I wonder when the day comes in an air disaster of planes crushing each other that anyone will note this blog has been warning of the new "FAA rules" the Obama regime has implemented were in fact dangerous.
I know many important people fly from politicians to media, and yet no one seems to give a damn that every time they get airborne Obama has them playing Air Roulette.
Stupid thing is children, Obama is playing Air Roulette too as Air Force One has a designated ceiling and flies across all these air patterns set up making it the biggest hazard of all as it invades every airplane's air space.
I monitor things in passing and have read of bloggers talking again about the weaves over their homes. This of course is that 'contrails' thing the Coast to Coast AM crowd were manufacturing over a decade ago in their thought patterns, and none of these people have had this blog filter to them, to expose the real danger going on above them making everyone a target.
As this requires pointing out, I provide real visual evidence of what Obama's FAA has been up to, as Obama raised jet fuel prices, and in order for the industry to save itself, new carrier routes WHICH INCLUDE INTERNATIONAL ROUTES are being flown long distance across the North American plain.
The above photos were captured on October 1, 2012, by this photographer. It was a most interesting day, as the jet fuel vapors actually were leaving large enough signatures at altitude to capture the danger.

This photographer was able to capture exclusively jets in continuous flights crossing on northeast to southwest to northwest to southwest routes, along with the Bush years east and west flight corridors which were safest.
As you can see myriads of jets are now crossing all routes from all destinations. This is called dangerous and was never allowed previously because the technology would not allow it, but because it was just insane.
Let me explain..........
Say you have a Flight X from Atlanta taking off for Tokyo at 8 am in the morning. That route would take it over much of the heartland. Now let us add Flight Y from Chicago taking off at 12 noon for Las Vegas.
At this time, the weather patterns have been blowing in from a normal plains storm system and are regenerating over the Missouri Iowa region at 1 pm.
Both planes are at altitude and monitored as they are, but through down drafts and re vectoring the two planes find themselves at crossing altitudes over northern Missouri during this storm front.
Flight X let us say is supposed to be at 15,000 feet and Flight Y is supposed to be at 14,500 feet with a hundred other flights being in their GPS flight routes at their altitudes at the same time. Flight control radar notes all is as should be, when the planes due to delays at take off or wind sheer, all of a sudden have entered an unsafe distance, and in the rolling cumulus nimbus they all of a sudden are at like altitude and find themselves crashing into each other, much to the chagrin of the humans on the ground in littering body parts at 500 mile per hour crashes.
The birds and flies do though appreciate the meal.
This might sound a stretch, but it is why they are called accidents.
The far fetched part is a reality, as I actually have on this same day an east west pair of jets crossing sight line in the same air space, going in opposite directions. If those passengers had looked out that day, they would have been shocked to see a plane within several hundred feet of their plane.
The industry used to stage flights in only certain directions and would send them out piggyback, with some the past years actually catching the other jet and passing it, but that was rare. What I recorded were flights flying into each other, which I have never witnessed previously.
This is all taking place constantly as I have exclusively been warning Americans. This nonsense of the Obama gulf oil sabotage now has the airline industry through FAA approval WITH NO DAMN CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT apparently drawing new long distance routes and endangering every flier.
I will go Tom Clancey here for a second in a hypothesis, in what happens instead of the idiots like Holly and Stan Deyo and their invasion USA and EMP's scenarios, if some bright American educated Pakistani exchange student, working at Microsoft, but liking Islam more than freedom, decides with al Qaeda to hick up the FAA flight control system?
What do I mean?
What if this Muslim terrorist puts in a virus which starts causing a Pac Man scenario in all these crossing jets flying over each other, in re routing, overriding jet flight data signature, speed and altitude and puts a hundred airliners on collision courses?
Granted this is still the missile defense scenario in most will miss, but in 100 attempts, there would be a probably 30% plus ratio of strikes and the system would be clueless except for perhaps showing planes disappearing, if the Bill Gates genius did not put in bogey signatures as the military uses in their flight defense......another story.
That would be a serious disaster, and you can bet with these signatures all over American skies in people seeing them, that all these imported terrorists Mr. Obama has let in the open borders are seeing this too.
This can evolve from an incident in planes crashing due to weather, to numerous problems in this gallery as the Obama FAA has set this stage of cross patterns and it is only a matter of time before accident or initiated disaster takes place.
It baffles me in those I have reported this to have no inclination in the least to even inquire about any of this. It baffles me how the FAA implemented this without one member of Congress saying, "I fly on planes and this looks like it is dangerous if something went wrong".
All I can do is record this, and when the disaster does happen, be ignored here as that is the chic' thing to do by the always experts in diverting the subject from WHY IN THE HELL DIDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING TO STOP THIS?
Each plane as 9 11 proved is a missile. It is guided by GPS and as you have noted children, someone not long ago not appreciating Obama giving GPS to every one's homes decided to glitch it to send a message.
I will tell you something from real data in all those GPS maps are NOT RIGHT. In all that data things are moved where they are not supposed to be, and there is significant anomaly. Landmarks are in the wrong locations and so are addresses.
That system has been breached and in human error, it has holes all through it. It is running at 500 mph on Obama approved crossover air patterns, atop of your homes.
Now you can either get some chickens to pick up the human carrion if you are the lottery winner, providing GE engine does not squish you, or you could ask the question of what is this all about which Mr. Obama has instigated.
Is the air grid the next disaster Mr. Obama has implemented after 2008 market crashes, 2009 Obama flu, 2010 Gulf gushers and 2011 river flooding?
nuff said.
agtG 231