Tell me how many Chinamen Ghengis Khan released and hammered ploughs into swords?
Did Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon release the Jews with a nice gift of chariots and spear men?
How about the Greeks at Marathon, surely they patted the Persians on the heads and gave them a new set of ships to terrorize them?
Yes even Hitler was renounced for his chivalry in releasing all his prisoners from POW camps and giving them Panzers to invade Berlin now didn't he?
So why is it when Barack Hussein Obama sends in his fellow traveler Islamists, and they turn around in Libya to release 600 al Qaeda terrorists from Khadaffi's jails and then somehow Obama "loses" to this mob 20,000 surface to air missiles, is the world in a forgetful mode, that in Operation Missile Runner, B. Hussein has recreated exactly what Gunrunner was on the Mexican US border twenty thousand times more dangerous in a new Muslim paramilitary order?
Was not Brzezinski in spending billions for Muslim radicalization enough and with Bill Clinton letting them out of Afghanistan for his Kosovo oil pipeline.........and they sort of piped into 9 11, enough of these radicals to play with?
Seriously, are not nuclear weapons and material not enough? Are not attacks in Madrid, London, Mumbai and Fort Hood not enough?
Just what is it Obama is shooting for, beyond using this new Missile Runner paramilitary to shoot down the political opponents of the cartel, focusing especially on the 2012 American elections?
Obama has terrorists in those Uighars or whatever those Xiangxang Muslims Obama paid a million dollars a piece to settle onto island paradise hideaways now attacking the nuclear Chicoms............Africa has Kenya full of Obama Heckler and Koch guns ready for Odinga election theft par dux.
The reality is in this which only this blog has been covering is that Barack Obama's type of hopey changey is disarming Americans and arming every enemy of Americans.
Did not this blog at the beginning of this inform you that his sociopath Mr. Obama, was infatuated with his own abortion which he has hoped for from his multiple abandonments.....and did not this blog tell you that Mr. Obama has been fixated on the death of his mother in euthanizing her stand in, in America.........just like he helped out Stan Ann and Gram Dun?
What despot in their right mind from Caligula, Hitler, Stalin ever armed maniacs with weapons of mass destruction...........and those were insane genocidal maniacs and they still did not arm lunatics, but Barack Obama just can not arm enough terrorists after releasing them from Gitmo to Libyan prisons.
What is it going to take a few dozen more dead leaders like the Polish Government, from America, England, France and Germany blown out the sky in another natural disaster by Soviet SAMS for this to start to soak in, that maybe holding Barack Hussein Obama criminally responsible for all this?
600 Muslim terrorists and 20,000 missiles Mr. Obama has "lost" unlocked and reloaded.
Mr. Obama do you know where your terrorists are, or is America and the world going to get a series of surprises to................
Well what does any of this really matter.
Was that a missile Mr. Obama or are you just happy to see Muslim love?