I appeared on FOX talkin' to America straight
Comparing Obama to Hitler in a free speech debate
I got my First Amendment, in the Constitution
I got my First Amendment, in George Washington
I got all those amendments in my Bill of Rights
But ABC fired me from football on Monday Night
Do you want your Kremlin with a six back of beer
Well you got your Peking in Obama right here
Never mind your freedom as Obama put it on ice
Shut down the tv as the regime don't play nice
Now it used to be in the good ole USA
That rights meant something to protect what you say
But with this national socialism in the Chicago way
Freedom is what died in they took it all away
This ain't the land of my dear old daddy
Hank Williams sr, oh say can you see
With Abraham Lincoln both staring down from heaven above
What happened to God, and Mom and apple pie in America I love
Do you want your America back from this no document Obama
A British made baby from his pa and mama
Hey, hey this is Rockin' Randle Hank the new Paul Revere
Stand up Americans for the America you hold dear
We got to get rockin' the revolution's in sight
Come on all my rowdy friends let's start 76 tonight.
With deep respect to Mr. Hank Williams jr. Record this song Mr. Williams with Kid Rock, and you will sell more records than you dreamed as this becomes the Tea Party theme for 2012 for Americans, real Americans to rally behind.
God bless you sir.