Most people do not acknowledge evil, but are fearful of it as it's sin or rebellion comes in forms of sickness and people would rather treat it medically than spiritually too. God warned Cain that evil would couch in his heart, and that is an encompassing word as it means to skulk, lurk, recline and manifest, and it indeed did, in murder.
Jesus made no separation from evil, sin, and sickness, as they are all anti Christ in nature and can be overcome in Christ. When your sins are forgiven, then that penalty in sickness manifesting is gone too and one is healed.
By acknowledge, I do not mean be pleasant or accept evil in your body or lives. It simply means to face it and reject as the hatred or rejection of evil is the beginning of Wisdom from God.
In your quiet moments of prayer, you can "feel" what is bothering you and instead of saying, "My joints ache", instead tell the evil it has no place in you and to be gone forever in Jesus Name".
By Jesus stripes we are healed it is written in Scripture, and as Christ paid all penalties, you have every right to tell evil to go back where it came from and never return.
What I will reveal here is that 'evil' does not always have to come directly from the devil. Some people stupidly are blurting out things make them sick in exclamations and that literally is a door for evil to operate in as your tongue has given that illness power. So stop doing stupid things satan is luring you to say by making you frustrated and start telling evil to return from where it came and never return in Jesus Name.
You do not realize that your world is full of not only people who hate you, but selfish people who love you, with wills to protect their lives over yours. When Jesus is telling Peter to "Get thee behind me satan", you know the devil can work though those around us in looking toward their interests and not your interests.
All that will power is like a wall and it engulfs people, as they let their guards down as selfish people want someone to be less than them, not as good as them, poorer than them, needing them, serving them.......and the list goes on. You don't really have to know where evil originates from, all you need to do is order it in speaking to it that it has no place to abide in you in Jesus Name.
These "will waves" of evil are indeed powerful and when you stop harboring them in you, your family, your home, property etc... they do return like a tidal wave with a greater thrust at the creatures or humans who sent them in the first place. The Bible calls it manifold and operates in certain numerical increases. You will probably notice if the Holy Ghost shows you the chaos which ensues, but this is not your problem as you were being put upon and no one has the right to do you harm for their selfish needs.
This expands out on a national level when stupid people put a foreigner into the White House and then people like Mark Levin cover for him.
Why do you think Mr. Obama hides in a second floor flat? Why do you think he runs from the Oval Office? Why do you think he is on vacation all the time? Why do you think that Presidential Seal blows off or falls down? Why do you think the endless bad omens surround Obama?
It is because the goodness which is America in the Sons of Liberty are rejecting this foreign manifestation and Obama feels it, and wants to get away from it..........it is the same with Michelle fleeing and attempting to cover it up with the din of parties. The Obama's are uncomfortable in their own skin because they are usurpers and the American Spiritual Nature is doing all it can to resist this like the slivers the Obama's are in the body politic of America.
Resident Evil manifests and can be overcome by telling it to leave and not come back in Jesus Name. The majority of people never consider this nor deal with it on it's many levels.
God helps those who help themselves, Ben Franklin said, and Americans can help their personal lives and public lives by telling evil to leave and never return. Keeping it around only will manifest in the worst things in your lives.
That which is contrary can be reversed by the simple command of getting it out of your personal life.
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