When I look at J. L., I just think, "This woman needs to be mounted and produce five children."
Think of how happy she would be, as you can just see Dickens tales in her, about her rug rats clamouring about on Christmas Eve in doing their stockings and then all boiling out on the morn to open boxes of presents..........you know things like first guns, first traps, first reloading presses, first ice fishing poles, russian hooks, swedish pimples..........just fun things all children should have on the Lord's Birthday.........being observed.
Would not any man not appreciate having a woman like this as mother of his children? Certainly be like Louis on Marie in while he didn't have the finer points of it at first, he certainly learned to like it later..........so this blog must serve JL in reproduction.
For the gents out there, it really is quite an easy courtship according to Jen, as she has 3 engagement rings picked out and if prince charming just picks out one, she will be wifey to the most fortunate idiot.
Frankly, boys, if this was me, as I have designed wedding rings, I would ask the jeweler what she had picked out and then trump her with something really dazzling.
See boys you don't ever want a woman picking out her ring as she is going to be picking out your clothes so you don't look like a slob all your days, so you got to at least do one thing right in your life and get the girl something really special you designed which is better than her choices off the rack.
Here is how you do it Maxwell so get smart.........
Get the jewel store to take one jewel from all three rings and then get a bigger diamond in the middle.........make a story out of it for Jen as she will like that, and she will enjoy being included in the three rings she picked out to keep men away from breeding her.
Now for the selling points on this one harem girl..........
She is rich. She is never home. She does her own thing. She is never around then to bother you in doing your own thing.........or wanting to "do things together as a couple" or God forbid the, "On honey let's do things together as couples".
What man on earth does not just enjoy spending hours with your wife's best friend who either wants to shag you or is telling your ball and chain to shag the jungle in her fever? It only gets better in the skank friend always has some pussy whipped jock who is on the leash, but when you get stuck with him, then Mr. Vagina suddenly grows a pair and tries to mount your leg in every damned story is about something he did bigger, better, faster or more expensive than you did........and you just sit there hoping his cheap booze kills you, but it never does.
With JL there would be none of that. Just put the ring on, haul her into Christian wife training by some clergy, make it a point to go to Church and pray together at night before bed, and you can hire a nanny to change diapers on the baby's coming out of the factory..........and as long as you are like Ronald Reagan in his advice in not stinking like Obama or getting fat like Ted Kennedy, it will be good conversation in listening to her and enough boredom to be blissful.
Look, the Obama brood trade 12 cows which is just under 10 grande now in current beef, and if you can get Muchelle for free like Barry did, is not a few hundred thousand worth it to have J. L. Hewitt as your wife?
Just look at her, wide hips to shoot them kids out easy and milk cow sized tits to feed the kid, so it turns out to be a fast grower so when you start feeding babes all that venison you will be harvesting with your bow and gun, the kid will be leagues ahead of the rest of poison fed America.
What could be better than being a Donald Trump in just writing out a check to get a good looking wife?
Jen giggles lovely, she has a nice mother, which means a nice mother in law for you and she is going to look good like Nancy Reagan when she is fat, saggy and old.......not that Nancy was ever fat, but JL is going to be bangalicious even with wrinkles as men go blind after I DO.
So this is for Jen, she needs to be taken off the market. With a little Christian training she will be just what you need to keep you in line, in pointing out all your male faults you were ignorant of........but then you have duck hunting with Scalia and Cheney where they can tell you how their wives improved them too and Jen will have fashion shows, and all of you can come home to have supper and look forward to the holidays.
Just build the ring and she will come around.
Oh and don't you dare do any sampling. Keep the sex for the honeymoon, so she learns you cherish her and are not going to be led around by her bedroom eyes.
If you ain't got a ring
You don't do a thing.