Watch this sign as the Catholic oracles point to one last pope after Ben, the infamous Peter of Rome who hijacks the Catholic faith and turns it into the whore of babylon. That babylon is the Neo Roman Empire which Mr. Obama has been setting up for America's demise. While not Biblical this is relevant and big.
The Catholic religion's name means Universal. For the facts, St. Peter never went to Rome and never founded the Catholic religion. Instead you can find the founder as Simon the Sorcerer who tried to bribe the Apostles for the Gift of the Power of the Holy Ghost.
It was this Peter or Padre who showed up at Hills of the Oracles or Vatican Hill and created this religion based upon Christian beliefs, but in order to gain appeal, Simon Pater started incorporating the pagan festivals of the "dead sun rising" in December and Easter or the fertility rites day which coincided with the High Days.
All of this matters, because Europe has always been a power center for the cultic oracles. The ley lines there from Delphi to Stonehenge produce a grid which demons access to provide direction to mankind.
Delphi has gone silent, and when asked why this was, the Oracle replied it was because Christ came with Christianity.
This entire meld is interesting as the Malachai prophecies of the Popes of Rome to the seers of Europe speaking of a man in Russia who was friendly with the west and turns on them in war to those same seers speaking of part of the start of the Great Eurasian War has in some events in Serbia...............the same Christian Serbian hammered by Bill Clinton, Muslimized and the base of knight warriors who initiated Andrew Brevick in his war on leftists.
Now do you get why this blog invested so much time in Andrew Brevick in what he was revealing? He is the tip of the iceberg of events in Europe.
Putin arising to power again, the troubles Obama has made in Libya and Egypt, are part of this, and they start melding into Biblical prophecy which is infallible as Damascus being a ruin.
According to the oracles of Rome, when Pope Ben dies, a Peter or Rome is installed, and betrays the faithful, and in the Bible it speaks of a false prophet who serves the anti Christ.
I have had hints from the Holy Ghost for a few times something that puzzled me and being busy I have not a great deal of time to inquire and ponder things, but the revealing was about the HE GOAT. In Prophecy, that persona is Alexander the Great in implementing the New Roman Empire or in the Bible it is called Babylon the Great, mother of harlots, and the biggest harlot is the coming catholic cult run by Peter the Great...........religion cements empires together in common belief. That is what catholicism will be used for to gain power, and then the anti Christ turns on the Catholic Faithful.
I have mentioned this in the archives, but the Bible hints that the anti Christ will be of a Greek origin, mixed like Obama is mixed. The first anti Chirst was Antiochos Epiphanes of the Syrian protectorate of Alexander's divided empire. The Jewish scribes have always spoken of the anti Christ came out of "Dan".
Dan is now in Denmark and Ireland in the Tuatha de Dannan.......but the mystery key in this is, after the first exile push by the Assyrians, Dan left by ship, and some of Dan apparently was stationed in Greece, along with parts of heathen Benjamin, the latter group of Dan, left it's mark overland in Europe in the Don, Dnieper and Danube rivers, leaving it's serpents trail to mark where the Israelites were exiled to as Prophecy foretold.
This points to the anti Christ from Dan issue, in if Dan had sojourned in Greece, then that is what the Scribes would have pointed to.
There are many factors now assembling for the first time in history and with that kind of assembly it points to Biblical events which the Prophets have been looking for, for centuries in the Great Tribulation.
I have no doubts about the Bible, have doubts about oracles, but I do pay attention to what the other side is referencing as it fills in part what is taking place...........sort of like this blog's purpose was to fill in the silent zone of the Bible until the Word which has been revealed will be plain for all the world to see.
Now you know the greater portion of what has been the enigma here. It is a voice in the wilderness preparing the Way for those who will listen, and be a riddle to those who can not comprehend Prophecy.
I have had to journey to Sodom and in fornication been Spiritually violated by the perversion to witness what is. Those who meddle with the journey will face the Balance.
I had hoped for this autumntide to be the year of the last cycle, with Ben in a scooter, my hope is in the coming season which will be a time no one will ever desire to see.
Come Lord Jesus and come quickly. Amen
PS: You might be surprised how telling the artwork is.
agtG 234Y
The Oracles