hired Jews in the computer network, and that means it was Jewish contractors who flipped those 10 million votes John McCain received to win 2008, even if Jack Cashill could not fathom such a thing in radar love vote algorithms.
The Jews are the best at this, and the close equals are those Lebanese counterfeiters allowed by the Rothschilds to run their operations outside Syria.
What Ron Pollard figured out though is not really complete as he noted there were two people on the Obama forgery, in the expert, and then this smiley face drawer.
Something exclusive in this is the following..........
An expert like this was Jewish intelligence connected. This group has been withdrawing from Obama and it reverted to the Russians who were in Microsoft lifting my email a few months ago as was studied here. There are signs everywhere if one knows where to look that Obama is being abandoned by those who propped him up and he is going to second rate sources.
The forgery of the COLB though is something of professional pride as Ron Pollard noted. Professionals are not going to allow their work to be exposed, as there is a finite number of these experts and it is not that difficult who to point fingers at, and that group does not like being noted........so there is not in any way the originator would have allowed such an event, as frankly it gets people dead.
Dead is the word in this, in the originator of this forgery is in deduction most likely dead, and has been before this document was picked up in Hawaii by Obama's lawyers. The reason for the deduction is the above in being outed is not healthy, which means someone erased this contractor or they died after completing this contract.
It was the secondary person, who is most likely an American, was working intelligence affiliated with the Bush and Clinton families who is the smiley face source, as they wanted this document exposed.
This is why Obama was cocking off at it's release, because he knew the original contractor was perfect, but he did not fathom the smiley face prankster would out this forgery, which would force Obama to go off and murder Sheik bin Laden's corpse........keep that in mind children, in bin Laden was already dead, and that is how Obama had his DNA hours before it could be verified.
The funny face operation painted Barack Obama's rodent qualities into a two stage rat hole........so when you start diverting Marine One or stealing White House communication trucks which can not be stolen as they are all tracked, one has "get out of jail cards" in the bin Laden corpse and forged documents gets Obama in hotter water than diverting helos and stealing trucks.
Now you know more of the game, and exclusively here, I ponder the troubling aspect of this as if the contractor was sanctioned, that is not a healthy thing, as the fringe does not appreciate such things, and it gets things nasty in a big hurry as retaliations do take place.
You will recall how the PROMIS software used to launder money was an American creation, but lifted by the CIA, and then all sorts of bad things happened, including Vince Foster complaining too much about someone retaliating and stealing the 2 million from his accounts........as stated, long story and short version, someone dumped that body across from the Saudi Embassy for purpose, and one can deduct who Foster had screwed over, who is an adversary of the Muslims and who was connected enough to pull such an event off at the White House with the Clinton's in their money laundering would shut up about it all.
If Ron Pollard studied this forgery, he would know the person was right or left handed, would know the computer signature by light pixel, and with enough enhancement which is beyond his computer magnification protocols would find signature of the power grid.
One can find a great deal of psychological revelation in measuring the words on a document.
nuff said.
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