As an exclusive, this blog will show the blood on his hand prints all over the murder of Moamar Khadaffi as there is no doubt.
This blog has caught the Obama regime again in lies, just as in the lies of the murder of Sheik bin Laden, the lies in the Gulf Gusher, the lies in Gabrielle Gifford, the lies in Hutatree and the lies of the Missouri river flooding.
The telling like which unravels all of this deals with the propaganda story of "Khadaffi was found hiding in a hole in the ground".
This lie was meant to play upon the "rat hole" which Saddam Hussein was found hiding in, knowing the trigger which would entail in rabid minds who are justifying this murder.
Here is what has been taking place and what took place.
The Libyan communists who were instigated by Barack Obama to steal Libya's oil for the European cartel, were set into motion in this, because Barack Obama got caught releasing that Lockerbie terrorist on fake dying of cancer charges.
Khadaffi knew too many of the dirty Obama secrets, which included not the gold dinar, the oil or Obama's heritage, but that 300 million in illegal terror funds the Obama 2008 campaign brought in.
There were several attempts made to murder Khadaffi in the beginning of this, and all were thwarted, which brought about the NATO bombing assassinations, coordinated by Muslim mercenaries and the infamous "on the ground command and control" of the American Special Forces.
This American direct link is obvious, as obvious as these Obama communists were provided a camera to take photos of Khadaffi as he was beat to hell in a most disgusting way, to prove to the world that Khadaffi was "dead", and not have any more Obama blundering that Sheik bin Laden's DNA matched, when it could not have matched as it would have taken at least 3 hours longer to prove the DNA on bin Laden, IF IT HAD BEEN AT A LONDON LAB to begin with.
The lie came out that French fighters hit the Khadaffi convoy..........and I use Khadaffi, as a name, because this blog is not led around in Tavistock whims of seeing how the masses will respond to name changes, like a bunch of sheep.
The reality then surfaced that this was directly Predator strikes which are flown from Nevada, USA.
Do you really think that Predators are under the control of "rebels"? Of course not, which means there is American command and control embedded directly with the rebels on the ground.
Get that point and do not miss it, as this murder was directed from 1600 Penn and nowhere else, just like the release of the Lockerbie bomber.
Obama has known for weeks where Khadaffi was. There has though been this mad push in mopping up Obama communist takeovers as of late, as Obama has other operations on the schedule, so these worthless rebels, driven by mercenaries and under the command and control of Special Ops........and figure this out this was contractors who were discharged from the military, who were the 'passive distance' necessary for Obama denial of what took place in this murder.
So Khadaffi is pressured, and the convoy leaves his hometown. It is immediately struck as Predator fire is called in.
By miracle Khadaffi survives right?
Do not fall of that, as those cameras on Predators are the best in the world, and the Nevada compound knew exactly who seated themselves where in those vehicles, and when the operation was struck "out in the open" as that is where this was intended to take place, so Khadaffi would have no where to hide, it would be the events which took place in this murder.
Ask yourself children the obvious in this, "How did these communists of Obama find Khadaffi?"
Come on kids, don't fall for this stuff, you didn't have to work in intelligence putting Kate's into people's brains to figure out how this all worked.
The Nevada control, run by Americans, hit that convoy in the front to stop it. It hit it in rear to keep it from returning. It hit the vehicles which Khadaffi was not riding in, and the explosions of these "high explosions'" damaged the other vehicles to stop them.
Khadaffi survived with glass cuts from his windscreen and he had a concussion from the blasts.
This blog exclusively points out something else too, as while one other son of Khadaffi apparently was severely wounded and survived, OTHERS DID SURVIVE and were wounded or alive on scene, and if you notice no one was reported alive..........that means there was mass slaughter by the Obama communist rebels when they were directed by the Nevada Predators on scene.
You might have astutely figured out now, that the rebels are no bloodhounds, but were in fact directed by American Special Ops on ground as the PREDATORS TRACKED KHADAFFI, not to a hole in the ground, but to a drainage culvert.
This communist gang would have never found Khadaffi, but Khadaffi was tracked by the Predators, and instead of using a TOW to execute him, the Nevada boys and girls did not have operational control for direct murder, as that would show up in Patreaus and Panetta's office feeds, along with a dozen other agencies watching this show.
Word was issued that this could not be a direct murder out of Nevada linking directly to American Soldiers with orders from the White House.
It then fell to the command and control to get the communists to that culvert to retrieve Khadaffi.
As is always the case, Khadaffi gave up and begged them not to shoot him. The communists who were under orders to murder Khadaffi, did what all trash does, and they took their trophy home, and then got that camera out WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO SHOW KHADAFFI DEAD IN THE DESERT after a fire fight, but instead showed an old bloodied man, stunned from American missile attack, being beaten and dragged around..............ALIVE.
Ooopppsss, the command and control was aghast at this, as was the Obama regime, as Khadaffi could not stand trial and start spilling all the secrets he knew about the Obama regime and the Europeans........that BP oil deal, so orders were issued "off book" that Khadaffi was to be ended and NOT ON CAMERA.
Zealotry prevailed in this mob of murders under Obama direct control, decided to shoot the old man twice in the legs to make him scream, and at that point a direct conduit employed by America, whether it was an American or a mercenary (American disguised as an Arab fighter or a foreign mercenary employed) walked up and put a bullet to the brain of Khadaffi and disappeared.
I will inform you, that footage is at Homeland, NSA, DOD and CIA, as Predators were recording all of this, we know this because the regime knew Khadaffi was alive, was being led around and beaten, and once this was seen, orders were issued immediately to murder Khadaffi on site.
For those idiots making excuses for Obama and not getting this, you are being led around by your lust to strike at some geezer you have been ramped up to, to the point, all reason is gone and that is exactly what the cartel initiated.
Col. Moamar Khadaffi was murdered, and Barack Hussein Obama's bloody hands are all over this. No doubts, because the above exclusive scenario is the way it took place. This was not Libyans. The Libyans as they have all along screwed every bit of this up. This had to be hired done and it had to be American direct command and control, run directly out of the White House in a black mission.
I have warned you children from the start of this, in you let Obama get away with this for years now, that the time will come he will start bringing this home to America.
I warned you about those 20,000 missing Libyan missiles and how they were going to take Sarah Palin out when she won the nomination. That is why she got out of the race children. A great deal of exclusives here that you should have put together from past episodes exclusively published here.
Barack Obama ordered the murder of Moamar Khadaffi. In direct violation of United States Law, as signed by President Gerald R. Ford.
No doubt about any of this.
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