When this blog exclusively informed the world that there were deals being made for the Chicoms to put assets inside these United States as an invasion front, there were the continuing exclusives of the Canada oil shales in pipeline with Texas connection, for shipping this high sulfur oil to Peking, and now in another galactic exclusive, there is another chunk of America which is about to become Hong Kong of the west.
Revealed here for the first time, Mr. Obama has been shutting down coal fired plants for electricity across America. That interest in strip mining is not going to give up that ghost any more than Warren Buffett is going to give up shipping that coal east out of Wyoming and Montana. No this coal is on junket now to ship to the far east in the Chinese communists for buying up Obama debt and to bribe them to not invade America, they are now in control of the largest coal fields in the world.
America, your energy future has been whored away, and you will notice that Obama and Romney are not saying one damn word about any of this whoring. This is why Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio were threatened to not even look toward the White House, as there is a wholesale rapine coming to America in oil and coal, with this continued massive inflation, and it all comes from these nation rapists.
Ask yourself where is Mark Levin in this with his Limbaugh Leaners? Oh yes, that is right, Mark Levin said HE WANTS THE CANADA OIL PIPELINE TO BE ROUTED INTO AMERICA so all that oil can be shipped to China, keeping crude over 100 dollars a barrel which will literally make America into Greece and a Vichy region dictated to by the European interests.
To lay this out, Canada is currently in the process of constructing this deep water trans coal shipping port, which will run Warren Buffett rail directly out of the Wyoming Basin, depleting a 200 year coal supply to America within decades.
This blog exclusively warned all that a massive fix was in for the 2012 elections, and it does not matter if sodomite Obama is in power or that sod Mormon Romney is in power, because there will be no housing start, no economic surge, no dropping fuel prices, just more God damned Mexicans taking over America, as the Chicoms now fund this in their "energy bases of interest" and the nation rapists of the cartels making trillions more, as the liberty of Americans is rendered to the holocaust kiln of extinction.
Americans are not going to see one penny of this. This will all be union contracts, the elite bank accounts in balance of trade and the Chicoms using the energy Americans will be paying European prices for.
At least the Saudi Government pays it's Citizens some cash for oil it sells. Americans will not see one Sarah Palin rebate as in Alaska.........same deal as those simpletons in North Dakota are getting in the resources are plundered, their lands polluted, their rural areas raped and when it is all over, you can die in the cesspool mess as there robber barons move on.
Do you not get this as this blog warned? Why do you think America is in the Middle East? It is oil Obama whiz kids AS YOU YELL ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME.
Now progress this out, in what in hell do you think, conclude and realize now is China going to do when it's energy interests in Canadian oil and American coal are here?
Do you think the Chicoms might like security in their national interests? Maybe start stationing PLA troops and security in Canadian ports and Canadian oil fields, with gradually starting to put troops on oil and coal trains to Texas and British Columbia?
China is going to be the exact image of America, so just like Americans start projecting power for national interest, the Chinese will start projecting power to keep their oil and coal flowing.
Oh yes Obats, THEIR COAL AND OIL in American soils, because just like you view things as :"your property" the Chinese have begun the process in Obama sellouts to KNOW this is their energy in America, and no longer Americans.
Project this out whiz kids, how long before China takes over arming Obama's Gunrunner Mexicans "for their interests"?
How long before AK-47's start showing up in rail cars to Indian Reservations demanding their enhanced Obama rights to being separate nations inside America, with full diplomatic rights to station PLA nuclear warheads on the reservations and Russian and Chinese military bases with air travel routes, Americans can not enter into?
How long before blacks start receiving truckloads of AK 47's to liberate themselves in Obama black liberation as reparations and the piles of Americans lay dead in the streets rotting as no one would dare enter those kill zones without tanks?
