When Barack Hussein Obama sends out Predators with Tow anti Islam missiles, how does Mr. Obama know that he being part of the "bitchin' stache" club of radicals with glorified widows peaks, does not know that those TOW's are going to come calling on Eric Caribbean Holder.......for that matter bitchin' stache Colin Powell as for some odd reason these cartoon characters all look the same.
Did you not notice this in the original photos posted about these terrorists in Yemen, that they all were cartoon drawings and not police sketch artists?
Who in Homeland has the job to "artistically enhance" terrorist photos?
Does all that ass fat from Muchelle end up in botox updates in enhancing terrorists...........or does it go to Obama penis envy photos in they bein enhanced, as no one has bothered to ask just why is it that color drawings are necessary of terrorists in an age of spy cameras as small as bugs?
You just put a a couple dozen cameras and as the boys go out to herd the sheep, you take pictures of them.........because if someone is close enough to do a visual explanation to an artist with apparently water colors, they sure are close enough to wear a little video camera.
Is this what intelligence under Obama, Panetta and Patraeus has come to? Forget the digital age as we are going back to water colors...which even J. Edgar would never use as it looks like a damned campaign poster from 2008.
The worst of this is, is Obama in like sketch, looks the most evil out of the bunch. Holder looks the most gay, like he is the underwear bomber, while Hassan 1 looks like the guy who cuts your goat meat up at the shop and Hassan 2 looks like the boy your daughter brings home to try and get cut out of your will.
I can see why Holder never leaves DC, as if he ever ended up in the Middle East he would be butt raped by the gay Islam boy club and Obama would have a Predator gerbil shoved up his rectum at several hundred miles an hour.
Same goes for Obama, no wonder Rove and Clinton downed his Marine One ride, as they probably got word some terrorist was hijacking the thing and had the Obama daughter as hostage.
Imagine every person's surprise when the SEALS did the search and it was only B. Hussein with his shoe polish hair draining from sweat into his cosmetics giving him a widow's peak and a bitchin' stache.
I told Obama years ago to grow a bitchin' stache as Muchelle would be no problem with that manly appendage giving her a whisker burn.......so what if Reg doesn't like whisker burns on this genitals.........real men in the Mideast and the Caribbean wear bitchin' staches.........they are not afraid to break the law like Holder and do not hide behind Val-erie Jarrett.
None of that really matters as Obama's shoe polish hair is running now and Janet Napolitano is posting cartoon images of terrorists which look exactly like Obama posters of HOPE.........
Say you don't think that Napolitano was in on that downing of Marine One and put Muchelle in Target as a target now do you?
Bitchin' stache boys