Not to step on the Presscore in their insider information that the Navy Team Six Obama SEALS were murdered not by a lucky shot by the Taliban working with Obama, but an Obama Predator strike on the Chinook, some things do need to be added in this which have been missed.
First, the CIA really does not run special ops, but it is the Directorate. In the Obama version of the murder of bin Laden, the CIA and the Directorate were cut out of the loop as they wanted the Sheik alive, so Obama set this up under the DOD which was crowing about it too loud.
A change in protocols points to criminal activity in keeping people who would not assist in murder were compartmentalized until it was over.
This was covered here previously in Panetta squawking too loud......the loundness was he knew what took place with the Sheik and being loud was blackmail to get confirmation to run DOD.
Yes the SEALS were sanctioned and it was Taliban blamed and as a quid pro quo, but what you are about to learn phases into an exclusive no one has put together yet and it is deadly.
The Predators are flown out of Nevada, and not in the Asian theater. As this blog has exclusively been covering the dangers of the Obama FAA new long flight civilian aircraft crossover grids in a terrorist could rig the controlers with a virus, this brings the vantage point to the reality that the Predator systems were breached with a keylogger virus along with other malware.
As stated, the Air Force runs advanced control mini processor radars which can implant on logorythmns virus or reprogramming into any computer. Small models of this radar can be displayed and literally set up within "house" to by pass Faraday cage structures which military complexes operate under.
Criminal assets under the auspices of various agencies operate with the same intel infrastructure and hardware. Meaning one requires off the books contractors for various enterprises such as drug shipments.
That is what is most inept about Obama and Holder in Gunrunner, in they ran this out of BATF to smear American gun dealers for a crackdown, when one of the criminal assets could have been more effective in the smear in the professionals would have taken the stimulus money, forced out some Texas gun dealer, used his establishment to straw man the guns across border, and then these operatives would have died as they moved on to new assigment as some corpse would have been delivered to tie up all the loose ends.
It is not that difficult in house to "acquire" a Predator for an off book operation in providing cover for Team Six, as the pilots are moved out and a spook comes in for the above black. So a spook happens to by "mistake" blow a Chinook out of the sky for the Taliban setting up an ambush to get revenge, and just like Custer the stupid terrorists take the blame, but someone else was doing the deed.
It all works out fine as no one knows in the erasure that a Predator was even over the field, except AWACS, but that is classified, and once the logs are cleared, all it shows is a TOW missile was fired from a Predator at the Taliban to assist the Obama SEALS.
That is until someone figured this out immediately and with radar (logs would show who was inside the complex and would then have to be sanctioned) as radar leaves no body prints, hacked into Nevada control and copied the keylogs, meaning the command logs which would reveal that the Predator was tracking the Chinook and it fired deliberately at the bird.
As this blog has noted, blackmail only works if you keep the secret.........blackmail only works if can make the murderer sweat, and one makes the regime sweat not so much in forcing Marine One to divert, but by leaving a signature in the Predator control program that keylogger trojans are about, and someone has logged the Predator missions and knows exactly what took place with the Obama SEALS.
That type of information is operational gold and pure power. Does it leave a signature? Yes. As there are only so many of these groups inside who have the radars to swiped data like this.
This then reverts to "I know and you know, and if you know what I know, then you know, I will reveal all of what we both know, if something ever happens to me, but if what I know becomes public, then you know in the regime, that everyone will know what you did, and you know that means people who will take revenge in all sorts of forms will know."
If you run these things from the inside, in this tit for tat game like the Tim McVeigh stories popping up for Bush43 to let the players know blackmail is play, then everyone plays nice and things get done.
That is the signatures of the Team Six assassintion blackmail. It was really Obama inept as the dead Sheik's murder in bungled stories which exposed all of this, including Obama identifying the Sheik's DNA before tests could have been run.
Every part about these Obama political murders are so tell tale that everyone knows damned well what is taking place from inside. It is the biggest known secret and except for the blackmailers, they are the only ones holding Obama in check as Boehner and McConnell are being waved off as how does boy Obama get charged for murdering a corpse and then sending the SEALS to the same end. Messy business and messier arresting Mark Levin's favorite tan enabled despot, as we don't have time for the Truth in America.
That should probably fill in a few of the blanks so you know what you have been seeing and hearing and how it is all connected.
Just once though like Hillary Clinton's fingerprints found on an FBI file in plain sight at the White House, that these fine extortionists would just allow a video post of Obama ploughing the deep furrow beyond Reggie Love's dentals as Ma Jarrett is knitting in the background talking about forging Obama's COLB.
Blackmailers used to have more fun like dumping Vince Foster across from the Saudi embassy.
Oh well another exclusive.
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