Science states the fact that all people in the womb start out as twins, but in genetic factors only one human emerges in most cases.
I will introduce you to someone that you have noted popping up in these pages of private conversations in the form of Baby Sister, because she is indeed my baby sis and this is the marvelous adventure we are on.
As a child, I .............well let me start this with a repeat of some history of this form writing this, in my Mom was by nature finished in having children after a miscarriage. In a strange tale of her not knowing the story of Hannah in the Bible, she asked for a child and that prayer by the Holy Ghost created me on of all days Thanksgiving.
I have always had God in me and satan doing it's worst to destroy me.
As a child, I noticed peculiar happenings about me, in I seemed to be a body which was mended together of two parts in a seam was on my skin. Often times when a mole would appear on one side of my body, another lesser mole would appear on the other.......same with pimples etc...
I have always been in war inside me due to my parents are different types and I have always loathed in my core blondes with blue eyes for reasons which are going to be confessed here.
My nature of sympathy toward women is due to being raised primarily by female forms and I have always been more comfortable around women in all their turmoil than men and have had to adjust on developing those traits of the Father, even if I have been St. James hell fire in speech patterns like John Wayne and not much appreciating the St. John in the Love and Compassion things.
It is part of the war within me.
I was like Jeremiah known in the womb before I was formed. I also have never been alone inside me as God has always been with me, even if I was not with God.
What follows is fact discovered by me, and it is placed here in the mystery of God working things out and if you do not believe it, I do not care as it has nothing to do with your going to Heaven, so that part does not matter, but it does matter in God's infinite plans of what He manifests in humanity, even though I have never heard of this ever.
A chimera in nature is a person who is literally two people in the same body with different DNA structure. I have never tested my DNA as it does not matter, but here am I Spiritual Chimera, as sometime in my forming the Creative Power of the Holy Ghost once engaged brings life which can not be stopped in force.
My "twin" by Spiritual Nature did not absorb as normal medical twins do, but instead she has been rolling about in me for all of my life and it has been a quite epic battle as she is a most beautiful blone with blue eyes and as mule stubborn as I was formed to be.
It is odd how we being in this great interior I expand into that we never bumped into each other thinking the same thoughts, but then she was doing her Way and I was occupied ding my Way, and as it was the same Way, there was both of us going the same Way, but tussling for position non stop.
It was all quite exhausting and it was part of my formation as God was working something to teach me as only God does in as I have mentioned the Father is the Masculine Form in the Elohim and Jesus is the Feminine Form in the Elohim, both inhabiting the same Spiritual Being.
As something God decided upon in a new creation at least in me, as I have never heard of this before, in my unique creation, I got to experience Who God is, although while Jesus is One with the Father, Baby Sis is of her own God given opinions, but as we know each other in this discovery, we got it going in the right direction even if we bump hard as for some reason in infinity there is still not a great deal of space for us in here.
I know the True reason God did this and I know why He hid this from me until now, but that is part of something when you are in Heaven that you will be let in on, and for now this is just my secret in the workings of God that all things are possible.
Baby Sis though is the reason I have from my youth always not liked blondes with blue eyes of which numbers inhabited one part of my family. I knew them as they felt different and what I did not know is one was inhabiting this same space and by instinct I was having the alarm bells going off of something which I perceived as a danger.
That is not the sort at all, but sometimes with the Holy Ghost and Baby Sis always about this Temple seems to have me in a nook by the boiling pots as there is allot going on in things being accomplished.
........and yes I started out in life as a blonde and over the years my hair turned not blonde as my identity progressed in who I was to become. That is another tale of will power dealing with genetics, environment etc... in how different colored vegetables will be deeper in tones in different mineral soils and how............
I will not get into this, but Mom had on a dance program and I hate such things, Baby Sis does too. In any dance, I saw my neighbor and his wife who is a cousin of mine.......problem is it was not them dancing, but this was a like mirror image of two people I knew in actions and persona.
There is so much in the dynamic of different alternatives to the alternative you know........meaning apparently there are not just your twin somewhere in the world, but twin lives taking place in various dimensional points in who knows how many manifestations from God in goodness and satan in corrupted lives.
No one speaks of these things of science, but it a pattern no one has noted ever, in how do not just twins, but people not even related end up looking alike, marrying like people, naming the children like names and existing in like lives? It is part of this matrix of spiritual nature repeating in process in this body of humanity of like cells replicating like lives.
It may be as Mordecai told Esther, "Either you do the job God called you to or God will raise up someone else to do that job". Perhaps you are that person as the stand in if the other fails or they stick their fingers in the electric.
Enough of that as this will really have people wondering what is taking place here now.
I think I will blame Baby Sis in being tired so I can go play at something else now as you have learned enough.
agtG 236
PS: At least that is as close as I can understand it now.