If you are loyal to America, you do not allow dragons and bears to ever get the idea that things in America are their assets to exploit. Yet it was not "selling out" American real estate as it was rumored in the Hillary Clinton deal of 2009 money whoring at Peking, no what was contracted was the selling of American vital energy interests to the Chicoms in an extortion payment for the trillions Obama took from them.
Obama has already sold out Taiwan in not allowing defense systems to be sold to those allies. China is now taking possession with Russia of the Asian coastal waters and America is being confined to carrier size real estate blocks in the ocean.
It is only a matter of time as these idiots who talk about an "invasion" of America are going to figure out.........and then amazingly they will be the experts in stealing the information from this blog and not mentioning the source, that the real invasion as this blog has been charting from starting in Hawaii, and now to this energy confiscation, which is what will take place.
There is not going to be a need for flotillas the Eurasians are not party to in the first place, there will be the "security teams" sent in, and slowly taking over vast stretches of America in "security zones".
The day will come when some Obamromney will be using American assets to protect Chinese energy in America and to literally transport those troops into America.
I have alone warned, and the wench is in this warning too, that when China has been set to expecting energy from America, that in all these wars which everyone now can see are coming on a global scale A DECADE AFTER THIS BLOG STARTED WARNING THEY WERE COMING, that the first thing China is going to do is invade Alaska and steal all that oil, both to assist Putin in his European quest and to pin down America fighting a war here.
This is all by design and British Obama has been the one putting the puppet strings on America to sell her out.
I warned you to not be pulled away on Wall Street protests and all the other staged events. Yet every single person was jabbering about it, while the real work was accomplished here to God's Glory.
I was shown this vista while everyone else was stuck on Iraq surges. Now the things warned of almost a year ago, are taking form, and the real stage is constructed for the invasion of America 'for security' reasons..........oh and just like US rapists made sport of humping Asian girls, you can expect these Chicom and Mexican hirelings will engage in raping your women for sport too with nothing being done more than now.
This Obama, Buffett, Soros, Romney puppetry of the cartels are treasonous to America, as are their robber baron backers. This ilk threatened death on Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio......those whores from Limbaugh to Schultz got their talking points to cover this all up and you are not being told one word of any of this.
America should be pumping oil, her own oil, but that will not happen, as it does not make one damn difference now with Palin hiding in Alaska what the hell is in office at 1600 Penn as the fix is in..........you are going to have 100 dollar plus per barrel oil as that is what it will require to make a profit on that Alberta poison sand that Mark Levin just loves so much
Now you just sold your coal............it is not long before natural gas is going to be piped to ports for China too, as you Americans will not be allowed to burn energy as you can't afford it.
America, you can not survive for five more years on 100 dollar a barrel crude. The poor are incapable of paying that from 100 dollar tires for cars to 3 dollar loaves for bread. The money is not there, and the American economy due to Obama has no debt reserves and there is simply the Limbaugh rich hiding behind gates and the mob turning into slaves.
Not one damn word from any of claimants on protecting America.
I warn Sarah Palin again. Think not hiding from your destiny will save you. There is a reason I said the oracles point to the destruction of New York which may catch you there or you and your girls can be raped by Chinese communist invaders before the decade is out.
If they do not have you bankrupt and in the crazy house by then, you face that, so think not that you will be safe in your deluxe home in Alaska, as you will be a refugee at best and a raped corpse at worse.
You would think you would give a damn about your family and have enough common sense to see what is coming to at least trust in God and face your appointment, but wench you are MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.
That should scare Sarah Palin to get off her ass, as it is worse than the drivel of threats her pimps bestowed upon her. America is sold out, she is weighed in the balances and found wanting, and she is divided for the spoil.
That will not change unless that fearful Alaskan stop being a sheep and gets back onto her hind legs.
America has been sold to the slaughter. No one has told you but here.
Nom de Deiu, Nom de Deiu.
agtG 236
Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom.
....and I get a God damned radar satellite burning holes in my frontier and sheep bleating for pictures because they can't read one fricking line.