Thursday, October 13, 2011

More than Reagan

I desire you to see something exclusively...........

For all the propaganda about historical Barack Obama, his type of history is on the Nero ash heap of Rome or the victory of Stalin over the Reich on piles of dead Soviets. There are key historical figures of destruction which capture attention and have the fife wailing their dirges as the piper leads the rats over the edge, and the survivors rally around and not willing to admit the fools they were, deem their noted disaster, "The leader of the ages".

To comprehend the subject which I'm trying to alert your minds to, America for example has by God given only one real leader in now approaching 250 years and that is George Washington. No leader withstood despotry, personal threat, and set the absolute standard of President's for the world over, like this American.
FDR you could not get rid of him as he was a social despot. Lincoln was an American leader, but had no ability to discern leaders below him, and, Ronald Reagan, he had a nation only to be unleashed, George Washington had a revolution with no money, on leadership, and no nation.

History has it's moments of Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander and Caesar, but as many empires of Chinese, Austrian or Indian and no one could name their leaders.

There are things which set an Abraham from the midst of the mysts of time as much as his daughter of France, Joan of Arc. Some names ring no of royal blood or born to position, as in the Drakes and the Pattons, but still do not eclipse that aura of all time.

This is what I speak of in some like Gen. Patton and Gen. Sherman are warriors for the century, a hundred years and no one would rise to rival the defining achievements God wrought through them.

Then there is the Poetic Knight, the King David, a throne created by Christ Himself as Melchizedek, a throne of thousands of years which sits in London in stewardship for that eternal seat for the Lord in a New Heaven and a New Earth.

How can one say, this is a soul that is once in a generation, once in a hundred years, once in a thousand years, when perhaps the reality is the soul might be one in all human history.

For the blind of Spirit by their own spiritual darkness, they can not see who Sarah Palin is in they can not see things which are like the strike of lightning, the tempest brewing, the guiding star come to earth appearing from the heavens.

For all of the deception by satan concerning Barack Hussein Obama, the real Native and True challenger has no lie, for Angels of the Host bring only good tidings of Great Joy. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.....................I have told you Barack Obama is not the anti Christ, but is the action for the reaction of the anti Christ to come in Europe in echo signature.

What if I were to tell you a thing, that Barack Obama was an echo hisself? What if this anti Reagan who lusts in his heart to be Reagan actually was a blasphemous sound set up by satan to clang to the hearts of the unGodly in orgiastic clang, because the real frequency was playing a melody which strikes a chord from the unbeforetime to eternity, and it resonates in the Christ line in the feminine virtue of Eve from the Garden for this time now?
What if the clang of Obama was a din to hide from the lost that true melody of the one sent by Christ to deliver His American people and those tribes associated?

Barack Obama is the false echo to the real historic echo of Sarah Palin's arrival.

I know Sarah Palin knows these things in her destiny, but of echos and false signatures this is the thing of Prophets speaking in the enigma of thought. What if you were to know though, that you are witnessing something so historical that it will only occur once. It will be an event so epically stellar to match the depths of the Obama abyss.............what if you knew that Sarah Palin has a mission that on this continent she will be the Light to the darkness of the anti Christ.

What if Nostradamus in his prose of mirror reflections saw his French star of the Reubenites arise for Leah, but never saw the one hidden for Rachael in this time she would not weep for her children in mourning, but in joy, that the one God kept from sight was to lead Jacob as real hope in the worst tribulation in history?

You do not see these things do you? Yet now there is a door opening in your mind an awe of a phrase, "My God what if this is right.........what if this is a Joan who will not go down in flames, for there is no need to bring her Home to save God's Plan for later in the 3rd Temple to be built before Christ's return. What if this is the time that Christ returns in that Temple built in God's Plan and Sarah Palin is a chosen one for that plan..........."

This is a warning of what you have America, to quote Joan of Arc at the University of Poitiers, "He helps those who help themselves. The French will fight and God will provide the victory".

The Sanhedrin did not realize what they had in Christ and the masses fell under satanic sway. This blog just informed you why Joan of Arc was burned. It was not for France, but for the 3rd Temple as she was of the Crusade before it's time as was another in Christopher Columbus, allowed to be stopped for the time had not yet come.

America you have a chosen one and events will be played out to your life or death. If life, you have a glorious accounting which would stir Henry V and Charlemagne from their graves. If death, you have the scorched earth George Washington's vision prophesied.

If you will follow her, you have your deliverer from the Obama abyss............if you have not so harmed her America, that she will not lead.

It is found, and is hereby declared, that Joan of Arc, called the Maid, is a good Christian and good Catholic; that there is nothing in her person or her words contrary to the faith; and that the King may and ought to accept the succour she offers; for to repel it would be to offend the Holy Spirit, and render him unworthy of the aid of God.

In the year of our Lord, the Court of Doctors of the University of Poitiers, France.

agtG 257Y