God in His infinite Wisdom made Appalachia small for all the small people of the world. While the Rockies inspire one to Reagan's Shining City on the Hill, the wasted land of those cumbersome mountains are like a dead weight upon the even more comatose folk there.
Now mind you Appalachia is generous in willing to help in an instant, but their intelligence is unbridled by a tongue which is quick to pierce and sheathed forever in never finding an apology. It is given rope and hangs itself on it's own noose and then cries, "Oh please come figure out how to untie this knot which has coiled about me!"
I see in the Bible that God will flatten out mountains and hills..........for the sake of the millennium I would urge God to flatten out everything east of the Ohio Valley and make it a nice treeless plain so those hill mound folk would actually find out they live in a world beyond the hollar' and the hollarin' they do is like a bell which is nice at first, but later becomes a din of annoyance like jungles in Africa and those black forests of Europe.
For those who doubted things in this blog, the proof once again came in Obama is doing massive polling messages on his new skin he is trying to stitch on.
This will be another exclusive associated with the exclusive that the White House was making Michelle Obama look like the Planet of the Primates recently.
This blog was exclusive in 2009 in tracking the monkey and ape ads, along with those uglier "black folk" pictures which it was stated then here was an organized attempt to "color" the field in racism concerning Mr. Obama.
Rub enough black in people's faces and they would turn away. That is why Mr. Obama refrained from appointing blacks in numbers to his cabinet.
What you did not know and are now going to be exclusively informed is that this was not the KKK, white Clinton racists nor anyone on the right who was behind the monkey ads, BUT THOSE ADS WERE FROM BARACK OBAMA'S REGIME.
All will say, "Why in the heck would Obama be putting out monkey ads making him look monkey as that would not help?"
Oh dear children, the Ashkenaz put out hate ads on Jews non stop to keep them herded into line. Barack Obama, used race in guilt to get elected in 2008, and he knew that in order to keep the blacks on the Obama plantation, he needed to jack up the volume in making white people uncomfortable and rubbing black in their faces..........and yes appealing to that "jungle bunny" Harry Smith racism couched from long ago.
By seeding subtly the monkey and ape ads, Tavistock would lay a foundation which blacks did not miss, and whites were thinking, to shift all of this for when Obama could unleash Tea Party racism charges for Obamacre and then shift to black wilding in beating up whites, to smash this all home for 2012.
None of this is secret as D. W. Ulsterman exposed all this from his Insider, Deep Tutu. The latest White House photo of Muchelle as primate in the Charleton Heston smooch is just a part of this, and it is working as ads on the right are starting to appear about RE NIG Obama, with the play being "nigger" in that incendiary word.
This is all by design and those who do not see it, are going to be sucked in as this becomes more emotional and that is exactly what Obama is designing. Obama is not that bright, but he is a brilliant racist and knows how to play the card.
In reality, what you did not know is this blog saved you children in covering this, and not exposing who was behind the original ape appeal ads, in the work here made them remove them from the internet main feeds on Microsoft........another Obama supporter joined at the terror stalking hip in this Obama menagerie.
It is though time to inform the ignorant in their "Nah" attitude that Obama is playing their emotional attitude in both the blacks and the whites, and they have yet to figure this out, as this is extremely subtle. It is the one talented thing Obama is about as they do not overplay this, but just leave this racism percolate, like a lear from a black man at a blonde or a smirk from a white suit at the darky standing there. This is the Obama talent in race baiting and playing.
This is important that this soaks in and you comprehend this and not continue on brushing this off, as that is what Obama is counting on. Obama unleashed the best in Mockingbird to keep this American racism on a high simmer. Morgan Freeman was right in Obama has made America more racist...........problem is Mr. Freeman like the Germans of Hitler's day can not come to bear in is psyche that Barack Obama designed this racism to strike on his terms and explode for his 2012 campaign if needed.
This is one of thee most sinister manipulations of a people ever undertaken in world history. Americans used to scoff at the Soviets and the Chinese silliness, but the reality is these sophisticated Americans have been a cat on Tweetie bird Obama's string on this key visceral issue.
Now you know another exclusive, and you had better pay attention as this Obama racism is going to get you pulled out of your car if you are not black and beaten and raped. If you are black, it is designed for you to get shot as some thug beats on other races, all so Obama can play this against the middle, and stand there with a beer, looking noble, and saying, "Can't we all just heal and get along in my white black heritage".
You people have been suckered and you had better get your heads out of your Appalachian asses, because this criminal "yelling fire" in a crowded nation is Obama throwing the matches in on a keg of dynamite he has been packing for years in these race ads.
nuff said.
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